Commonwealth Games in crisis after bridge collapse

  • 14 years ago

The Commonwealth Games is threatening to descend into chaos after a stadium bridge collapsed and two of England's top athletes pulled out of the competition.

With just 12 days until the start of the Games, the head of England's team has demanded guarantees of safety for competitors after 27 workers were injured, five of them seriously, when a major walkway connecting a stadium to a car park in New Delhi collapsed.

Craig Hunter, who has also highlighted concerns about the athletes' village, is demanding reassurances from organisers and warned that "time is beginning to run out" before the Games begin.

There are fears some teams could pull out of the Indian Games due to substandard accommodation, with 60 of the 260 rooms set aside for English athletes not watertight, and a major cleaning programme needed throughout.

Meanwhile, Olympic 400 metres champion Christine Ohuruogu pulled out after suffering from cramp at a training session last weekend. Lisa Dobriskey, who won the 1,500m title at the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, has also chosen to quit the Games after suffering from injuries throughout the season.

Team leaders from Scotland, Wales, New Zealand, Australia and Canada have also expressed "grave concerns" over the accommodation planned for the 6,500 team members.
