The Dick Tracy show - ep. 049 - The newspaper caper

  • l’année dernière
Production : UPA
December 3, 1961


00:00 [musique]
00:08 The Dick Tracy Show
00:11 [musique]
00:28 Ok, chief, I'll get on it right away.
00:31 Dick Tracy calling Joe Jitsu, calling Joe Jitsu.
00:35 Come in, please.
00:37 Joe, this is an emergency.
00:39 We've gotten a tip that Pruneface and Itchy have hatched a plot to blow up a newspaper plant.
00:44 Rush over to the morning news and stop them.
00:47 Joe, lucky to be in vicinity of newspaper, Mr. Tracy.
00:50 We'll get right to work.
00:53 Good luck, Joe.
00:55 [musique]
00:58 So, the publisher thinks he'll get us with this morning edition, does he?
01:03 Well, this paper will never get out on the stands.
01:06 Get the dynamite ready, Itchy.
01:09 We've got enough dynamite to blow up the whole city.
01:13 Use it all, Itchy.
01:15 We want this blast to go down in history.
01:18 Pleased to place you, gentlemen, under arrest.
01:22 It's Joe Jitsu.
01:24 Have a drink of ink, copper.
01:27 Hold everything.
01:29 Joe Jitsu calling Dick Tracy.
01:32 Come in, Joe. How is it going?
01:35 Case of full of suspense, but expect to be wrapping a double newspaper soon.
01:40 Good work, Joe. I'll be over shortly in the squad car.
01:44 Six to an even, over and out.
01:47 [laughter]
01:50 The Black Phantom.
01:52 [vrombissement]
01:54 [rire]
01:56 Lucky for Joe, I am having spare glasses.
02:00 Hurry, Itchy. Let's get those fuses lit so we can blow up this joint.
02:05 [laughter]
02:07 They not wrapping when Joe sit down to keyboard.
02:11 [bip]
02:13 Hey!
02:15 Oh, no!
02:17 Help!
02:19 [bip]
02:21 [sifflement]
02:23 [vrombissement]
02:27 Pruneface and Itchy soon be back in news.
02:31 [vrombissement]
02:35 Itchy and Pruneface on front page.
02:38 Oh, should we smiling?
02:40 Smile, please.
02:42 I said smile!
02:44 Oh, yeah. That's better, yeah.
02:47 [bip]
02:49 [vrombissement]
02:52 Itchy and Pruneface not making too good impression.
02:56 [bip]
02:58 [bip]
03:00 [vrombissement]
03:07 Now time to go to work on rest of people.
03:11 [vrombissement]
03:17 Let us see if this news is fit to print.
03:21 Where is the Sunday funnies?
03:24 Ah, here we are.
03:26 Must find out what happen to Itchy and Pruneface.
03:30 Itchy shout, "Faster, Pruneface, faster!"
03:34 Pruneface say, "Yes, but where to?"
03:38 Both crooks are shouting, "Yow! Yow!"
03:42 [tongue clicking]
03:43 Oh, this is terrible.
03:45 Itchy say, "This surrenderizing course sure work fast."
03:50 Pruneface answer, "Funny joke, oh, funny joke."
03:56 Next we see squad car pulling up to morning news building
03:59 and Dick Tracy enter, gun in hand.
04:03 He say, "Joe, where are you?"
04:06 And Joe Jitsu say, "Here I am, Tracy, in the press room."
04:10 And Tracy say, "Joe, how did you do it?"
04:14 Joe reply, "Itchy and Pruneface only too glad to repressing environment."
04:21 And Tracy say, "Take them away, Joe, so we can press charges."
04:26 So that is how newspaper caper ended,
04:29 reminding me of a famous Tin Man case.
04:33 Well, see you in the funny papers.
04:36 [chuckles]
04:38 I mean, uh, sayonara!
04:42 [music]
