Town Life of the Rich - Daily Life in the time of Jesus -The Jerusalem Gift Shop

  • 6 years ago

Close to the Roman oppressors -- these wealthy aristocrats, merchants and landowners live in palatial houses graced by streams, pools and gardens --
and are waited on by slaves and servants.

Dressed in brightly colored cotton and silks imported from the distant east --
they adorn themselves with silver, gold and perfumed oils.

Armies of the rich man's servants spend hours preparing sumptuous feasts for invited guests -- a reflection of his social status...
or his sense of self-importance.

The feet of the guests are washed when they arrive.

Then they recline on soft couches in Roman fashion
during the long, multi-course meal.

Unlike the simple pottery of the villages, the affluent are served on decorated plates and drink from colored goblets.

And after the meal, music and dance fill the air till the late hours of the night.

It was probably here, in Tzipori, that Yeshua came to understand
the troubles of the rich

Synch Arieh: Jesus related to Jewish people and one situation he saw a man, a rich man that asked Jesus what should I do in order to follow you. And Jesus just told him, sell all what you have and follow me. And this rich man was so sad, because he couldn't do it. And then Jesus said, look, it is easier for a camel to enter into the eye of the needle, than a rich man comes to the kingdom of God.

Therefore He taught us:
" lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust destroys
and where thieves do not break in and steal.
For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.
(Matthew 6:19-21)
