Kesataran Pajak Global yang Adil, Intip Ulasannya

  • last year
Menteri Keuangan memastikan berbagai insentif fiskal yang diberikan oleh pemerintah saat ini, masih tetap kompetitif jika dibandingkan dengan negara yang selevel. Apalagi jika kesetaraan pajak global yang lebih adil, dapat diterapkan maka menkeu yakin iklim usaha dalam negeri akan lebih bersaing dengan negara lain.


00:00 The Finance Minister has made sure that the various fiscal incentives provided by the government are still competitive compared to the countries on the same level.
00:08 Moreover, if fairer global tax equality can be applied,
00:12 the MNK is confident that domestic business will be more competitive with other countries.
00:17 The business community that championed the need for an increase in fiscal incentives
00:25 was responded to by arguments made by the Finance Minister.
00:28 The Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, explained that there is currently a lack of balance in tax procedures in the world,
00:34 which causes a lot of tax avoidance.
00:37 For that, with the international agreement on two tax pillars,
00:41 it is hoped that tax equality can be the beginning of a more competitive fiscal incentive provided by developing countries such as Indonesia.
00:49 Sri Mulyani said the government has provided a lot of fiscal incentives to protect the business and industry sectors.
00:55 Sri Mulyani also emphasized that good fiscal balance must be maintained
01:00 so that the fiscal incentive provided must be consistent with the value of investment or the results obtained from a fiscal policy.
01:06 With the global tax agreement in process,
01:09 Sri Mulyani is confident that domestic tax incentives are still competitive with other countries.
01:14 So that the basis of taxes from countries with high taxes is eroded.
01:20 This is called tax avoidance or tax evasion.
01:24 These practices certainly make the playing field different.
01:29 So we also try internationally
01:33 so that the competition is fair.
01:36 No one keeps lowering it to the bottom.
01:40 Previously, the government has added several fiscal incentives to maintain domestic industrial growth.
01:47 Recently, the government issued a policy package at the end of the year
01:50 that also provides fiscal incentives to the government for the property sector until the end of the first semester next year.
01:57 From Jakarta, Rahar Jopatmo, IDX Channel.
02:01 Thank you for watching.
02:03 [Music]
