I Tracked Down The Results For My Corona Virus Test

  • 4 years ago

Not since that STD panel I got taken when I ran wild in the summer of 2010 have I been so relieved about a test result. Honestly I went back and forth a million times on this. I thought me and my kids had it very early on, before the lockdown even started. Then I thought we didnt. Then they got better and I thought we were definitely in the clear, then mine lingered and I thought I had it again. Then all my symptoms started to match up completely, and I started to actually get kinda nervous. At its worst, whatever I had was a real motherfucker. I couldnt take a breath without coughing. But the last couple days I turned a corner and started to improve, so whether it was Corona Virus or not, I knew I was beating it. I was just concerned about seeing my kids and being around my parents so I still needed to wait for the green light with a negative.