One year on: Are you happy with the performance of Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak

  • last year
We have sent camera teams out, across the country, for people’s opinions


00:00 It's a disaster, an absolute disaster.
00:03 And not because of him, basically.
00:04 It's what happened before him that caused the problem.
00:07 I mean, Boris was a disaster. Boris was a joke, in fact.
00:11 And even Keir Starmer.
00:13 I don't know, I just don't rate the guy.
00:16 He walks into a mess which lives trust.
00:18 I don't think that was her fault.
00:19 I think he's just a victim of times.
00:21 But I think he's getting there.
00:23 He comes across to me as a very eloquent...
00:26 ..noticed what he's doing, whereas Liz, God bless her,
00:31 you know, it didn't work so well for her.
00:34 Obviously, you had Boris before that.
00:36 Boris was just blustered his way through.
00:38 It speaks for itself, really, doesn't it?
00:40 Just horrendous, just atrocious.
00:42 I mean, every time... It doesn't matter who it is,
00:45 it's just been awful over the last ten years, really,
00:47 or since I started getting into politics.
00:49 They'll leave you in, but they'll be left in a big desert,
00:52 like the old days.
00:53 They'll leave you in, but they'll be left in a big desert,
00:55 like the old days have been, haven't they?
00:57 Big desert, HS2.
01:00 And who's going to make it up?
01:01 Old Labour get the blame, don't they?
01:02 For all that death, don't they?
01:04 It's OK.
01:06 I mean, time will tell.
01:08 I don't...
01:09 I'm keeping an open mind about it.
01:13 He's still got over 12 months before he has to have an election,
01:16 so...
01:18 ..we'll see. But at the moment...
01:21 50-50 at the moment, I think.
01:23 He has reduced high-speed to a railway line
01:30 between two places of no great importance.
01:33 He's absolutely rotten.
01:34 He feels like an interim manager.
01:36 To be honest, I think, I don't know,
01:38 the last 20 years he's been rotten.
01:40 I think he's just slowly...
01:41 I mean, slowly, rapidly downhill the last eight years.
01:45 And that's me. I live in Scotland, I live in England,
01:47 and it's terrible, bad, bad, bad.
01:49 He's absolutely hopeless.
01:52 He's too soft. He just talks rhetoric.
01:56 And things don't get done.
01:58 He just says things, and you know what?
02:01 And the next week, he says something else.
02:04 I don't think much of him.
02:06 But is he doing worse than Boris Johnson?
02:09 I don't think he's as bad as Boris Johnson,
02:12 but he's no good either.
02:14 No good either.
02:15 I don't think he's thinking and focusing on the right things.
02:18 Like, it's important to raise the age of smoking.
02:21 I get that.
02:22 You know, I've been going decades and decades,
02:24 and they're all the same.
02:25 You just take no notice of them, really.
02:27 They say one thing and do another, or do nothing.
02:31 He's just trying his best.
02:32 He's trying his best.
02:34 A lot of difficult things to do,
02:35 but I'm not sure he'll do well in the election next year.
02:39 I just like the way he talks,
02:44 and what he's going to do, and, you know, things like that.
02:47 Yeah, he's quite nice.
02:48 I don't know about the other one,
02:50 because I don't think he's been...
02:53 Well, he's not in power,
02:54 but I don't think he's been around much myself.
02:57 I don't know if he'd be able to...
03:00 ..project himself.
03:02 I mean, I may be wrong, like...
