Baby Hospitalized After Mother Pours Beer in Sippy Cup

  • 12 years ago
Baby Hospitalized After Mother Pours Beer in Sippy Cup - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

One Phoenix mother won’t be nominated for mother of the year any time soon. Police arrested the 36 year old mom at a local restaurant after she allegedly poured beer into her young son’s sippy cup, causing the toddler to fall out of his seat due to possible intoxication. Diners claimed the 2 year old did indeed drink out of the cup after the beer was poured and was even left unattended with the cup at one point. Valerie admitted giving her son some beer after he kept grabbing at the pitcher on the table but at first denied he drank any of the liquid and then later stated it is possible he could have consumed it. The child was taken to the hospital for observation and the mother is now charged with child abuse.

In a similar story from 2011, two Connecticut women, Juliette Dunn and Lisa Jefferson were arrested after forcing Dunn’s child, a 4 year old boy to quickly chug a beer then called him an ‘alcoholic’ while at a playground. Both women pleaded guilty to risk of injury to a child.