28-11-23 - Joie du composte - ENTREPRENDRE Franck Leon

  • last year


00:00 The idea is to fill it up by floor.
00:02 Of course.
00:03 And then to intervert, to let nature do its work.
00:05 In a month and a half, however, we can have compost.
00:08 It's the interest in relation to the garden, etc.
00:10 where it's going a little slower.
00:12 This is where I feel clear, it's at home.
00:21 It's true that composting, we all want to do it.
00:24 We all have.
00:24 All.
00:25 In the morning we get up, we say to ourselves, "I'm going to compost today."
00:28 It's true that we're fed up with buying this biomass.
00:31 It's stupid.
00:32 And today we still have tools and you're going to help us.
00:36 Because often, we don't necessarily have a piece of garden
00:39 to make our composting in the old way.
00:41 And you, you started to sublimate the idea,
00:43 finally, to have a composter at home or in the apartment.
00:47 Yes, the idea is to be able to put it where we want.
00:50 In the apartment, either on the work surface or on the balcony.
00:52 Yes.
00:53 Even in a small space, we can put it.
00:54 It's enough to...
00:56 What did we have to find?
00:57 Because it's true that we say we can compost in any container.
01:01 But there is necessarily an added value, there is a technicality.
01:05 So, first, it's done with small pots of soil.
01:06 So, compost pots that are raised for that.
01:08 Eco-lumbering.
01:10 Exactly.
01:11 These are our friends.
01:12 Yes.
01:12 Without a pot of soil, we wouldn't be here.
01:14 No, exactly.
01:15 And they're so small, they hate sunlight, so we don't see them.
01:17 And the idea is to fill it up floor by floor.
01:20 Of course.
01:21 And then to intervene, to let nature do its work.
01:23 And in a month and a half, on the other hand, we can have compost.
01:26 It's the interest in relation to our garden, etc.
01:28 Where it's going a little slower.
01:30 So, we get the compost from below, of course.
01:33 So, we just add, and then we get it.
01:35 We just have to pick it up, and then we take our little terroir.
01:38 We put these dryers, we put these dry materials too.
01:40 So, the dead leaves, the dead leaves, everything we can find at home.
01:43 Everything that is biodegradable.
01:44 Yes, that's it.
01:45 And all this balance makes it so that there is no smell.
01:47 What made you go on?
01:49 Because there are several models.
01:51 How does this range present itself?
01:53 So, this is the basic model.
01:55 The first one I came out with.
01:56 I see compost.
01:57 Here, two floors.
01:58 And now we're doing three and four floors.
02:00 Yes.
02:00 So, for homes, so there, a home for one to three people.
02:04 Then we have the more family format.
02:06 And then we did the second one, which allows you to be buried in a garden.
02:11 Yes, it's there, it's hidden.
02:12 Here, in a nice hiding place, by the way.
02:15 Here.
02:15 You have a clear place.
02:17 Here, we put the dry leaves, the dry materials, the earthworms, as usual.
02:20 And in fact, we fill it, we don't touch it, it will do it all by itself.
02:23 And then the compost will spread.
02:25 It spreads.
02:25 We're going to put it around.
02:26 So, we can put plants, but also tomatoes, zucchinis.
02:29 In fact, from the moment we compost, often,
02:31 we're going to grow these seeds.
02:33 We're going to get a little gardening too.
02:35 You make me dream, because it's true that we think of home,
02:38 but we, who are at the heart of companies, we think of RSE.
02:41 But it's true that today, all companies,
02:43 from Île-de-France and Navarre, because we have to extend,
02:46 we should also have our composters within the companies.
02:50 Alert to DRH and business leaders.
02:53 Buy compost joy.
02:55 Buy or workshops too, because I do installation workshops.
02:58 That's smart.
02:59 To explain.
03:00 Because in fact, otherwise people say,
03:02 "Oh, compostage, I have a lot of ideas around."
03:04 And in fact, I do workshops that are playful, pedagogical.
03:07 We also have a good time to answer all these questions and bring it.
03:10 The company was born in Île-de-France?
03:14 Yes.
03:14 I am based in Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine.
03:17 In Saint-Ouen, yes.
03:17 I am in the Île-de-France region.
03:19 Very good.
03:20 Is it important to be incubated?
03:23 What information?
03:24 On the legal, on the economic, on ...
03:26 On a little bit of all sectors.
03:27 All sectors.
03:28 Entrepreneurship is a first for me.
03:30 We saw it at home.
03:31 We can help, Claire, of course,
03:33 but it's about helping ourselves.
03:35 That's a fact.
03:36 Entrepreneurs, it's the opportunity to finally sublimate RSE.
03:39 Because composting in companies, I think it's just great.
03:43 Because it finishes the biomass.
03:45 It commits us, because we must also talk about
03:47 collective restoration.
03:48 Biomass, there is a law, it is framed in 2024.
03:51 You have to recycle your biomass.
03:53 We don't throw it away anymore.
03:54 Nobody will throw it away.
03:56 We will all recycle.
03:57 Good.
03:57 joiducompost.com
03:59 Yes.
04:00 Here.
04:01 We are a future distributor, florist or other, we call you.
04:04 Yes of course.
04:05 Here is the opportunity to get dynamic.
04:07 And then, to all those who want to know more,
04:09 joiducompost.com
04:11 and then we will be live with you, dear Claire.
04:13 OK.
04:14 Well, I love my green friends.
04:16 Long live the hummingbirds.
04:18 She finally takes with joy compost of real flavors.
04:21 A big thank you.
04:22 Thank you Eric.
04:22 joiducompost.com
04:25 joiducompost.com
04:27 (upbeat music)