Multimedia students call on Machogu to confirm VC

  • 7 months ago
Multimedia University students now want Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu to confirm their acting vice chancellor with immediate effect. The VC Rosebella Maranga was appointed by President William Ruto in an acting position in January.
00:00 Having served as the DVC administration, finance and planning, she has offered exemplary service to the university for 10 years and has excellent relationship with the entire multimedia university community.
00:15 Professor Maranga is a distinguished female leader in the WHO Institute in the world. She has led the university through great things, notably the ISONO certification of 2013, good financial management, strategic planning and accreditation of key courses in the university.
00:35 The stability and progress of the university are confirmed upon the presence of the talented administrators at the helm. Therefore, we urge the cabinet to take the necessary steps to ensure the success of the university.
00:55 We want to scatter all the forces that are trying to stop the wise decision of appointing Professor Rustabela Maranga as the Vice Chancellor of Multimedia University of Kenya.
01:08 President William Ruto has accepted. His wife, William Ruto, has accepted. The president has accepted. The president has accepted. The president has said it is Maranga. And the students have said it is Maranga.
01:23 And now Maranga is ready to take us to South East, a land of milk and honey, where we have clean hostels, where we have clean pavement, where we have cheap food in the school.
01:39 Professor Rustabela Maranga has proven that she can do that job. Comrades, power! Comrades, power! Comrades, zage zage!
01:48 As the incoming union, we are going to streamline this school and we will remove all the dirty influences that lead to poor service delivery. Comrades, power!
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