Chip and Potato Chip & Potato S04 E005 Wedding Rehearsal Chip; Grandma and Gordie’s Big Puggy Wedding

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 - Ta-da!
00:01 - Ha! Ha! Ha!
00:02 - Let's go!
00:03 - ♪ Chip, you're fantastic
00:04 ♪ In everything you do
00:06 ♪ There's Little Mama
00:07 - ♪ Little Papa
00:08 - ♪ Bud and Niko too
00:10 - ♪ Chip and Potato
00:12 - ♪ Chip and Potato
00:14 - ♪ Chip and Potato
00:16 - ♪ Choo-choo!
00:18 - ♪ Pugs and kisses
00:20 (rires)
00:21 (musique de la vidéo)
00:24 - Oh!
00:25 - Oh!
00:26 - Ah!
00:27 - Ah-ha!
00:28 - Yes, that's puggy perfect, Potato.
00:31 - Ah-ha!
00:32 - Thank you.
00:33 Let's show my after-school club pal.
00:35 Hoodie up, secret friend.
00:37 - Ah-ha!
00:38 - Oh!
00:39 - OK, Hop, pretend this is the rainbow jumpsuit
00:42 I'm wearing at Grandma and Gordy's wedding tomorrow.
00:45 You look amazing, Chip.
00:47 And because I'm a bride's pup,
00:49 I have a very special doggy bull
00:52 to carry down the aisle.
00:54 Pretend my Potato is my bull.
00:56 (petits cris)
00:58 (rires)
00:59 - Are you the only bride's pup?
01:01 - No, my brother's bud is one too,
01:03 and Gordy's granddaughter, Glenda.
01:05 We're all meeting tonight for a wedding rehearsal.
01:08 What did you say, Sprout?
01:10 (rires)
01:11 Sprout wants to know, what's a wedding rehearsal?
01:14 Grandma said it's a chance for us
01:16 to practice being bride's pups,
01:18 but I already know exactly what to do.
01:20 (trumpet fanfare)
01:21 - Yoo-hoo!
01:22 - Grandma!
01:23 - My grandma's here to pick me up, Kangaroo.
01:26 - Bye, Hop! Good luck, Chip!
01:29 (giggles)
01:30 - Goodbye, Ken.
01:31 Thank you for after school club.
01:33 - All set for the wedding rehearsal, bride's pup Chip?
01:37 (barks)
01:38 - Yes, Grandma.
01:39 - Then hop into my puggy buggy
01:41 and let's vroom, vroom, vroom!
01:43 (giggles)
01:45 (tires screech)
01:47 ♪ It's puggy puggy boo-boo
01:50 ♪ It's Grandma's puggy puggy vroom, vroom
01:54 ♪ Puggy puggy vroom, vroom
01:57 ♪ It's Grandma's puggy puggy vroom, vroom
02:02 - On the way to the wedding rehearsal!
02:05 Vroom!
02:06 (tires screech)
02:07 - Here we are!
02:09 - Huh? Grandma, this is the taqueria.
02:12 Shouldn't we be at the garden center?
02:14 That's where the wedding is going to be.
02:17 - The garden center is where the wedding is going to be held,
02:21 Chipadoodle,
02:22 but the wedding rehearsal can be anywhere,
02:25 so long as it's set up to look like the wedding room.
02:29 Now, press my special puggy buggy button, please.
02:33 (giggles)
02:34 - I wonder what the puggy buggy is going to do this time.
02:37 - Aw!
02:38 (tongue click)
02:39 Countdown with me, Chipadoodle.
02:41 - Three, two, one!
02:46 (cris de joie)
02:48 (rires)
02:50 - Oh! Grandma, your glasses fell off.
02:53 - Oopsie!
02:54 I need these, or I won't be able to see what I'm doing.
02:58 Ah, that's better.
03:00 Shall we?
03:02 - Yoo-hoo!
03:03 The bride and Chipadoodle are here!
03:06 - Hello!
03:07 Puggy perfect timing!
03:09 - We need you over here, please, Grandma Pug,
03:11 to show us where to put this.
03:13 - Coming!
03:14 - Beep, beep, Chip squeak!
03:15 - Whoa!
03:16 Everyone is so busy doing things, Potato.
03:19 - Uh-huh.
03:20 - Should we be helping to set the room up, too?
03:23 (barking)
03:24 - Hi, Chip!
03:25 - Glinda!
03:26 - Isn't it just fabby waggy doodle that we're bridespups?
03:29 - It's Pugtastic!
03:30 Let's get changed into our wedding outfits!
03:33 (barking)
03:34 - Oh, no, Chip.
03:35 We don't wear our wedding outfits for the rehearsal.
03:38 We only dress up on the wedding day, tomorrow.
03:41 - Oh?
03:42 - Today is all about rehearsing our positions!
03:45 - Positions?
03:46 - So us bridespups know where we should stand
03:49 before we walk down the aisle.
03:52 - Oh.
03:53 (humming)
03:55 - And who goes first, and when.
03:58 (humming)
03:59 - I didn't think about any of those things.
04:02 - Don't worry, Chip.
04:03 I've been a bridespup twice before.
04:06 Stick with me.
04:07 I'll show you what to do.
04:09 - Thanks, Glinda.
04:10 - We'll be fabby waggy doodle!
04:12 (humming)
04:13 - Oh!
04:14 Grandma Pug wants those stacked out of the way over here.
04:18 - Oh, my darling groom!
04:21 - Huh?
04:22 - Oh!
04:23 My Pugalicious bride!
04:25 (dramatic music)
04:27 - Oh, oh, oh!
04:28 Oh, oh, oh!
04:29 (laughing)
04:31 (dramatic music)
04:33 - Yay!
04:34 - Thank you all for coming to our wedding rehearsal.
04:38 We're just waiting for Heiko!
04:41 - Hello!
04:42 - Now you're here to lead us, we can get started.
04:46 Hey, Chipalata!
04:47 Ta-da!
04:48 The special doggie wedding bulls
04:50 we're carrying down the aisle.
04:52 This is Gordy's,
04:53 and this is the one you're carrying for Grandma.
04:56 - Whoa!
04:57 - Thanks, bud.
04:59 - Don't lose it, Chippy-sis.
05:01 Or drop it!
05:02 - Oh!
05:03 - Phew!
05:04 - Oh!
05:05 - Oh!
05:06 - Huh?
05:07 - Pugs, Pups, Pooches, Cockatiel,
05:10 everything is in place,
05:11 just like it will be at the garden center tomorrow.
05:14 So, without further a Pugadoodle,
05:17 let's begin Grandma and Gordy's wedding rehearsal.
05:21 - Yay!
05:22 - Here we go!
05:23 - Can everyone get into their starting position, please?
05:26 - Starting position?
05:27 What is my starting position?
05:30 (upbeat music)
05:32 - Pug-al!
05:34 - Of course!
05:35 We should be with Glenda and Spud.
05:38 Thanks, Potato.
05:39 - That's it, Puggy-Chip.
05:41 Quick as you can.
05:42 - Whoa!
05:43 (gasps)
05:44 (gasps)
05:45 (clattering)
05:47 (clattering)
05:49 - Aw!
05:51 Sorry.
05:53 Is the bowl okay?
05:54 - Oh, the bowl is fine, little pug-pup.
05:57 - Oh, Gordy.
05:58 Grandma, I'm not being a very good bride's pup, am I?
06:03 - Shush now, Chip-a-doodle.
06:05 Don't worry.
06:06 It's why we're practicing today,
06:08 so we'll all be puggy-wonderful tomorrow.
06:11 - This is the bride's pup's starting position, Chip.
06:15 Here, in front of the bride.
06:17 - Oh!
06:19 (clears throat)
06:21 Tomorrow at the wedding,
06:22 I will step onto the platform like this
06:25 to welcome everyone.
06:26 Then the music will start.
06:28 Thank you, Corella.
06:30 The guests will stand.
06:32 (rire)
06:33 And then our bride's pups will lead Grandma and Gordy
06:37 down the aisle.
06:38 First, Chip and Spud.
06:40 - Step with me, Chippy-sis, at the same time.
06:43 (inhales and exhales)
06:46 - That's it.
06:48 Very good.
06:49 And now, Glenda.
06:52 - What do we do now?
06:54 - It's okay not to know what to do, bride's pups.
06:57 That's why we rehearse.
06:59 Put the bowls down here,
07:01 and slot them together, please.
07:03 Thank you, Spud and Chip.
07:06 You did a great job.
07:08 Well done, Glenda.
07:10 - I did it, Potato.
07:12 - Grandma, Gordy, it's your turn.
07:15 (upbeat music)
07:17 (gasps)
07:18 (upbeat music)
07:20 - Grandma and Gordy are dancing!
07:23 And they're doing tricks.
07:25 (laughing)
07:27 (upbeat music)
07:29 (laughing)
07:31 (screaming)
07:32 - Grandma's glasses!
07:34 (grunting)
07:35 (cheering)
07:37 (dramatic music)
07:39 - Potato, I have to get Grandma's glasses
07:42 before Mama steps on them.
07:44 They might get broken.
07:45 - Now, everyone except Grandma and Gordy, please sit.
07:49 - I have to sit here, Potato.
07:52 Can you rescue Grandma's glasses for me?
07:54 - Uh-huh.
07:56 - Good luck, my brave mousie.
07:58 - Quiet, please.
08:00 - Grandma and Gordy will now read their wedding vows,
08:04 the special promises they're making to each other.
08:07 (laughing)
08:09 (grunting)
08:11 (gasps)
08:14 (grunting)
08:16 (gasps)
08:17 - Well done, Potato.
08:19 Now, hurry up.
08:21 - Oh, puggy panic!
08:23 My glasses have gone.
08:24 I can't read my vows without my--
08:26 - Glasses!
08:27 Your glasses, Grandma!
08:28 They're here.
08:29 They fell off while you were dancing, and we--
08:32 I mean, I got them back for you.
08:35 - Thank you, Chipperdoodle.
08:37 I have the most puppytastic bridespups
08:40 a bride could ever wish for.
08:43 - Mm-hmm.
08:44 - Ahem!
08:45 Shall we continue with the wedding rehearsal?
08:48 - Oh, yes!
08:49 - We puggy promise to love and care for one another
08:53 and always be there for each other
08:56 and our family and friends
08:58 who we puggy love so much.
09:01 - Aw!
09:02 - Aw!
09:03 (sniffling)
09:05 - Next, Grandma and Gordy will put the rings
09:08 on each other's puggy paws
09:10 and drink Rooty Fruity Pop
09:12 from their special doggy wedding bowl.
09:14 But that's for tomorrow.
09:15 For now, the wedding rehearsal is over.
09:18 Well done, everyone.
09:20 - Yay!
09:21 - All right!
09:22 - And as a surprise,
09:23 we're surprised to say thank you to you all
09:26 for helping us.
09:27 - Especially our pugtastic glasses
09:30 spotter bridespup chips!
09:32 - Abra-pug-debra!
09:34 - Whoa!
09:35 - Pumpkin tacos for everyone!
09:37 - Whoa!
09:39 (upbeat music)
09:42 (laughing)
09:44 (chewing)
09:47 - Thanks for the taco, Gordy and Grandma.
09:50 Now that I've practiced,
09:52 I really do know exactly how to be a bridespup
09:55 and I can't wait for your wedding tomorrow.
09:57 - Neither can I.
09:59 - Neither can I.
10:00 - And neither can we.
10:02 (laughing)
10:03 - We're getting married in the morning.
10:06 - And we're gonna be right there.
10:08 - Uh-huh.
10:10 - Are you ready?
10:14 - Uh-huh.
10:15 - Ta-da!
10:17 - What do you think of my jumpsuit, Potato?
10:20 (laughing)
10:22 - I love it too.
10:23 It's the puggy perfect outfit
10:25 for my job as Grandma's bridespup.
10:27 - Uh-huh.
10:28 - It's Grandma and Gordy's wedding day.
10:31 - I almost forgot.
10:33 I've got something for you to wear too,
10:35 Bridespotato.
10:37 - Uh-huh.
10:38 (twinkling)
10:40 - Look.
10:41 (laughing)
10:42 Now we match.
10:43 Let's go and show Mom and Grandma.
10:45 Hoodie up, secret mouse friend.
10:47 (laughing)
10:49 Oh.
10:50 (clock chiming)
10:51 There's no pocket to put you in.
10:53 Where am I going to hide you
10:54 while I'm being bridespup at the wedding, Potato?
10:57 - Hmm?
10:58 - Chippy-clap!
10:59 Are you ready to show us your outfit?
11:01 - Hmm.
11:02 We'll think of something, Potato.
11:04 Come on!
11:05 (meowing)
11:06 (chirping)
11:09 Ta-da!
11:10 Look at me!
11:11 - Oh, my!
11:12 - Oops.
11:13 Did I make you jump?
11:14 - You did, Chip.
11:15 I know you're excited about today,
11:17 but you really must slow down a bit, okay?
11:20 (laughing)
11:21 Oh, dear, look what you made me do.
11:24 - Sorry, Grandma.
11:25 - Oh, that's okay, Chip.
11:27 I love it!
11:29 - Can you do the other eye to look the same?
11:32 - (laughing)
11:33 Well, okay.
11:34 Ah, let me have a look at my chipperdoodle bridespup.
11:39 You and your snuggly look fabulous.
11:42 (giggling)
11:43 - Potato and I think you look gorgeous too, little girl.
11:46 - Hello!
11:47 - Come on in, Glenda.
11:49 - Glenda!
11:50 - There's no need to rush, Chip.
11:52 - Hold on tight, Potato.
11:54 - Glenda!
11:55 I love your bridespup dress.
11:57 Huggy-huggy!
11:58 - Now it's soaking wet.
12:02 And Grandma's flowers are ruined.
12:05 She can't carry those down the aisle.
12:08 - Oh, Chip.
12:09 - I'm so sorry, Glenda.
12:11 - Come on, let's go.
12:13 - Come on, let's go.
12:15 - Come on, Glenda.
12:16 - Come on, Glenda.
12:17 It'll take no puggy time to get your dress dried off.
12:20 - And I'll fix these flowers.
12:22 - Thanks, Papa.
12:23 - Thanks, Mama.
12:24 - I'm going to try really hard to slow down from now on.
12:28 Puggy promise.
12:29 - And maybe just take a moment to stop and think, eh, Chip?
12:33 - I will, Papa.
12:35 - Pug!
12:36 Your rainbow suit is amazing!
12:39 - Thanks, Chupaletta.
12:41 I love your outfit too.
12:43 Snazzy.
12:44 - These tops are going to look so great when we walk down the aisle
12:47 carrying these special bowls.
12:49 One for Grandma and one for Gordy.
12:52 And we walk like this, remember?
12:54 Just like we did in the rehearsal.
12:56 [giggling]
12:58 [chittering]
13:00 - Oh!
13:01 Clever potato.
13:03 That's where you can hide.
13:05 I'll carry you up the aisle in Grandma's bowl.
13:08 [giggling]
13:09 [humming]
13:12 [farting]
13:13 Excuse me.
13:14 [giggling]
13:15 - So that's all the musical instruments ready for us
13:18 to take to the wedding for our...
13:20 Shh!
13:21 Top secret surprise song.
13:23 - Oh, yes!
13:24 Our song.
13:25 ♪ We're here to say hooray ♪
13:26 ♪ On this special day ♪
13:28 - Shh!
13:29 - Shh!
13:30 - The song is a surprise for Grandma.
13:32 - [gasps]
13:33 Do you think Grandma heard me?
13:35 - Mm-mm.
13:36 - I should have stopped to think.
13:38 [gasps]
13:40 - Glenda's dress is puggy perfectly dry again.
13:43 - Phew!
13:44 - It's Fappy Wacky Douda!
13:46 - Thanks, Little Mama.
13:48 - Wow!
13:49 The cushion with Grandma and Gordy's rings
13:52 for me to carry down the aisle.
13:54 [barking]
13:55 [howling]
13:56 [barking]
13:57 - Who's that?
13:58 - Careful!
13:59 - Take it easy, Chip.
14:00 - Sorry, everyone.
14:02 Slow down, Chip.
14:04 [breathing heavily]
14:06 Stop and think.
14:08 - That's the way, Chippy Pug Pup.
14:10 - [gasps]
14:11 It's Gordy the Groom on his electro puggy scoot!
14:14 [horn honks]
14:15 - He's here to pick me up.
14:17 - And me!
14:18 - Tooty toot, let's puggy scoot!
14:21 - How come Spud and Glenda get to go to the wedding first, Papa?
14:25 - Because there's not enough room in the puggy patrolmobile
14:28 for me to drive everyone.
14:29 - Papa, Chip, I meant to say,
14:31 don't forget to bring the musical instruments with you.
14:34 - We won't forget.
14:36 - Oh, and I can't forget Gordy's doggy bowl.
14:39 Remember to bring Grandma's too, Chip Squeak.
14:41 - I will.
14:42 - See you at the wedding!
14:43 - See you there!
14:44 - Is it okay for the bride to come down now?
14:48 - Why wouldn't it be okay, Papa?
14:50 - Because, Chip, it's tradition that on their big day,
14:53 the groom and bride don't see each other before the wedding.
14:56 - Ah!
14:58 - It's okay, Grandma!
15:00 Gordy's gone!
15:02 [horn honks]
15:03 - How do we look?
15:05 - [panting]
15:07 Beautiful!
15:08 - Puggy-tastic!
15:10 [alarm clock beeps]
15:11 - Yikes!
15:12 It's time to go, go, go!
15:14 - Let's vroom, vroom!
15:15 - Vroom!
15:16 - [laughing]
15:17 ♪ It's a puggy, puggy big day ♪
15:21 ♪ It's Grandma Gordy's wedding, hip, hip, hooray ♪
15:25 ♪ Puggy, puggy big day ♪
15:29 ♪ It's Grandma Gordy's big wedding today ♪
15:33 - [cris de joie]
15:35 [cris de joie]
15:37 [cris de joie]
15:39 [cris de joie]
15:41 [cris de joie]
15:43 [soupir]
15:45 [rire]
15:47 [musique]
15:49 [chatter]
15:52 - Wow!
15:54 So many people!
15:57 I'm very happy I've got you with me today, Potato.
16:01 [toc, toc, toc]
16:03 - Potato, oh, no!
16:05 [soupir]
16:06 Oh...
16:07 - Hey, Chip!
16:08 Great bride's pup outfit!
16:10 - Oh, Nico, I left Potato at home.
16:13 I was rushing, I didn't stop and think,
16:16 and I forgot her.
16:18 You could borrow my boobam.
16:20 - Thanks, Nico, but I need Potato.
16:24 She's part of my puggy family.
16:26 She should be here.
16:28 - Come and sit down now, Nico.
16:30 - I'm sure it'll work out okay, Chip.
16:33 [musique]
16:35 [soupir]
16:36 We left the musical instruments at home, too!
16:38 We need to go and get them.
16:40 Please keep this safe for me, Nico.
16:42 Papa, papa, papa!
16:44 We forgot the musical instruments!
16:47 - Oh! I was in such a rush!
16:50 - Me too.
16:51 I left my potato behind.
16:53 - Right.
16:54 If we go home now,
16:55 I think we can get the instruments and Potato
16:58 and make it back in time for the start of the wedding.
17:01 Let's go, go, go!
17:03 - Wee-hoo-hoo!
17:05 [musique]
17:07 - I'm coming to get you, Potato,
17:09 so we can walk down the aisle together.
17:12 [gasp]
17:13 Potato?
17:14 - Potato!
17:15 - Right, Chip.
17:16 Let's make sure we remember everything this time.
17:19 - I'll get the guitar and my potato, Papa.
17:21 - And I'll get the rest.
17:22 Oh, whoa, whoa!
17:24 - Potato!
17:25 - Whoa!
17:26 - Sorry, Potato.
17:27 If I'd just stopped to think,
17:29 I would have realized you weren't with me.
17:32 [musique]
17:34 [soupir]
17:36 [musique]
17:38 This time, I've got everything I need.
17:42 [musique]
17:44 - Hurry up, Bride's Potato!
17:46 - Whoa!
17:47 - Bride's pup, Chip, ready for duty!
17:50 - Phew!
17:51 - Buggy, perfect timing.
17:53 We're about to walk down the aisle.
17:55 [grimpe]
17:57 - What's all that for?
17:59 - Oh, uh, it's a surprise.
18:02 [giggle]
18:03 [musique]
18:05 [chatter]
18:07 [musique]
18:14 - Thank you.
18:15 Aww.
18:16 [musique]
18:23 - Oops!
18:25 [rire]
18:27 [musique]
18:32 [cris d'enfants]
18:35 - Yeah, Grandma!
18:36 [musique]
18:44 - Mwah!
18:45 - Aww!
18:46 - Aww!
18:47 - Aww!
18:48 [musique]
18:49 [cris d'enfants]
18:50 - Psst!
18:51 Come on, Bride's pups.
18:52 It's time for our surprise.
18:54 [musique]
18:57 - What's going on?
18:59 [musique]
19:02 - ♪ We're here to say hooray
19:04 ♪ On this special day
19:06 ♪ One big family together
19:08 ♪ We all love each other forever
19:11 ♪ So let's all celebrate
19:15 - Bravo!
19:16 - That was perfect!
19:18 - ♪ One big family together
19:20 ♪ We all love each other forever
19:23 - It's happy Puggy doodle!
19:25 - Oh, yeah!
19:27 [rires]
19:31 - Oh, Potato Pal,
19:33 I'm so glad I had you with me
19:35 on Gordy and Grandma's big puggy wedding day.
19:37 - We will love each other forever and ever too.
19:40 - Pugs and kisses to the newlyweds!
19:43 That's you, Grandma and Gordy.
19:45 I mean, Grandma and Grandpa.
19:49 - Aww!
19:51 - Pugs and kisses to you too!
19:54 - Mwah!
19:55 - Mwah!
19:56 [rires]
19:57 - Aww!
19:59 [musique]
20:02 ♪ ♪
20:08 ♪ ♪
20:14 ♪ ♪
20:18 [musique]
20:21 [rires]
20:23 [musique]
20:26 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:31 ♪ ♪
20:36 ♪ ♪
20:41 ♪ ♪
20:46 ♪ ♪
20:51 ♪ ♪
20:56 ♪ ♪
21:01 ♪ ♪
21:06 ♪ ♪
21:11 ♪ ♪
21:16 ♪ ♪
21:21 ♪ ♪
21:26 ♪ ♪
21:31 ♪ ♪
21:36 ♪ ♪
21:41 ♪ ♪
21:46 ♪ ♪
21:51 ♪ ♪
21:56 ♪ ♪
22:01 ♪ ♪
22:06 ♪ ♪
