ValUEs - Hajdu Tibor (Hungary)
Hajdu Tibor a kommunista hatalomátvétel éveiben kezdett el dolgozni egy pártintézményben. Itt a sztálini tisztogatások ismerőivel, illetve a sztálinista politikusok követőivel is megismerhetett. Karrierjét a kirakatperek is befolyásolták. Az 1956-os forradalmat is egy különleges státuszban: reformpártiként, de nem forradalmárként élte meg. Ezen szakmai kezdet visszaemlékezésében különleges látásmódot biztosít a Rákosi-korszakra (és részben a sztálini diktatúrára). A Magyar Tanácsköztársaság és Károlyi Mihály nemzetközileg is elismert kutatója így személyes élményei kapcsán politikai alapú diszkriminatív élményekről mesélt.
(Interjú: Csunderlik Péter, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
Tibor Hajdu started working in a party institution during the years of the communist takeover. Here he had the opportunity to meet people who knew about the Stalinist purges, as well as followers of Stalinist politicians. His career was also influenced by the show trials. He also experienced the 1956 revolution in a special status: as a reformist, but not as a revolutionary. In his recollection of this professional beginning, he provides a unique insight into the Rákosi era (and, in part, the Stalinist dictatorship). Thus, the internationally renowned researcher of the Hungarian Republic of Councils and Mihály Károlyi recounted politically discriminatory experiences in his personal experiences.
(Interview: Péter Csunderlik, Eötvös Loránd University)
Val.UE.s is an EU-funded project that aims at fostering a common reflection on the effects that ethnic, religious and gender discriminations implemented by authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in Europe and in European-ruled Overseas Territories had on people’s personal lives.
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(Interjú: Csunderlik Péter, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
Tibor Hajdu started working in a party institution during the years of the communist takeover. Here he had the opportunity to meet people who knew about the Stalinist purges, as well as followers of Stalinist politicians. His career was also influenced by the show trials. He also experienced the 1956 revolution in a special status: as a reformist, but not as a revolutionary. In his recollection of this professional beginning, he provides a unique insight into the Rákosi era (and, in part, the Stalinist dictatorship). Thus, the internationally renowned researcher of the Hungarian Republic of Councils and Mihály Károlyi recounted politically discriminatory experiences in his personal experiences.
(Interview: Péter Csunderlik, Eötvös Loránd University)
Val.UE.s is an EU-funded project that aims at fostering a common reflection on the effects that ethnic, religious and gender discriminations implemented by authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in Europe and in European-ruled Overseas Territories had on people’s personal lives.
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