Man with Mouse in Pocket Steals Case of Beer

  • 11 years ago
A man with a mouse in his pocket steals a case of beer.

Imagine trying to score free beer while you have a live mouse in your pocket?

Accused of robbery in Washington County, Oregon, 20-year-old John Jacobson allegedly swiped a case of beer that was temporarily stacked outdoors during a store delivery.

An alert worker witnessed the suspect grab the box and run behind the shop. The employee confronted Jacobson, who threw the beer in the worker’s face and abruptly ran off.

With the help of a K-9 team he was found hiding in the bushes. Jacobson was quickly detained, but officers were quite surprised to find a mouse in his pocket.

Jacobson was charged with robbery and theft, and his father was called to come to the station and pick up the mouse.

Last year, a man in Florida, Warren Michael III, was pulled over for driving erratically and told cops that a squirrel, residing under his shirt was eating him. Michael did end up showing officers the live squirrel.

However, they also noted bloodshot eyes, a strong stench of alcohol and slurred speech. He was cited for a DUI and his girlfriend was called to take possession of both the vehicle and the rodent.
