Pembatasan Barang Impor

  • last year
Pemerintah resmi menetapkan, positif list produk yang boleh diperdagakan lintas negara melalui crossborder online meski dengan harga di bawah USD100. 4 kategori produk yang boleh yakni, adalah buku, film, musik, dan software.


00:00 The government has officially set up a positive list of products that can be traded across the country via cross-border online,
00:06 although at a price below US$100.
00:09 Four categories of products that can be traded are books, movies, music, and software.
00:14 The government has officially set up a positive list of products that can be traded across the country via cross-border online,
00:23 although at a price below US$100.
00:26 In the list there are four categories of products that can be traded across the country via cross-border online,
00:32 namely books, movies, music, and software.
00:35 The policy was decided in a limited coordination agreement on the import and distribution of non-import goods.
00:42 The government ensures that the implementation is consistent with the joint effort to prevent the flood of imported products and protect local products.
00:51 According to the Trade Minister's Regulation No. 31 of 2023 on the permission to trade,
00:56 distribution, distribution, and supervision of business actors in trading via electronic systems.
01:01 Meanwhile, goods outside the four categories will be included in the negative list,
01:06 or the list of imported goods that get special supervision.
01:10 Such as being sold at a minimum price of US$100 per unit,
01:14 including halal certificates, medical and food supervision bodies for food and cosmetics,
01:19 as well as the National Certificate of Indonesia or SNI.
01:22 From Jakarta, IDX Jenu.
01:25 Economic observer Muhammad Faisal evaluates the government policy
01:32 which allows four categories of products that can be traded across the country via cross-border online,
01:38 namely books, movies, music, and software, as a transfer of knowledge and learning.
01:43 This is because local production for these four categories is still very limited.
01:48 Faisal believes that with the permission of the four categories of products
01:52 that can be traded across the country via cross-border online,
01:56 the activity of selling in e-commerce will remain.
01:59 I think this is not separate from the need for transfer of knowledge and experience
02:09 through these products, namely books, software, movies, and music.
02:18 This will increase the capacity and knowledge,
02:25 and also improve the quality of education in the country.
02:30 In terms of learning, is this a head-to-head with similar products sold in the country by domestic actors?
02:42 How does it become the goal rather than banning various types of goods to be sold on e-commerce platforms below USD 100?
02:54 I think this is not necessarily head-to-head because first of all, domestic production is very limited.
03:04 [Music]
