KARSTEN WALTER - KOMM NäHER (RHYTHM OF THE NIGHT) (Komm näher (Rhythm Of The Night))
Producer: Roman Lüth
Associated Performer: Petra Bonmassar
Film Producer: India Rischko
Studio Personnel: Hans-Philipp Graf
Composer Lyricist: Peter Glenister, Gordon Annerley, Giorgio Spagna, Francesco Bontempi, Michael Gaffey
© 2021 AME. Music GmbH, under exclusive license to Universal Music GmbH
Producer: Roman Lüth
Associated Performer: Petra Bonmassar
Film Producer: India Rischko
Studio Personnel: Hans-Philipp Graf
Composer Lyricist: Peter Glenister, Gordon Annerley, Giorgio Spagna, Francesco Bontempi, Michael Gaffey
© 2021 AME. Music GmbH, under exclusive license to Universal Music GmbH