• 5 anni fa


(Doses for 4 people)

800 g rolled veal, a handful of dried porcini mushrooms, a sprig of rosemary

sage leaves, half a glass of dry white wine, half a dice for broth

a tablespoon of white flour, half a glass of warm water, 3 tablespoons of cooking cream

butter, oil, olive oil, salt, pepper


Tie meat well with cooking string

Slip between the twine the meat the sprig of rosemary divided into pieces and the sage leaves

Sprinkle of pepper at will

Put the roast to brown in a saucepan in which you have placed the butter and the oil

When the meat is well browned on all sides, sprinkle with white wine and let evaporate

Soak everything with some hot water in which you have melted the dice

Cover and cook over moderate heat for at least half an hour

Add to this point the mushrooms that you have taken care to soak in hot water

Salt and finish cooking, often turning the roast and wetting it with other hot water

When cooked, remove the roast from the pot, patiently remove the string and to slice

Melt the flour in half a glass of warm water (watch out for lumps)

Pour the mixture into the mushroom sauce of the roast

Mix well and let the sauce tie over low heat

Add the cream and if the mixture is too thick, soften it with warm milk

Pour all over the slices of roast

The dish is ready, enjoy your meal!
