Deductions for new health insurance pushed to July

  • 7 months ago
Speaking during a national validation exercise at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Health CS Susan Nakhumicha announced that deductions towards the new Social Health Insurance Fund will be pushed to July.
00:00 the government. and I know that
00:09 this country before. It is the best as a best package and this package is not discriminating
00:17 anyone. The president, the governors, cabinet secretaries, principal secretaries, members
00:26 of our parliament, and mamambogas. We have the same package, all of us. I think we were
00:35 running very fast. and my team was working with a target of first of March. But having
00:45 listened to governor, I think there's one slight step that we need to consider so that
00:52 we have everyone on board and just to confirm to you governor, we are here to work together.
00:59 There's no patient for county government and patient for national government. So, whatever
01:04 it takes for the national government to work with the county governments, that we shall
01:08 do. Our aim as a ministry is to commence registration within the month of March. I think I can now
01:15 move the target from first for you people to breathe. But within the first week of March,
01:21 we have to begin registration. From our regulations, from the act, this will go on up to June.
01:32 And thereafter, we intend to begin payments or contributions at the rate of 2.75% with
01:43 a minimum of 300 and our hope then is that access to these benefits shall begin from
01:51 the first of July. And governor, we are working very hard to ensure that Kenyans do not notice
02:05 even the changeover at the point of shaking hands. And I have feedback that both the share
02:13 board and the NHF board has been working together very closely.
