Harvard Football's Scoring Streak Against Cornell Creates Buzz

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Harvard, Harvard are up on Cornell.
00:06 That's right, we dipped our beak
00:07 in some Ivy League football tonight.
00:08 We smashed the over of this game.
00:12 I gotta tell you, man,
00:12 I wish I was betting on Ivy League football more.
00:15 Look at these Harvard scores.
00:17 Is this Harvard or is this like, are they Harvard?
00:20 Or is it Ohio State?
00:22 Right, you know what I'm talking about?
00:24 Is it the USC Trojan offense?
00:27 Like Harvard put points up on the board
00:29 on a weekly basis, man.
00:30 Like they all, their gains are always,
00:32 they're getting into the 30s and the 40s.
00:34 Harvard appear to be a pretty good football team this year,
00:38 but we're on the wrong side of Cornell tonight,
00:41 but we did put more on the over.
00:42 We'll take the Ivy League split with a profit
00:44 and we'll move on.
00:45 Anytime you win money betting anything in the Ivy League,
00:47 you know, you're happy about it.
00:49 (upbeat music)
00:51 (upbeat music)
