UK mum who flew to Turkey for dental implants rushed to hospital after doctors discover deadly brain tumour

  • 2 years ago
A mum who flew to Turkey for a dental check-up was rushed to hospital for an emergency 13-hour operation where doctors discovered she had a deadly brain tumour. Lisa Robinson, 44, travelled alone to the resort city of Antalya, on the Southern coast, last month for a routine consultation about cosmetic procedures. But after she lost her balance and acted like she was “drunk”, her dentist told her to seek immediate medical assistance – and she was then rushed to a nearby hospital. The mother of two said doctors at the clinic initially thought she was “possessed” after her brown eyes turned “blue” and rolled to one side of her head. And when they did an MRI scan, they found a Glioblastoma - an aggressive brain tumour the size of a “clenched fist”- and she was taken for critical 13-hour surgery. The mental health nurse was given just a 25 per cent chance of survival, but pulled through after surgeons stopped a bleed on her brain and remove most of the growth. And although Lisa felt “elated” after she awoke, she was later presented with a £55,000 bill as her health insurer, Axa Partners, refused to pay for her treatment. When she returned to the UK on Wednesday (June 13), she was told by doctors that she had stage four untreatable cancer, which had spread to other parts of her brain. Lisa said: “I just feel so frustrated. I’m a 44-year-old, and my life has changed in three weeks. “Initially I thought, ‘This is a bit OTT. Why do I need to go to another hospital for?’ “I definitely didn’t think for one minute that it would be cancer. But last night I was told that the tumour was stage four, untreatable. She added: “My family had been aware of this also while they were in Turkey, but they were told not to disclose it because it could cause me additional distress.” Filmed 24th June 2022