• 2 weeks ago
00:00And I was actually rooting for you to get back into the NFL.
00:04I know that with Sumer, you're in the NFL, you're helping all these teams with analytics
00:08and college teams and everything else.
00:10Compare where you are a year ago in Vegas to where you are today in terms of the company,
00:15the growth, your happiness, and you obviously still went back in because you're interviewing
00:19for GM jobs.
00:21You know, look, I think we're really evolving on the tech side on Sumer Sports, right?
00:25In that role, we're at 75 strong.
00:28When we first started talking about this, there were three of us, so we're really evolving.
00:33There's a lot there.
00:34The backing of Paul Tudor Jones, you know, big, big, big deal.
00:38That keeps growing.
00:39We have five former general managers, about 20 other scouts, NFL scouts.
00:43That creates all of our subjective side.
00:45Pair it with all the objectivity.
00:47We think we're a really hot third party, and that's why we're here.
00:51To your point, I miss the hell out of what I've been doing all of my life, right?
00:56The evaluating side, building a team, evaluating.
01:00Yeah, and I'm very fortunate to be with Sumer, as you can imagine.
01:03I love working for him, and I also would love to have an opportunity again, and that's why
01:08I interviewed.
01:09In the Jets situation, I thought that they were going to be looking for an experienced
01:14That's what, you know, at the outset, that's why I interviewed there, right?
01:16I wasn't going there just to be a, hey, here's an experienced guy we're going to learn something
01:20from, right?
01:22I thought there was a parallel for me, Scotty, where I was like, Atlanta was so downtrodden
01:29when Mike Smith and I went in there, as you remember.
01:31And I thought there was some parallels there, would have an opportunity to go in there and
01:34resurrect this team.
01:36Did you, were you disappointed, because I said on the air that these teams, it would
01:44appear to me, follow a real similar fashion with one another.
01:51They go after these assistants that have been working for a GM in a market, like they did
01:55with the Denver guy, and they all do the same thing.
01:58They hire these assistants that have been in the role of GM in training, if you will,
02:05for that job, instead of someone that's taking teams to a Super Bowl, and I think it's a
02:08bad idea.
02:09They all do the same thing.
02:11I said about this guy, no offense to him, I don't know him from Adam, and I'm a huge
02:14fan of yours, I love you.
02:16But I said it was a mistake.
02:17Oh, you're talking about the Darin Mousie hire, right?
02:20I said, no one's ever heard of him, I've never, I don't know him, I don't care, like if I've
02:24never heard of you, I've been in this 41 years, I know everyone, if I've never heard of you,
02:28you can't be better than Thomas Dimitrov.
02:31That was the same, I said it live on television.
02:32I see.
02:33I don't have any feelings, I could care less what the guy thinks of me.
02:35I understand.
02:36I don't give a rat's ass.
02:37I was rooting for you, and I thought they made a bad choice, and I think that, I think
02:41their head coach doesn't like it either, because that's not his choice, he's working with some
02:47dude he's never met.
02:49You don't even know him.
02:51Good luck with that.
02:52That's like marrying a chick you met on 90 Day Fiance.
02:55You know that city, is that city harsh?
02:57They're going to eat him alive.
02:59Too inexperienced, like the inexperienced.
03:00I think he'll do fine, because he played there, people know him.
03:04I think this new GM of theirs, he came on and said, you know, we're going to win, we're
03:10going to win a title, we're going to do all this.
03:11Be careful what you wish for in New York, because when you say that, he has opened up
03:15a can of worms, they are going to eat him alive.
03:17They eat everyone alive in New York.
03:19Eventually they eat everyone alive.
03:20Every single coach in GM gets eaten alive.
03:23Brian Dable was coach of the year, now the guy, he lost 200 pounds because he couldn't
03:28He was so stressed out.
03:29Yeah, he was stressed out.
03:30And Shane, he went from being a genius in Buffalo to the biggest idiot clown in New
03:34York, and they treat him like he's stupid, because every move he made, they had him on
03:38hard knocks looking like an idiot.
03:40He got exposed.
03:42I've never seen you, ever, in a light of being an idiot.
