All Hell Breaks In Judiciary Committee Loose When Cruz, Kennedy Explode At Laphonza Butler

  • 4 months ago
At today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) got upset with Sen. Laphonza Butler (D-CA) during the questioning of a judicial nominee about transgender policies.

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00:00The government did not move for a stay of the decision.
00:09Well Judge Netburn, I want to continue on this line of questioning.
00:14In your court, what matters more, the rights of individuals or your political ideology?
00:21I apply the law to the facts.
00:23I asked a question.
00:24Which matters more?
00:26My political ideology doesn't matter at all.
00:28So I don't believe you.
00:30And I think this case demonstrates that you are willing to subjugate the rights of individuals
00:37to satisfy your political ideology.
00:40This case involves a male defendant who raped a nine-year-old boy.
00:49Was he guilty of that?
00:51Yes, the petitioner pled guilty to that.
00:53So he raped a nine-year-old boy.
00:54He also raped a 17-year-old girl.
00:57Was he guilty of that?
00:58He pled guilty.
00:59The petitioner pled guilty to that crime as well.
01:01So was he guilty?
01:03I hope so, because she pled guilty to it.
01:06He was a he when he did this.
01:08That's correct.
01:09And also criminal deviant conduct, which the record doesn't disclose what that was exactly.
01:16Then, after serving in prison, Mr. McClain was released for parole, but then violated
01:25the terms of parole by having internet and was sent back to prison.
01:29One year after being released again, he was convicted of having child pornography.
01:33Is that correct?
01:35I'm unclear on exactly the time frame that you're at, but the petitioner was convicted
01:39of distributing child pornography.
01:41Child pornography that was images of adults violently raping children.
01:46Abhorrent conduct.
01:48For which there are real victims.
01:51And this individual, six foot two, biologically a man, a minute ago you said that when this
02:00man decided that he was a she, you said this individual was, quote, I wrote it down, sober
02:07and entirely a female.
02:10That phrase struck me as remarkable.
02:12Did this individual have male genitalia?
02:14I think what I said, or at least what I...
02:16That is a verbatim quote.
02:18Entirely a female.
02:20What I meant to say was hormonally a female.
02:23But that's not entirely.
02:24Did this individual have male genitalia?
02:27So you took a six foot two serial rapist, serial child rapist with male genitalia and
02:38he said, you know, I'd like to be in a women's prison.
02:42And your answer was, that sounds great to me.
02:45Let me ask you something.
02:46The other women in that prison, do they have any rights?
02:51Is that a question you're asking me?
02:53The other women in that prison, do they have any rights?
02:54Of course.
02:55Do they have the right not to have a six foot two man who is a repeat serial rapist put
03:01in as their cellmate?
03:03Senator Cruz, I considered the facts presented to me and I reached a decision based on what
03:08the law is.
03:09I asked you a question.
03:10Do they have a right not to have a six foot two man who is a serial rapist put in as their
03:18Do those women have a right to that?
03:19Every person who's incarcerated has the right to be safe in their space.
03:23But you didn't think so.
03:25You didn't think so.
03:26And in fact, I'm going to give some quotes from your order because Senator Kennedy is
03:32This is not a judge's order.
03:33This is a political activist.
03:34By the way, the beginning of your order says, at birth, people are typically assigned a
03:43I got to say that would astonish a lot of Americans.
03:45A lot of Americans think you go to the hospital, a baby is born, and you say, congratulations,
03:50you have a little boy, a little girl.
03:51The assigned a gender, I know you went to Brown, but it sounds like it's in a college
03:56faculty lounge with no bearing on reality.
04:00The Bureau of Prison argued what I'm saying right now, that if you put this person in
04:05a female prison, there will be a risk of sexual assault to the women.
04:09And you know what you did?
04:11You said you didn't care about the women.
04:12I'm going to quote what you wrote.
04:13You wrote, quote, the Bureau of Prison's claimed penalogical interest in protecting
04:17female prisoners from sexual violence and trauma.
04:21This interest is legitimate, that's kind of you to say, but there are no signs that Petitioner
04:26is at risk of reoffending.
04:28The record is devoid of evidence of incidents of violence or assault during Petitioner's
04:31incarceration when she was the perpetrator, only the victim.
04:34A theoretical risk of sexual assault by the prisoner, without more, cannot support the
04:39BOP's position.
04:41No evidence, theoretical.
04:44Have you dealt, in what universe is someone who is a serial repeat child rapist not at
04:52a risk of reoffending?
04:54Senator, as I do in every case-
04:57I know you've been told to repeat the line, I follow the law.
05:00I asked a question.
05:02In what universe is someone who is a serial repeat child rapist not at risk of reoffending?
05:09Sir, I looked at the facts that were before me in this case.
05:14All of the evidence, including the statements of every warden who had supervised this Petitioner-
05:19You also wrote, the BOP also posits that permitting Petitioner to live among women will be traumatizing
05:24and possibly dangerous to them.
05:26This concern is overblown.
05:29I have to say, if I were the father of one of those women, and you decided that my daughter's
05:38cellmate was going to be a six-foot-two man who over and over and over again committed
05:43violent sexual assault, I would say the entire justice system is absurd, and it is clear
05:52on your record, your political ideology matters a heck of a lot more than the rights of those
05:57women that you endangered.
05:59I think you're a radical, and I think you have no business being a judge.
06:06Judge Netburn, there was an opportunity during your exchange with Senator Cruz that you were
06:11attempting to offer a response relative to the conditions under which this Petitioner
06:22was unsafe in the facilities in which she was being held.
06:26I'd like to offer you the opportunity to finish that response.
06:29The facts that were presented to me and what I relied on to make my decision were that
06:35the Petitioner had engaged in no violence, no physical violence, no acts of sexual violence
06:43whatsoever while in custody.
06:45All three wardens who supervised the Petitioner requested that she be transferred to a women's
06:52facility because of her serious medical needs.
06:55In addition, the Bureau of Prisons' longtime medical provider testified at a two-day hearing
07:02in my courtroom and recommended that the Petitioner be transferred because of her serious
07:07medical needs.
07:08And the last thing I'll say is that the Transgender Executive Council, which is the body that
07:13makes decisions on behalf of transgender transfer requests within the Bureau of Prisons, never
07:19said that the Petitioner could not be transferred and never, ever said that she couldn't be
07:26transferred because of any risk of violence.
07:30What the Transgender Executive Council repeatedly said in denying the request was simply that
07:37she needed to maintain her hormone levels.
07:41That was the repeated justification for the denial of transfer.
07:45But the Petitioner had reached full female hormone levels before even being incarcerated.
07:52At the time, the district judge in Indiana who sentenced the Petitioner requested that
07:58she be placed in a women's facility.
08:00Her hormones were entirely female at that point.
08:03And so the decision by the Transgender Executive Council to deny the transfer request based
08:09on this idea that it was only because her hormones needed to be consistent and stabilized,
08:16I found was a pretext.
08:17But they never once said she cannot be transferred because of violence.
08:21It was always based on this idea that her hormones had to be transferred.
08:25Thank you, Judge Netburn.
08:26Senator Padilla.
08:27Senator Padilla, you all have had—
08:30No, no, no.
08:31No, no, no.
08:32No, no, no.
08:33No, no, no.
08:34There is no follow-up.
08:35No, there is not.
08:36That is exactly how it works.
08:37Look, look.
08:38If you follow up, you didn't get extra time, and she just directly contradicted her own
08:44I'm just going to read her own words because it's exactly the opposite of what she said.
08:47Your own report says, quote—
08:48Senators, I gave both of you more time to finish your line of questioning.
08:54I allowed the witness to finish her response.
08:57I allowed the witness to finish her response.
09:00I allowed the witness to finish her response.
09:03You're abusing her status of chair.
09:05I understand that you're scared of the facts.
09:07You are abusing her status of chair.
09:09Senator Padilla, you can open up testimony and then not give us a chance to cross-examine.
09:13She has an obligation to explain why she directly contradicted what she wrote in her report.
09:18She says in her report, the Bureau of Prisons' claimed penalogical interest is in protecting
09:23female prisoners from sexual violence and trauma.
09:25She just told you the Bureau of Prisons didn't say there was a concern about sexual violence
09:30and trauma.
09:31Those are directly contradictory, and why are you contradicting what you wrote in your report?
09:36I believe I have the floor.
09:38I believe I have the floor.
09:41Are you going to let her answer that question, or you don't want her to answer that question?
09:45Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
09:48Are you afraid of the answer to that question?
09:51Are you afraid of the answer to that question?
09:53So, yes, you are afraid of the answer to that question.
09:56Clearly, you're afraid of the answer to that question.
09:59This is absurd.
10:01To the nominees before us, appreciate your patience and your dignity.
