Moment two planes crashed mid-air captured on camera

  • 8 months ago
Stills from video footage recorded on the surviving Viper S-211 Marchetti plane were released in the preliminary report by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, showing the moment of impact.
00:00 This video has been produced using evidence gathered and analysed during the course of
00:04 the investigation.
00:05 The flight path animation is for illustrative purposes only and should not be used for further
00:10 analysis.
00:13 The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has published a preliminary report into the midair
00:16 collision over Port Phillip Bay involving two Marchetti S211s operated by Jetworks
00:22 Aviation which occurred on the 19th of November 2023.
00:27 Prior to the commencement of the flight, both crews conducted a briefing of the planned
00:30 manoeuvres.
00:31 The first manoeuvre would involve Viper 1 flying inverted, straight and level, while
00:36 Viper 2, flying upright, moved to the right line abreast position for the purposes of
00:41 filming.
00:42 From that position, Viper 2 would move as required for the filming while maintaining
00:46 separation from Viper 1.
00:49 The crews planned to conduct this manoeuvre with Viper 2 starting in the right echelon
00:53 position before moving clear to allow Viper 1 with sufficient room to climb slightly and
00:58 roll inverted.
00:59 After Viper 1 rolled inverted, Viper 2 was to move forward and climb or descend as needed
01:04 to reach the line abreast position at the same altitude.
01:08 During an attempt of the manoeuvre, the safety pilot in the rear seat of Viper 1 observed
01:12 Viper 2 pass beneath and alerted Viper 1's pilot to the manoeuvre.
01:17 After rolling upright, the pilot of Viper 1 contacted the pilot of Viper 2 to discuss
01:21 the manoeuvre, who advised that passing underneath provided a better filming opportunity and
01:26 requested to repeat the manoeuvre.
01:29 After discussing the manoeuvre, the pilots decided to attempt the previous manoeuvre
01:33 again.
01:34 Viper 2 moved clear to allow Viper 1 to climb slightly and roll inverted.
01:39 Before Viper 1 stabilised in the inverted attitude, Viper 2 began manoeuvring to pass
01:43 beneath Viper 1.
01:45 Viper 1 was then stabilised in the inverted attitude as Viper 2 approached, with the vertical
01:50 separation between the two aircraft reducing.
01:53 Viper 2 passed beneath and began to pitch up and bank away from Viper 1.
01:57 As Viper 2 climbed and banked left, the right wings of each aircraft collided.
02:03 After the collision with the right wing severely damaged, Viper 2 rolled to an inverted attitude
02:08 and quickly assumed a near vertical, nose down fly path toward the water, commencing
02:12 a slow right roll until impacting the water at high speed.
02:16 Both occupants were fatally injured.
02:18 You can read the preliminary report on the ATSB's website by searching AO-2023-057 or
02:26 from the link in the description below.
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