Yoga - Side Plank Intermediate - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
Yoga - Side Plank Intermediate - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats. Today I am going to show you an intermediate variation of the side plank pose. This pose helps to strengthen the arms and the upper back, and also is excellent for the strength of the center of the body. So, start by coming into plank pose first. Hands directly under the shoulders, legs straight back on the balls of the feet. Nice and firm, body in one straight line. From there, roll onto the edge of your right foot, stack the feet and lift the left arm all the way up toward the ceiling, and turn the face up to look at your left thumb. Remain there for five breaths or so, and then return back to the plank position. You may go to the other side or come down and rest and then practice on the other side.