Adelaide couple describe 'surreal' moment Singapore Airlines flight hit extreme turbulence

  • 4 months ago
An injured Australian man stuck in a Bangkok hospital is frustrated at the lack of contact from Singapore airlines following severe turbulence.


00:00 After three days in a Bangkok hospital, Adelaide man Keith Davis just wanted a proper coffee
00:07 from the downstairs cafe.
00:09 I'm hoping to get a medivac organised. I want Singapore to pay for it.
00:15 But his attempts to speak to the ABC there were thwarted by staff who were worried about
00:20 bad publicity for the hospital. Mr Davis says the doctors and nurses have been great, but
00:26 the airline representatives haven't visited him or his seriously injured wife.
00:31 I want some information. I've had no information from Singapore at all. Not a single word.
00:38 I need to know. Am I going through my insurance? I've got no idea. I'm totally in limbo. My
00:46 wife's in ICU. She's in ICU and needs a medivac.
00:51 The couple had just finished a month-long holiday in the UK when their lives were upended
00:56 by a few seconds of severe turbulence on board the return flight. They now just want to get
01:02 home.
01:03 No worries, pal. Cheers.
01:04 I'll ring you, OK?
01:06 More than 50 people remain in hospital, but most of the 229 people on board Tuesday's
01:12 flight have since flown on to Singapore. Others have flown home, like Adelaide couple John
01:17 and Jenny Hall, who had been on holidays in Iceland. Jenny had nothing but praise for
01:23 the way the airline had treated them.
01:25 I think the main thing that I couldn't get over is how supportive the Singapore Airlines
01:32 have been in looking after us. I know it's not something they had control over, really.
01:39 Many of those still in hospital have serious neck, spinal or back injuries. They'll be
01:45 asking questions about what's next when the head of Singapore Airlines visits this hospital
01:51 on Friday.
01:53 Our priority is to render all possible assistance to our passengers and crew members.
02:00 Late today, Singapore Airlines was finally in contact with Keith Davis, and like other
02:05 injured passengers, he's been now provided with a customer care representative. Now he's
02:10 hoping they can help bring his wife home.
02:12 - Yes. - Sir, I would like to--
