6 Miles Away, This Cat Found His Way Home

  • 12 years ago
6 Miles Away, This Cat Found His Way Home - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

A woman’s pet cat in New Hampshire has returned home, traveling a remarkable 6 miles from the local animal shelter. The cat’s owner, 80 year old Barbara Oliphant decided to keep Wollie the black cat, because she felt sorry for him.

She kept the stray kitty until her husband got critically ill and they were forced to bring Wollie to the animal shelter because they couldn’t give him the attention he needed.

Oliphant’s daughter secretly adopted Wollie as a surprise for her mother, but while she was at the shelter,

Wollie escaped and several days later, shows up in front of Barbara's home. Dr. Emily Weiss notes: “Generally speaking, cats have amazing smell and hearing, so when they’re lost they look for clues to pick up a slight scent or sound and go to what’s familiar for them. What makes this story so remarkable is that this cat was motivated to come home based on the bond that it shares with his owners, and that’s pretty amazing.”

Have you ever had a pet return to you after being lost?
