Pinoy Pawnstars to air on PTV starting May 17, 5:15pm - 5:45pm

  • 4 months ago
Pinoy Pawnstars to air on PTV starting May 17, 5:15pm - 5:45pm
00:00 Pinoy Pawn Stars is set to air at People's Television Network or PTV
00:04 starting May 17. This after social media influencer Boss Toyo of Pinoy Pawn Stars
00:10 signed a memorandum of agreement with PTV general manager Ana Pood and Jay Ruiz
00:16 of Centro Artista Incorporated. The best episodes and new episodes of Pinoy Pawn
00:22 Stars will be aired from 515 to 545 in the afternoon.
00:28 [Filipino Dialect]
00:53 I'm inviting other content creators whether from social media or traditional
00:59 content creators because although PTV is currently producing new content for you
01:05 there are still many kinds of concepts that you can share with us.
01:09 So PTV right now is open-minded in all kinds of content.
