Ep.29. Julius Schwartz Co-Created the DC Universe from Pulp Fiction part 2 of 2, 1960 to 1986.

  • 7 years ago
Julius Schwartz is known as a longtime editor as D.C. Comics from the Golden Age through the Bronze Age, however he had a huge co-creator role in the formation of what we know is the DC Universe. This episode explores the second half of his career starting at the formation of the Justice League, and other Silver Age accessory characters. He utilized science fiction influence from his younger days reading Hugo Gernsback's Science Fiction Magazine, Amazing Stories and reinvigorated Golden Age heroes into new Silver Age counterparts, Hawkman, and Atom. His sci-fi comic book logic proved so successful, that after co-creating Silver Age Superheroes, the publisher moved him to Batman in the later 60s and Superman in the 70s and early 1980s.

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