Parenting: How Much Attention to Give to a Newborn?

  • 13 years ago
Parenting: Potential Physical Hazards for a Newborn - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Newborns really need a nurturing person available to them at all times. So that's really contrary to we want to somehow to make it possible to be doing something else or have our focus somewhere else. It doesn't mean you have to be with your newborn, but you have to be available. And there is no way to spoil a newborn, that is a really important thing that there is a lot of misconception about. Your newborn is defining her whole experience of reality by the contact she is having in this world and that primarily means you as the parent or whoever the primary caretaker is. So in the first months there is nothing better than attention, availability, and actually being focused on the messages, the cues, that your newborn is communicating to you.


