Brainstorm Health 2024: Meditation Moment

  • 4 months ago
Rosie Acosta, Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, Headspace
00:00 >> Hi, everyone.
00:01 Welcome.
00:02 It's so nice to be here.
00:03 I've learned so much even just being here for a couple of hours,
00:07 and I'm so honored to be here.
00:10 It's so important for us to be able to take a moment in our day to reset,
00:15 to recalibrate, to come back into our body and our breath.
00:18 And so I would love to guide you through a short practice so that we can do just that.
00:26 You know, our bodies -- we were just having this conversation with one of my colleagues right outside,
00:31 and we were talking about all the information that we get put in, right,
00:35 where there's so much constant barrage of information we're trying to process.
00:40 And our body has the opportunity to digest.
00:44 Our mind needs that same type of experience, right?
00:49 So we don't have those opportunities or those moments where we let our mind just be bored, right,
00:55 because we're constantly, you know, one thing to the next.
00:59 And so I'd like us to take this moment to just arrive here and reset.
01:07 So find a comfortable position.
01:10 Sit up nice and tall.
01:14 My teacher always says the straighter the spine, the calmer the mind.
01:19 Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but we'll find out.
01:21 So sit up nice and tall. Have your palms facing or on your lap, if that's comfortable, or any other position.
01:28 And together, let's take a big deep breath in through the nose.
01:33 Open your mouth. Exhale.
01:36 Again, we'll do that again two more times. Deep breath in.
01:42 Open your mouth. Exhale.
01:46 Good. One more time. Deep breath in. Deep, deep breath, as deep as you can.
01:52 Slight hold at the top. Open your mouth. Exhale.
01:58 Good. If it's comfortable for you, perhaps you can close your eyes.
02:05 Together, we arrive to this present moment.
02:09 Just observing what is present.
02:16 Bring your attention and awareness to whatever's supporting you in this moment.
02:21 Notice the chair underneath you, the ground that's holding the chair.
02:31 Bring your attention to your legs and just have the intention to relax.
02:41 Bring your awareness to your lower back.
02:47 Relax your stomach, your chest.
02:52 Relax your shoulders, your arms, your hands.
03:02 Relax the back of your neck.
03:05 The muscles of your face. Relax your throat.
03:16 Begin to bring your attention and your awareness to your mind.
03:24 Notice the busyness of thought, the fluctuation of thought.
03:30 Just notice without judgment. Just noticing.
03:38 Now, I want you to begin to imagine your thoughts like slow-moving clouds in the sky.
03:54 Perhaps observing these clouds begin to slow down.
04:01 And as they slow down, your mind begins to quiet.
04:11 Sometimes the most important thing in the day is the moment you have between breaths.
04:26 Notice your body. Notice your breath.
04:29 Continue to relax your throat, your shoulders.
04:36 Together, take a big, deep breath in.
04:41 Nice, long exhale.
04:46 And when you're ready, gently lower your chin.
04:50 Blink your eyes open. Come back to the space.
04:55 And just notice if there is a shift.
04:58 So I always say this to people. I know that's brief,
05:01 but it really only takes about three minutes for your mind,
05:04 your brain to actually start to feel the benefits of a meditation practice.
05:09 We have 1,440 minutes in a day, and we can find at least three minutes in those to practice.
05:15 Thank you so much for letting me share that with you.
05:18 (applause)
05:21 (silence)
