Parenting: What You May Not Know About a Newborn

  • 13 years ago
Parenting: What to Know About a Month Old Baby - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Newborn babies are actually wonderful communicators. Unfortunately, most of us do not understand most of their communication. So here again is an opportunity to understand that your baby is giving you messages with body language, obviously with their voice, with their facial expressions. And some of these things are subtle, but they are all cues, they are all indications of what is going on with your baby. I wish every person having a baby knew that, because it is really overlooked. We act as if babies cry, sleep, eat, and soil their diapers as if that were all. They are actually sending us a lot of subtle messages, and if you choose to notice those and tune in to them, and learn to read those cues, you can have amazing communication, even with a newborn baby.