Australian couple seek medevac flight home from Bangkok

  • 4 months ago
The husband of an Adelaide woman seriously injured on Singapore airlines flight SQ 321 this week says the carrier is now getting behind efforts to fly her home. Overnight, hospital staff in Bangkok tried to stop Keith Davis criticising Singapore airlines whisking him away from the media when he complained the airline's representatives hadn't visited them. His wife Kerry Jordan needed emergency surgery after being flung around in the cabin. She is one of at least nine Australians still in hospital being treated for spinal and brain injuries. Around 60 of the 229 people on board are still receiving treatment in Bangkok.


00:00 Kerry's not in a great space at all. She's had severe spinal trauma. She had emergency
00:10 surgery as soon as we were admitted. And it remains that she has no sensation from her
00:17 waist down. So it's pretty, pretty, pretty life changing. Yeah. There's quite quietly
00:25 confident that more like weeks for her to be fit and stable to fly in terms of the medical
00:34 stuff. So there's been, you know, coordination has happened now with Singapore Airlines.
00:43 It's been a bit of a sea change over, you know, yesterday afternoon. They've come on
00:49 board with, we have a dedicated person here, James, who's our customer care guy. So he's
00:56 here at the hospital for us, which is fantastic. I met with the CEO from Singapore Airline
01:02 yesterday. And that, you know, that was a really great, great positive step. And they've
01:09 just reaffirmed their commitment to us and support whilst we're here at the hospital,
01:15 as well as, you know, all the ongoing in terms of getting back to Australia.
