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Eddie | The Dog Walk
00:00 Alright, today is Wednesday. It's December 6th. Welcome to the dog walk presented by Barstool Sports free swim Wednesday. Everybody's here
00:06 Everybody's feeling good. I think we're just shitting on chief cuz he's a mush. I'm not
00:11 Yeah, you are you you resign to the fact that that's true. No, I went I think stats would show your mush
00:17 Yeah, no, I just when I'm hot I don't go running bragging about it
00:21 You guys should have seen my soccer bets for beginning this year. I was like the hottest I've ever been in anything
00:25 Okay, so are you saying that you're not a gambling mush?
00:28 But you are like a regular sports mush which you understand and you yeah, I've had a few ill time tweets of my day
00:33 Yeah, yeah, what'd you predict the Bears how many wins with the Bears have?
00:36 You know, I'd rather be optimistic. I'd rather be optimistic now. I did not bet
00:41 Though there are total I think if you ever give out your picks on a broadcast they are losing. I
00:48 Think that's in terms of mush. All right, maybe your own soccer bets that we don't know about sure. I'm I bet you won them
00:54 Yeah, that's good. Good thing to say. Well, I got anything you broadcast like yeah
00:59 We got to pull the footage of what you and darling show was
01:03 You guys fucking sank that thing. Well, I mean, I bet she was better than you
01:07 No, it wasn't he might have been cuz he was doing live bets of my scores and hockey game
01:11 Yeah, I don't get you some money back it like he had a method but he never did the method on that show
01:16 Which drove me fucking crazy, right and but his method was I'm just gonna spray a machine gun at all these different exact
01:24 Scores and hope it hits like he would have like you'd be like, ah the Red Wings against the Blue Jackets
01:30 I'm gonna put six different bets on six different outcomes. And then if they hit then it's like you you
01:36 He's like barely
01:38 Barely in the plus like it's not like he's covering every number on the roulette wheel basically. Yeah. Yeah four to two
01:44 Yeah, four exactly. Yeah, he's just all over and then okay
01:48 Yeah, I mean the way I would ever get rich one day is predicting the perfect score of an NBA game
01:54 You put five bucks on there. You're winning like 1800. Yeah, no matter the yeah matter the score. Yeah
01:59 Oh, that's that's a nice way to make some money but and lose some money. It's losing
02:03 Might as well have a scratch ticket like it's there's no difference
02:07 Yeah, for sure. Yeah, you got to be no Stradamus
02:10 It's a little easier with hockey, but yeah, yeah
02:13 Here's one way not to lose your money and that's to go to and they offer ended on some jeans
02:19 Chino shorts and joggers most comfortable ever. I'll tell you the goat. Yeah, they're really they're like
02:25 They're like man, you look so comfortable. You look like you're in joggers. It's what I'm wearing the chinos. Yeah, it's true
02:30 I like I just I feel great. It's the only pair of jeans. I've successfully taken a nap in that's how comfortable
02:36 So there's their nap quality comfort while you can wear them out and look great. They have those jeans now
02:42 They have the flannel lining to
02:44 Keep you extra warmer. I think they named those after Danny Lane
02:47 I was gonna say our guy Lance doesn't have to double up anymore as they heat in this car doesn't work
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03:17 It's nice - yeah, it's great. I mean we're just talking parley has parley cultured kind of ruined the ruined society
03:25 What's partly cool? Everyone's trying to get rich quick. Yeah. Well, well, well, here's the thing
03:29 It used to be like no one's here about your fantasy team now. It's like no one's here by your phone
03:33 Oh, that's them. But that's yeah, I would agree with that. Yeah, like I enjoyed Danny had a winner last night
03:38 The Monday Night Football game I liked hearing that but it always does give me a little bit
03:42 I like FOMO - like I'm not
03:44 Like I'm happy for him, but not like yeah, I think you talk about it after I think that makes all the difference
03:49 I I think this I don't want to hear about your parlay until you need one leg left
03:55 Yeah, I don't hear about it. Then I'll be like, let's go. Let's hit this shit
03:58 Yeah, don't tell me about the new house until construction at least up and yes
04:02 I get at least get a couple in the club
04:04 Like I had a I had a nice one on Sunday and I had two overs in the clubhouse
04:08 I just needed fucking Russell Wilson to score there at the end
04:10 You know, it would have been nice. Yeah, it's yeah, it's the same as like trying to tell someone your dreams
04:15 Like oh, well, then I did this and then I need him to score and he didn't score
04:19 I need to him to get over receptions. It's like well, this sounds like a fantasy your fucking vision board, right?
04:24 Yeah, talk about it. It's a little it's come to like a little more. Yeah
04:27 Yeah, yeah, just manifest those wins. Yeah. Yeah, it is amazing how gambling or how much gambling talk is like chains like sports talk
04:36 It's everywhere now. Yeah, it used to be like
04:39 You get Lee Corso give me a little wink and a nod closer than the experts think and that was always about like, yeah
04:45 they're gonna lose but cover and
04:47 Now like it's just like openly every every discussion is about that. Yeah, like my dad will text me his place
04:53 That's not happening like 10 years. Yeah, same. It's like my dad. I always love to bet the tight end
04:59 Not a lot of money just a little bit yeah, you know if Cole come at scores, I'm happy it's great
05:06 Yeah, yeah, that's just the way
05:08 It's changed society
05:11 So I have a question. Yeah, what would you constitute as like the perfect background TV show?
05:18 Not necessarily you don't have to give me the name of a show
05:20 But is it something that's like not exciting something you've already seen multiple times. I
05:25 Have an answer that I know you guys gonna make fun of me for yeah, but it's like if I'm working from home
05:31 And it let's just say it's at night house hunters on on a shoot TV. Okay, so you can kind of hear him talking about it
05:38 But you're only gonna look up to be like
05:40 Oh if they say something like all this kitchen socks or this kid or like we went with this house
05:44 So it's like you're kind of listening you kind of look but it's like you don't have to be focused on the details
05:48 Necessarily and then you just have to look up at the end be like I like house number two
05:53 Let's see which one they pick and then you just move on
05:55 So it like has your interest like enough
05:57 But not so much where it's gonna pull you away from your whatever your other task is necessarily fair
06:03 So off that would you say Shark Tank is a good background TV show? I I think that that fits the see I disagree
06:11 I'm more and I'm like locked in the shark exactly. I want to know I feel like there's one deal per show that you're locked in
06:18 On the show is an hour long. I don't know if that's necessarily true
06:21 They usually do one big one or one interesting one per show and the other ones are like
06:26 Oh, we're gonna pass on your fucking but you're still one
06:29 You still want to see and like you're still stopping everything you're doing and looking up multiple times. It's like presenter
06:35 Because I had it on last night someone's I was with it's like oh like this perfect background
06:41 I was like, I wouldn't say perfect. No
06:43 I'm actually out on Shark Tank in general. I think really yeah, that's crazy. Why I think it's a perfect show
06:50 I can sad Cubans leaving I am a little bit sad
06:53 He was one of the guys that made that it was like him and mr. Wonderful for me
06:56 I think they've all done a great job carving out their niche. I'll be honest. Yeah, I think like Cuban is obviously the star
07:02 but I do think that they've all been a great show had that show had a
07:07 Had like a Ryan Seacrest element to it season one was not with Cuban. It was just some other guy and
07:13 Cuban came in to replace him and then that's when the show took off. Really? Yeah, you think Cubans ago. Give me mr. Wonderful
07:19 I like mr. Wonderful. Yes as well. Yeah, you're probably right. Yeah, you're probably
07:22 Iris in that mr. Wonderful is the most personable and probably is the brings the most to the table
07:28 But Cuban was always your and he's just like I don't want any equity. Just pay me a royalty forever
07:32 He Nolan like structures the deals that way that he does. I think a lot of people came for Cuban and stayed for mr.
07:39 Wonderful, that's a good way
07:41 But no, it's just like I used to watch the reruns I used to watch, you know
07:45 I never feel like I very rarely caught the show live
07:48 But I would I would always be it would be like the perfect like I had nothing's on
07:52 I'll throw shark like I will be scrolling through and shark tanks on I'm like, I'll watch a little bit of shark tank
07:56 I just skip right over it's on like every channel now. It's almost like Seinfeld or yeah, it's cuz it's probably a ratings fucking hit
08:02 It's like ridiculous. Yes
08:04 That used to be like every afternoon CNBC. So it was like that's the business channel in the morning
08:09 They do like squawk of the street
08:10 They do have the Wall Street stuff like once once Jim Cramer calls it a night at four o'clock or whatever
08:15 It was shark tank until 10. Mm-hmm
08:18 So yeah, the conversation completely changes if it's reruns though, like if you already seen it
08:22 You're not looking up as much or any show like those same thing like oh this product came out in
08:27 2016 if it's not a part of my everyday life, then it's probably a failure. Mm-hmm, you know, it's such a perfect show though
08:34 Yeah, then you're always googling. You'll look it up. Yeah, I mean scrub daddy huge. Yeah scrub daddy
08:40 They've had a few like monster monster hits go out of there. I'm doing right Eddie's favorite thing in the world to watch
08:47 What what's that ring cams? Oh, yeah, I'll pass on it. Yeah, no pass on it
08:51 He was uh, yeah, I think that's the most successful one that was passed on he came back as a guest shark and everything
08:56 Yeah, fucking crazy. Yeah, but no, so I disagree. It's definitely not my list here. Whoever said that to you. I will
09:02 Stick through commercials on the cliffhanger every time. Yeah, I will delay bed
09:07 I will delay everything to see if they get that to see if they get the deal. Yes
09:10 40% what what's turning it for me? I
09:15 Don't know. It might be a hot take but I think a lot of regular season like basket like just sports this background noise
09:22 Yeah, oh, yeah big time. Yes, because if you get a good announcer and they go nuts then you know when to look up
09:27 You know you hear this the peak in volume. You're like, oh fuck. Oh damn. That was sick
09:32 So and I would say I think certain sports are better for that than others where I feel like
09:37 like hockey the
09:41 Goals sometimes just come out of nowhere
09:43 We're like where soccer there's like a build-up like it's something like a little bit more anticipation in the in the announcers voice typically
09:51 Basketball is just like to me. It's like nothing really happens. It's like every there's something happened in every possession, but nothing
09:58 I really care about yeah, but if I can dream I green puts Rudy go bear in a chokehold
10:01 Yeah, I see that perfect. Yeah pop your head. Oh, yeah. Oh my god
10:04 There's some guys like we've talked about this Adam. I mean
10:08 Free throws made it looks like it's a three-month game winner. Yes. Why am I looking up for no reason?
10:13 Which is why announcers are important. I used to always be like, ah, it's a tough job
10:17 Like I give them the better for the doubt. I've gotten more surly on it lately
10:20 Yeah, cuz I I feel like our city
10:22 Has gone through like they've turned over a lot in the last ten years or so
10:29 Yeah
10:29 there has been a lot of turnover and the guys that we had
10:32 Were some of the absolute very best across like all the sports and their replacements are just not as good and it's impacting
10:39 How much I enjoy the game?
10:41 Yeah, I think that's yeah a good point. Yeah, whether it's a background show or not, right exactly. Yeah, I think so, but I like
10:48 the Hawks now
10:51 Great background TV. Mm-hmm. Hey, you know, I'm fucking Betsy did something sick
10:56 Head up you know, I mean or even just like you hear him call his name like I'll watch the shift. Yep, exactly
11:02 Yeah to see if maybe he does something exactly. I agree with that. Yeah. Hey, let's take a quick break here
11:08 Cuz I want to talk about Chicago
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11:13 Chicago and your local Chevy dealers want you to know that the time of year to buy a new Chevy is now whether you're looking
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11:32 Or the mr, and you will be good for the next couple of Christmases such a baller gift. Oh, yeah
11:37 It's such a baller gift any gift that has to be placed outside. Yes, not under the tree. You're not go get a Chevy
11:43 It is nice. There is something about that big bow, you know
11:46 Just pulling out seeing the big bow or like hiding the parakeets or it's a nice thing to do
11:51 How long you leaving the bow on?
11:53 You got to get the IG pic. Yeah, that's a lock. You got to get all that
11:58 Maybe drive it to go get your oil change and then take it off there. Yeah, exactly. No, hey, it's a new one
12:02 It's one bought me this yeah, we get it
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12:22 We know it all you guys know what's going on traverse
12:25 It's all good stuff over there Chevy. So make sure you're checking them out
12:29 Speaking of which - I've been wanting to get this off my chest - I've been mean it to do like a video or something
12:34 About it. Have you seen that commercial of that? It's a prescription drug
12:38 Which like it's called antivio
12:41 Sounds familiar familiar. I think all those kind of sound familiar
12:45 Yeah, so there's this antivio commercial if people like yeah, bring this up. It was with an eat Harry
12:50 I mean it has some dudes some trucker and he straps a toilet
12:56 to his
12:58 To his that one right there. It is the most preposterous commercial ever this fucking guy signed up for this
13:04 He's got ulcerative colitis. What does it got?
13:06 He's got this like your uber shits. No
13:09 Well, no, it's not it's like the opposite. Yeah, here it is
13:14 He
13:16 Does have ulcerative colitis this is preposterous
13:19 I got a Super Bowl commercial like my guys battering batting down a toilet to a flatbed
13:26 All right, so I don't even fucking get it. So either the medicine works and you don't need that toilet
13:31 so you leave it right there or I
13:33 Don't I mean I don't did you see the scene before it was like in the cab of his truck yet a toilet
13:38 Yes for people that aren't watching it for billiards is listening. It's a truck driver is battling all
13:44 Ulterior colitis Crohn's and ulcerative colitis all sort of sorry
13:48 So the guy's shit his brains out
13:54 Yeah, and this guy he pays a trucker and he puts a toilet on a flatbed and he like battens it down
14:01 He bends doesn't need it anymore. No, but it makes no sense
14:03 Well, he started off as with the toilet as the driver's seat and thought we were gonna get back to that
14:08 It's was that the driver seat or is that just in the car is that in the cab?
14:11 Whatever regardless you see that the first scene you expect to get back to it
14:14 it's like Bill Burr had a bit about it and one of his specials where there's a commercial for batteries and
14:20 How they show it is this mom has this mysterious device that she clicks and it somehow finds her son
14:28 But again, it's just for batteries and he's like fuck the batteries. What the hell did you have that just made you found your son?
14:34 Yeah, yeah
14:36 that
14:37 This this is one of those things
14:40 where it's like
14:41 I'm like people aren't that smart because I'm sure like that's a that's a pharmaceutical drug company
14:47 I don't know which one they got a gazillions of dollars to make ads
14:52 They probably outsource it to hire some firm some marketing firm who design, you know advertising agency pays them a shit ton of money
15:00 they
15:02 Circle up they come back and we're like, hey, this is our idea for an ad
15:06 It's a toilet in a truck driver's cab and then he doesn't need anymore because of antivio and he puts it on the back of
15:12 the truck so it straps it down and
15:14 Everyone else in that boardroom is like yeah great great at let's run it
15:18 Let's spend a gazillion dollars to put it on shark tank commercials
15:22 That makes no sense to me. I thought that was gonna be a toilet in a car
15:26 No, yeah, and like no one raises their hand be like, I don't think this is it
15:31 Yeah, like that. He should be taking a should've been loading it and throwing it off like that cliff, right?
15:37 Rid of the toilet you don't need it anymore. You don't need it anymore. Yeah in your car also
15:41 But I think it was the toilet goes from the from the from the bed of the cabin. Yeah to the back
15:48 Yeah, you're gonna take a shit in that it's gonna go straight to the bottom also the most
15:56 This is an offshoot but the most addictive form of video I think for men is
16:01 Guys throwing objects off of high platform surfaces
16:05 It's on tick-tock and it pulls up like I would love that seeing that toilet
16:08 We were like you should have just thrown it off a cliff. I'm like fuck
16:10 Yeah, give me the give me the video of him throwing the toilet off. I would have stayed to the end
16:14 Yeah, I would have watched that entire ad if I knew he's throwing a toilet off a cliff it you're right
16:18 I had this kid in eighth grade and he was telling everyone that he was throwing his computer off his garage
16:23 And like this was like a big was that yeah before y2k
16:27 We had survived that yeah, so like that's desktops are out. Everyone's got a laptop. Let's chuck this thing off a high platform
16:36 No, it was like and I think this is another thing that we don't acknowledge as being an awesome thing about today's day and age
16:43 Mm-hmm is remember how bad some of those computers come bit could get with viruses
16:47 And like you just couldn't get anything done. I had to I had to throw away
16:52 I had a Sony vio lap. It was a laptop my freshman year of college. I just had to throw it away. Yeah
16:58 Yeah, and it wasn't just you as your whole family wasn't getting shit done. That was a different website a different one
17:04 Yes, but you're I mean like you try to X something out
17:07 Fire clicking it was like a million pop-ups to the one thing you want. Yes. Yeah, remember how bad some of those viruses would get
17:17 It was a fucking nightmare situation - yeah. Oh, yeah, it'd be like you need a new engine for the car
17:22 Yes, this computer is not working anymore. Yeah, so that's
17:26 Yeah, wasn't why - key thing it was it was a this computer's fucking fried
17:30 Yes, Peter like terminally ill it caused me so much emotional damage
17:34 That like I'm getting a new one and I'm like not giving this a solid burial this things like going through it the hell
17:40 Maybe we should do this
17:42 We'll go up to the roof and we'll just throw a different shit off the off the top
17:45 But here's the thing it was kind of a bust what he threw it so he threw the tower off
17:49 Yeah, you know and it's just like how high was it. It was a garage - gosh height so 10 feet
17:55 Yeah, yeah, yeah
17:57 Here we got at least 20 we could throw things. Oh, yeah, no sure sure like that's true
18:03 It goes viral all those videos will put on Barstow Chicago. I guarantee a hundred thousand views. Yeah
18:09 There's this one where these like these all these guys do they have like a it's like a junkyard
18:14 But they have like a trampoline an old car and like a few other things and they just throw shit off it like this
18:20 It looks like a like a reservoir like big bridge
18:23 And they just throw it off and it's like if you hit the trampoline with a bowling ball or a watermelon
18:28 It's worth like X amount of points
18:30 And then it's if it doesn't like if you hit the edge the trampoline just fucking explodes, and it's awesome like it's awesome
18:36 Every single time it's like the perfect 30 second video. Yeah
18:40 Yeah, adding the trampoline I can get into that watching dropping something onto a trampoline and watching it get air and
18:46 It's so awesome. Do drock. Yeah, yeah like chicks us wouldn't get that I
18:52 Mean there's a reason why that will it blend?
18:55 Was so popular. I don't think I know what remember that just throwing random things in a blender
19:01 That's a utah YouTube 1.0. I think I don't remember will it blend yeah, it's just this guy
19:07 Yeah, this guy just had a blender, and he would throw everything into the will and this guy looks like a fucking scientist - yeah
19:13 I'm sure he's not imagine how much imagine how much I mean not that he's not wildly popular
19:19 But Bill Nye was ahead of his time just like a cool science guy on the internet
19:23 Yeah, but this guy sucks this guy's buddies with the antivio guy. He's just got
19:27 Yeah, but he's guy gets views
19:33 Yeah, what was the line? Well a bat will it boy? I'd like to see if an iPad would blend 13 years ago. He did that
19:39 19 million views see I get this guy 16 years ago
19:43 Is that a Vitamix because that's that's the Rolls-Royce of blenders you wasn't even that he wasn't even utilizing titles and thumbnails
19:51 Every titles will blend
19:53 Will it - I phone glow glow sticks fuck it like I feel like we probably can't play these right
20:00 Okay, he doesn't even have a million subscribers, and he but he is like he's what's right when
20:07 He's not a fucking algorithm. No
20:10 Benefiter no, but he's just like people are seeking this man out. He knows
20:14 Like the human intuition
20:17 What what people want like I would never be like something like what kind of video do you want to watch one?
20:21 Throw an iPad want glow sticks in a blender
20:24 I would never even think of to dream of something that awesome, but now I'm glad I know that it's working
20:29 What's what's his most recent video Harry click on latest?
20:32 Not three guys I retired game will it blend guy he blended everything well it blend the Mandalorian season 2
20:42 Action figure
20:46 That's awesome. I just had a dark thought oh
20:49 The last video will blend myself
20:55 Donate his body to science. It's just been putting his leg into a blender. We'll apply in Walt Disney
21:00 Will it blend he's got his own Wikipedia? Oh, No? Oh, no his name is Tom
21:07 Go down. This is or was
21:10 scroll
21:13 Yeah, keep going cuz I don't get to the dark stuff till the bottom of the Wikipedia on the right side wouldn't say his
21:19 birthday release
21:21 2006 to 2020
21:24 Doesn't say that he's dead all right good all right good
21:27 He's just fucking hanging out the antivio guy dude. I'm told had to retire
21:31 He ran out of things to blend
21:34 Yeah, I guess so I wonder if you like nah never mind. This is stupid. I guess so what's stupid
21:41 Well, it's like does he ever like will it will it blend and he puts an action figure in there
21:47 I feel like
21:49 Does he oil it up put a little butter in there does he or is it just plastic on metal?
21:53 Let's see if this shit blends. I don't say he's just plastic on metal
21:56 Yeah, he's got a purist he's got as much thought about
22:01 How he blends it as well go back to that go back?
22:05 Oh cuz it's that was an article is will it blend CEO steps down with his banana brain
22:10 Scroll a little bit
22:13 Steps down step down the host up down got too stressful
22:20 I'm out of things to blend. I can't do this anymore, but he still did episodes after this
22:26 Whatever
22:30 Simpler times
22:33 You know kind in the sphere. We're saying always probably not a scientist probably like a paid actor or something I
22:37 recently saw
22:40 This girl who I know in a commercial for a dating app who is not supposed to be an actor and she's an actress
22:47 What do you mean? She's not supposed to be you know how it says not paid actors
22:51 These are actually successful users of the app. She's an actress
22:53 Could she be both I?
22:56 Don't think so like slim odds because she's an active actress like she's in other commercials and shit now, too
23:02 Yeah
23:02 But I bet you if you show up for an audition be like I actually found my husband and she's saying I know actually and she's
23:07 Single because I saw her on tick-tock making these videos hmm. We got him false advertising
23:12 We all knew it, but we I just need a real-life confirmation
23:16 These are paid actors and actresses. They did not find love you will not find love
23:21 I'm not out there two birds one stone
23:23 That's what I was saying, but I think like if you if you are if you're her
23:28 You have to compromise a lot of your future acting career because of that if you're posing as not a paid actor
23:34 You know if she ever got big enough. They'd be like hey, and they'd out that dating app commercial for using yeah
23:41 She had a popsy-turvy. No that's like I was such a good actor
23:45 That they said this and it wasn't true, and you all believed it because I was that good yeah, that's true
23:50 That's like when dating shows would recast the same person now. Do you remember when that would happen?
23:54 It was like on singled out like old-school. They should know like yeah like old-school dating shows
24:00 What was that girl Megan wants to be a millionaire?
24:02 You're making money. No no it's like well. That's her. That's her grandmother. Yeah, yeah, sure every Megan wants to be millionaire
24:09 They would like Greek has the same contestants you mean
24:13 Yes, like she was on
24:15 She was on like Beauty and the Geek and then she was on like
24:18 Like flavor of love as well. I forget what it was and then her and then she got her own dating show
24:23 Yeah, there is Megan wants to be a millionaire. Oh, I am they ended this show because a guy killed his
24:29 Girlfriend yikes yeah, it was really fucked up like in there like one or two episodes into the guy Oh
24:36 Correction Megan wants a millionaire doesn't want to be one. Yeah, it wants Megan wants a millionaire, so yeah, so she was on
24:43 Don't we all mag click on her thing go up Megan houseman Hauser man or whatever it was
24:49 See what she was in oh she's from here
24:52 Go down
24:55 Yeah, beauty and the geek done. She was on a rock of love
24:57 It's like money. It's
25:00 But these are all vh1 show so they probably like hey the audience likes this girl. It's just throw her and everything yeah
25:06 But I don't think they acknowledge that she was on like the other show you know
25:11 Eddie wants this girl to stop looking for love yeah, come on Ed. That's I just wish there was more
25:16 Transparency that's it. You know like this transparency
25:20 She's an actress it looks like - yeah, she's the most woman of reality TV
25:26 So kind of out of context here, but coming up on the mid show today
25:30 We have Dave making banana bread and one of our concerns was that the bananas he's getting them today
25:37 so they're gonna be too fresh and
25:40 Matt who sits next to me Hank Cole I
25:42 Just happen to have like an older banana on his desk that he was gonna have for lunch today
25:48 And he just text me saying Dave just took the banana off my desk. No way
25:52 He didn't even say like he didn't even ask probably not barter. Just jacked his banana. He's like
25:59 I'll replace it with one of the new bananas. Yeah
26:01 It's definitely gonna be like I'll get you a banana again some other day
26:08 Don't worry, it's just a banana. Why are you bringing it up?
26:11 But still one one kind of bruised banana isn't gonna be enough to know alter the fate of this banana bread
26:21 Yeah, and also I I gotta bring this up, too
26:24 We got brothers up on a mid show like months ago him trying to say that he doesn't flex
26:30 He's a morning guy is preposterous. Oh, yeah, you don't even have to defend it
26:33 Yeah, obviously like you like as a morning guy to like your brothers in arms with Dave
26:38 Do I flex it? I'm a morning guy. No, not really. Okay at all
26:42 I would say yeah, like you're like, but I think you're like a broken morning guy. I don't want to be yeah
26:47 I know right here, but I think you've like you've gradually came back
26:50 Since you've got this job. I remember when you first we first started in 2018. You're like, yeah
26:56 I was up at 445 like and shit like that like 5 a.m. But I feel like well cuz it yeah, you've definitely
27:02 Like you're in the sixes now, right at least uh, I would say on
27:08 Like this past Sunday. I slept until like was it that I'm still I still wake up in the fives
27:15 But sometimes I'll just be kind of a bum which I should really just stop and I'll stay in bed until 6 15 or 6 30
27:22 but like I
27:23 sleeping I
27:25 there's been one day this year where I slept past 8 and I
27:28 Had some help with that with substances so
27:35 Like I took too much and knocked myself out and I was like gone until I gave 45
27:39 So what is it with you people that just love to let the world know that you guys wake up so early?
27:44 But I don't do that. You said I well Dave Dave's
27:47 Reasoning for a we called him out in the mid show. He's like, I'm not I'm not bragging about being a morning person
27:53 It's just a matter of fact like I wake up early like you could justify any brag like that
27:56 I don't have a six like I'm not bragging have a six-pack matter of fact. You have a six pack
28:01 yeah, but I do think there is an element of
28:05 You hear the stories of like Jocko and Kobe and all these people are like getting up early and and
28:11 Getting stuff done
28:13 Then I think there's an element of people who want to like they want to have the ability to brag about getting up early
28:19 But they're not doing anything. They're sitting there on their phone or on their computer
28:23 They're drinking their coffee from 530 until 9 or 10 when they go to work. Yeah, it's like why'd you wake up at 4 a.m?
28:29 Are you working out in the gym getting some shit done? It's not night terrors. I just laid in bed the next three hours
28:35 Yeah, exactly
28:36 So that's I think there is like an element like I like like you get
28:40 Associated with being like a hard worker if you just wake up early. Yes. Yeah, correct you do there's
28:46 If you wake up early you still have to do yeah, if you're waking up early to watch like Saturday morning cartoons
28:53 Yeah, no, there's nothing to brag about a lot like me
28:56 I'll wake up early - and I'll start watching and tweeting sports at 6 a.m
29:01 Like because I want I like the soccer, but I'm not like
29:04 You know, I'm just awake. Yeah, but I but it's like I'm not like
29:08 Working on my body or doing anything overly productive. I'm doing nothing
29:12 I'm having coffee and I'm watching TV, but like I think there are people who like brag about that. Yeah. Yeah
29:17 You think I'm doing it right? No, no, no, not at all
29:21 I don't I honestly don't think you do you what do you say then she say used to wake up at 5?
29:26 55 and a dot every morning or the 5 to 5 or 6 55. No, it was in the fives
29:31 It was used to I went it changes
29:33 There is a time where it's just like my body clock was like I had an alarm set for 530
29:38 So it was like I would wake up at like 524 like I would wake up before the alarm
29:43 It's just like every single time like somehow
29:45 Somehow my body clock just knew like that because I hate the sound of that alarm
29:50 So I think my I would just get in the habit of waking up like just a little bit before it. Yeah
29:56 No, no. Yeah, that's that the body's weird like that. Yeah, and I will say that if I set an alarm I
30:02 Wake up before it almost every time if I don't set an alarm like if it's Sunday like I don't need an alarm
30:09 That's when I will sleep a little bit later. It's like something like the alarm never wakes me up
30:13 But the fact that I said it
30:15 Will cause me to wake up before it. I feel like you're getting bad sleep then Oh
30:21 Preparing you're like subconsciously anticipating the alarm. I think I've had a good night's sleep
30:25 2016
30:31 Like where I you know like here and there but like consistently like I don't election got you that bad. Yeah
30:36 Stay the world. He's got it. Yeah, put that monster this finger on the button. Can you believe it?
30:41 Yeah, I don't know for him to say that he's not a morning flux guy with us
30:47 Was very shocking to me or not shocking at all. Yeah, that's that's a three though that he is a morning flux guy
30:54 Yeah, like he likes to say that yeah takes pride. It takes pride in that. Yeah. Yeah
31:00 It'll be like I'll come in
31:03 It'll be like 1030s like you wanna go get breakfast fucking starving been up since five, you know
31:08 I can't it can't just be like I'm hungry. I've been up since five. Yeah, I'm fucking starving
31:15 Yeah, and there's certain ways to say like I've been up since five tossing and turning like where did you get up early?
31:21 At five to do something or like we're just not able to go back to now
31:25 I will I don't know when Dave works out, but he does work out. He doesn't like so like he he I
31:31 Think that if he wanted to flex it's like he's afraid about flexing about the workout piece
31:37 So so he flexes on the morning, but if he just combined them be like, yeah, I get up early to work out
31:42 What could we say my man's dying for you to ask what he did at 5 a.m.
31:46 However, I did I have noticed that he's been getting into the gaming world again a little bit. Oh, yeah, so that's here
31:54 Yeah, he's like starts to flip and we get to see like, you know, though I'd be just like nightcrawler day
32:00 You know has been his his TV light is really getting a workout. Yeah, it's just really just illuminating his whole his whole life
32:09 So, I don't know. I love that version of White Sox Dave. Yeah. Yeah the best version. Yeah. Yeah, it's great
32:15 All right, then we could wrap this thing up oh I did have a
32:21 Stemming from well, it was last week's draft about the worst minor injuries, you know, it's a bad one that happened recently
32:28 And I don't know. This is probably just my fault for being stupid
32:32 Putting toothpaste on my toothbrush and
32:37 Like the bristle the last bristle of flick back and it shot me right in the eye with a little toothpaste
32:42 Yeah, I'm basing the eyes not not fun. I don't think I've ever had that happen. Yeah
32:47 No, not that doesn't happen for me can't relate may have been the first time but yeah, it was not good
32:52 Yeah, it's a freak injury. Yeah, I just had that mint sizzling in my eyeball
32:56 How long did it take to get it you have to rinse it or just go it actually just went away after a little bit
33:00 But it was and anything foreign in your eyes. You're stopping everything and you're figuring it out
33:05 Yeah, I can't see your look you lost a sense
33:07 But I was close to you know, dig into the trash front in the box and call them poison control, you know
33:11 Like you never know keep out of reach of children and your eyeballs. Yeah
33:15 Speaking of I I guess you know teeth thing here. I went to the dentist again
33:20 I get I'm actually been pretty good about getting my teeth cleaned every six months. Okay, and
33:25 Cuz ever since like I probably went like three years ago
33:28 Like hey, like we didn't need to like do a deep clean like we need to fix some things cuz I think I've said on
33:33 Here my my old dentist retired. Yeah, and like I just you know, they put it off. That's a big relationship for sure
33:39 So I put off for like a year, you know, like going to get like a dental teeth clean. I'm gonna go in January
33:44 Yeah, it's been a while
33:46 So since then the decline I scared the fuck out of me where they like they put deep shots into your gums
33:51 And it takes like two hours
33:53 I've been like good about it and I've been able to like get back on track orally hygiene wise and
33:58 I
34:00 Went this time like I you lost about like a millimeter of your gum like I feel like there's a lot for gums
34:07 Yeah, they're like it's not bad. They're like, you don't gotta worry about it until you get like they're like
34:10 They wouldn't even fix that if like, okay, you know, whatever they're like, you know, like but how many millimeters you have to get like 13?
34:17 Millimeters. Oh and then like a really symmetric system. Yeah, so like once you start to lose three or four
34:22 They said that it's like problematic and you probably need
34:24 What I guess they do is they take the gum off the roof of your mouth and then they like
34:28 I had a family member that had that but I was like
34:31 It was like a teenager. Oh, really?
34:33 They had they it was eroding or they just didn't weren't born with enough
34:37 They had to like take it from the roof of mouth and like pack it in the front for and I heard it's not fun
34:42 I don't hurt. It doesn't sound fun. Yeah, I heard it sucks anything with your mouth is not good
34:47 Yeah, so I was like that's even just like getting hit in the mouth. Yes. Yeah, but I was like, you know what?
34:52 I've been like good about this. Yeah, whatever. Well, it's seen them identical like like
34:56 Yeah, you have like a lot of weird like like I got it's all your cigars friction on like the top it
35:01 I'm brushing too hard. I guess. Oh, I didn't know that was a thing. Oh, that's oh, yeah
35:06 Yeah, I I had to switch to the the sonic errors
35:09 Yeah, cuz I was if I just had like a regular old toothbrush
35:14 I was bleeding every time like really bleeding because I would just brush too hard and like it'd be you know
35:19 when you have like your girlfriend has her toothbrush there too and you buy them at the same time and
35:25 yours is completely like
35:27 Obliterated just from brushing. Yeah, it's like what's basically new I
35:31 Brush different and built different brush different
35:35 I thought that's the goal is you get that brush in there and you find that fucking dog, you know
35:39 Gently they say if you brush up and down as opposed to circular that brings down like your it shifts your gums, too
35:47 It's bad for you. I thought you were supposed to do up and down. No, it's supposed to be circular circular nice and gentle
35:52 You got to do an upwards trajectory. So you get the gums? Yeah, but don't like go hard on I was like fuck
35:58 So now that I have the sonic error, I just kind of lightly I let the toothbrush do the work
36:02 Yes, you should they're nice and they also like
36:06 It takes it feels like it takes forever, but it will give you like a little vibration after like 30 seconds or something
36:14 So it's like, all right, you've been brushing this area for 30 seconds switch to the other side, dude
36:18 See, I was always under the impression like those weren't like getting in there enough, right? Yeah
36:22 No, they claim they are but they definitely are
36:24 Fuck. Yeah, cuz think about when you're like if you have a brag trying to scrub a dirty table
36:30 You got to apply some pressure same with a plaque on your teeth. Yes, but these are doing it just at a micro level
36:35 So I'm trying to do a good job and I'm just fucking things up sound blasted. Yeah. Yeah, that's not good
36:40 All right, speaking of brushing teeth
36:42 Of a move I've never seen before so wake up mince
36:46 He came back yesterday and there's a segment when he's brushing his teeth and big cat takes the same toothbrush to brush
36:52 Minty was going side to side but never how you've seen before he had it on one side of the molar going like this
36:58 Shifting over to the other side of his mouth
37:01 So like over the tongue through the other molar he was just going back and forth like this
37:06 Oh, he wasn't like your life wasn't turning the wrist
37:09 Please tell me that was just so he could talk more easily. He wasn't really even talking
37:15 He was just going that's just how we brush his teeth
37:18 Maybe I just had a nerve brushing wrong
37:20 So I'm not one to talk but I don't think anyone has ever brushed like that
37:23 Like you have the toothbrush going from one side of the mouth to the next over the tongue and everything
37:29 How many people do you think you've seen brush their teeth in your life?
37:31 That's a good question, it's probably less than 20
37:36 Well, what really brings the numbers up if you're like at an overnight camp you got 10 guys in the same room
37:40 You're watching them, huh? You watching those people?
37:43 Well if they're next to you and like I'm picturing one of those yeah, maybe long mirrors in a bath in a public restaurant
37:48 Yeah, just everyone just like wiping shit out of their eyes. Yeah, don't say it
37:51 You see the guys are like whoa, you use lotion every morning. Yeah
37:56 How'd you sleep?
37:58 Pretty good. You got an extra q-tip. Yeah
38:00 but now I
38:04 Was upsetting to find out that I was just fucking
38:06 Taking an axe. You're going too hard man
38:10 Yeah, it makes sense why all our toothbrushes just look like they got electrocuted
38:13 Yeah, I do. I always get a kick out of seeing people toothbrushes that look like a troll's hair
38:18 Yeah, yeah
38:23 Angelica from the Pickles dolls
38:25 It's just always so fucked up. It's always so fucked up. So I don't know. All right
38:34 Electric toothbrushes, they're like retro again. They are I feel like they came back
38:38 Did you just say you use one but I thought they didn't go anywhere
38:41 I feel like at one point it was like you're trying too hard with an electric toothbrush just brush it yourself
38:46 And now it's like well, you don't have an electric toothbrush. It's actually a lot better. Yeah decreases gum removal. Yeah
38:51 I don't think all electrics are built the same. I think the sonic airs are the that's the goat
38:58 That's what the dentist. I don't know. I'll have to see so for myself. Yeah, I'm not
39:03 I'm not bombing down a sonic air that easy. I highly recommend. I'm going to the dentist this week. I'll throw her back. Yeah
39:09 Yeah, let me know
39:11 Let me know. Mm-hmm. Just know what?
39:13 We're gonna say because we have the little retainer behind your I do yeah, yeah fucking sucks I
39:21 Do but it does but I like it in some regards. Um next time I go I'm gonna ask book. I didn't take it out
39:27 I'm gonna ask like 25. It's gonna been like 25 years. Yeah, but is it worth that if it shifts?
39:32 I don't know but like are they gonna shift?
39:35 It's not gonna be a like noticeable enough the shift but it's enough to where it done
39:40 It's like oh you're shifting. It's like I don't really care anymore as long as I'm not looking like Nanny McPhee. We're fine
39:45 Okay, Nanny McPhee's got a bad bottom. Oh bad teeth. You got one tooth in front. That's about it
39:50 On the culture, please Google image Nanny McPhee right now, it's jarring. No, I don't do this
39:58 What is that? It was an old movie?
40:02 Oh, she's got one tooth. Yeah, I've never seen this. Oh
40:06 Guys I don't know about Nanny. I don't know she got the unibrow. She got that witch's nose
40:13 Shut it down Harry. No, she's not see this is this is what the people don't get they judge Nanny McPhee by her cover
40:19 She's a warm-hearted person. I'm sure she's like who forgot to go to the dentist for a couple centuries - yeah, right
40:25 Oh my god, I mean, I maybe she is nice. I feel bad if that's okay. It's a fictional character
40:30 So whatever based on true events here. All right, we'll shut it down on that. Thanks everybody for listening
40:35 See you guys
40:38 tomorrow
40:40 (whooshing)
40:42 (whooshing)
