ValUEs - Gennaro Spinelli (Italy)
Gennaro Spinelli è il presidente della Comunità Rom e Sinti in Italia. Nell'intervista denuncia il persistere di discriminazioni e stigmatizzazioni nei confronti della sua comunità d'origine, sostenendo che l'83% degli italiani nutre "sentimenti negativi" nei confronti di rom e sinti. Secondo Spinelli, anche se molto è cambiato dai tempi delle leggi razziali e della deportazione, molto resta da fare per evitare che i campi di concentramento di ieri siano sostituiti dai campi nomadi di oggi.
(Intervista: Istituto Luigi Sturzo)
Gennaro Spinelli is the President of the Roma and Sinti Community in Italy. In his interview, he denounces the persistence of discrimination and stigma towards his community of origin, claiming that 83% of the Italians have “negative feelings” about Roma and Sinti people. In Spinelli’s view, although much has changed since the time of the racial laws and deportation, much remains to be done to ensure that concentration camps of yesterday are not replaced by nomadic camps of today.
(Interview: Luigi Sturzo Institute)
Val.UE.s is an EU-funded project that aims at fostering a common reflection on the effects that ethnic, religious and gender discriminations implemented by authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in Europe and in European-ruled Overseas Territories had on people’s personal lives.
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(Intervista: Istituto Luigi Sturzo)
Gennaro Spinelli is the President of the Roma and Sinti Community in Italy. In his interview, he denounces the persistence of discrimination and stigma towards his community of origin, claiming that 83% of the Italians have “negative feelings” about Roma and Sinti people. In Spinelli’s view, although much has changed since the time of the racial laws and deportation, much remains to be done to ensure that concentration camps of yesterday are not replaced by nomadic camps of today.
(Interview: Luigi Sturzo Institute)
Val.UE.s is an EU-funded project that aims at fostering a common reflection on the effects that ethnic, religious and gender discriminations implemented by authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in Europe and in European-ruled Overseas Territories had on people’s personal lives.
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