ValUEs - Vásárhelyi Mária (Hungary)
Vásárhelyi Mária (*1953) is snagovi gyermek volt, a legfiatalabb mind közül. Édesapja, Vásárhelyi Miklós a Nagy Imre-kormány tagjaként szintén a kádári megtorlás áldozatává vált, habár a legenyhébb büntetést kapta, amit nem is kellett teljesen letöltenie. Mária saját élményeiről, illetve apja életéről beszél, hiszen Vásárhelyi Miklós börtönből történő szabadulását követően változatos pályát futott be a Kádár-korszakban, hogy végül az ellenzék egyik oszlopos tagjaként a Rendszerváltást is előkészítse.
(Interjú: Csunderlik Péter, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
Mária Vásárhelyi (*1953) was also a Snagov child, the youngest of them all. Her father, Miklós Vásárhelyi, was also a victim of the Kádár reprisals as a member of the Imre Nagy government, although he received the most lenient sentence, which he did not have to serve in full. Mária speaks about her own experiences and her father's life, as Miklós Vásárhelyi after his release from prison had a varied career in the Kádár era, and eventually paved the way for the end of the communism as a pillar of the opposition.
(Interview: Péter Csunderlik, Eötvös Loránd University)
Val.UE.s is an EU-funded project that aims at fostering a common reflection on the effects that ethnic, religious and gender discriminations implemented by authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in Europe and in European-ruled Overseas Territories had on people’s personal lives.
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(Interjú: Csunderlik Péter, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
Mária Vásárhelyi (*1953) was also a Snagov child, the youngest of them all. Her father, Miklós Vásárhelyi, was also a victim of the Kádár reprisals as a member of the Imre Nagy government, although he received the most lenient sentence, which he did not have to serve in full. Mária speaks about her own experiences and her father's life, as Miklós Vásárhelyi after his release from prison had a varied career in the Kádár era, and eventually paved the way for the end of the communism as a pillar of the opposition.
(Interview: Péter Csunderlik, Eötvös Loránd University)
Val.UE.s is an EU-funded project that aims at fostering a common reflection on the effects that ethnic, religious and gender discriminations implemented by authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in Europe and in European-ruled Overseas Territories had on people’s personal lives.
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