ValUEs - Moica Niculina (Romania)
Moica Niculina a fost arestată oficial din motive politice în 1959 (la 15 ani), de către autoritățile comuniste ale vremii, invocându-se apartenența sa la o organizație de tineret anticomunistă. Povestea sa documentează opresiunea politică, dar și violența și discriminarea de gen. În mod tradițional, deținuții politici de gen feminin erau mult mai discriminați decât cei de gen masculin. Această situație a avut un efect distructiv asupra vieții sale după eliberarea din închisoare.
(Interviu: Centrul de Excelență în Studiul Imaginii, Universității din București)
Moica Niculina was officially arrested for political reasons in 1959 (when she was only 15 years old) by the communist authorities for being the member of a youth group which allegedly protested against the regime in power at the time. Her story documents political oppression but also gender discrimination. Traditionally, female ex-political convicts were discriminated against more than men. This had a destructive impact on her life after being released from prison.
(Interview: Center of Excellence in Image Studies of the University of Bucharest)
Val.UE.s is an EU-funded project that aims at fostering a common reflection on the effects that ethnic, religious and gender discriminations implemented by authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in Europe and in European-ruled Overseas Territories had on people’s personal lives.
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(Interviu: Centrul de Excelență în Studiul Imaginii, Universității din București)
Moica Niculina was officially arrested for political reasons in 1959 (when she was only 15 years old) by the communist authorities for being the member of a youth group which allegedly protested against the regime in power at the time. Her story documents political oppression but also gender discrimination. Traditionally, female ex-political convicts were discriminated against more than men. This had a destructive impact on her life after being released from prison.
(Interview: Center of Excellence in Image Studies of the University of Bucharest)
Val.UE.s is an EU-funded project that aims at fostering a common reflection on the effects that ethnic, religious and gender discriminations implemented by authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in Europe and in European-ruled Overseas Territories had on people’s personal lives.
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