Contracting Matter Theory

  • 13 years ago
A very basic but hopefully easily understandable into to Contracting Matter Theory. Of course there are many more types of temporal transfers - into empty space, sometimes ready to collide with Earth in an earlier year, other times missing the Earth... So far, intersections have been made for events going back to up to 103 years.
Quick maths, that must be 1908... Yes, the Tunguska Event has also been linked this way. It caused the same radioactive isotopes and also Tritium in the groundwater as did the Vitim event, not quite 100 years later, in the same general area.
CMBR is of course not caused by contraction, but all paticles of matter were caused in a single violent event a long long time ago, just as in big Bang, but NOT in one point. Even the COBE and WMAP probe findings still do not prove Big Bang - they find only "some" evidence of expansion, but it all depends which basis theory you are working with. Einstein was right again - there was no Big Bang.


