• 2 weeks ago
00:00I watch the Lost Pages shows and I gotta tell you when people see these shows on
00:05your YouTube channel it's gonna revolutionize the world. It is the
00:10greatest show ever. It's funny and you know what I like? You have balls. I mean
00:14the stuff you do on that show you are half crazy. I like a woman that's half
00:18crazy. You're half crazy. Some of the stuff you did in there and I
00:21don't even want to mention it because I don't want to ruin it for everybody but
00:23trust me you you're gonna be tripping when you see the chick does on this show.
00:27You're an animal. Yeah, episode one we were cleaning dirty balls and then the
00:35next one was I had to eat a double stack burger. You made the Carl's Jr. commercial
00:41look like a mistake. You killed that burger. That was the greatest thing I've
00:44ever seen. My jaw, I mean I'm sacrificing my life. Did you get lockjaw? Oh I had
00:50lockjaw. I still have a bit of a click in my jaw now. Sue Sportscript for your
00:55lockjaw. I really do. Now listen, my favorite episode was the golf ball
00:59the golf ball cleaner. Yeah, dirty balls. Yeah it was it was really and then how
01:05about you were in the ice-cold water. Yeah. I saw you on the on the craps table
01:10with the chips. Yeah we had a ton of fun props and people can write in and send
01:15more that they want to see me do but we have a it was it was a lot of fun to get
01:19down and dirty. So you know listen your guys Lasky and F these guys are working
01:25with you. Yeah. Those are my friends. I've known those guys forever. They're
01:28dangerous. You guys together I mean it's gonna I'm thinking Emmys. I'm thinking I
01:33mean I think you're gonna take over the world. You think dirty balls is gonna win
01:36an Emmy? Dirty balls is gonna win every single Emmy. All of them. I mean it's
01:41awesome. Now tell them the secret. The shows are so great that you're gonna do
01:46more of them. I'm hearing that you have signed a multi-year deal and will never
01:50stop doing props. I mean the Lockjaw though is a little concerning. No we
01:55created Lost Pages which is a destination for fantasy, casino, betting,
02:00lifestyle and so give me props is just the first step of what we want to build
02:05out and we're just trying to have as much fun as possible. I think people in
02:09social media and sports just take themselves way too seriously and so we
02:13just want to show a different side to what we can do and have so much
02:18fun along the way. I've seen you already capitalize on you know the web like the
02:24internet. You've taken over the world. But this is something I never
02:28expected from you which is so cool. You did something I never you know thought
02:32I'd see coming like you went from that where you're doing all your slow-mo
02:36stuff. You're looking incredible. Millions of men are obsessed with you
02:40and then you're it's all golf and the next thing you know you're doing all
02:43this crazy insane wild stuff for SportsGrid on Lost Pages. I think it
02:47shows a whole new side of you that's kick-ass and I think fans are gonna love
02:51it. So let me ask you now that you're doing it and having this much fun when
02:55you walk around this nightmare like last night I felt like a steer. Yeah. And like
03:00literally the rodeo. I was a cattle. There were so many media crushing
03:04immediate. The only thing good that happened to me last night was that I met
03:07you. Everything else was a nightmare. I felt like a piece of meat in there. When
03:11you walk through here and every single guy here wants you what is that like? Is
03:16that stressful? Because I feel stressed for you. I'm stressed out for you. I mean
03:20as an international sex symbol you know how it feels when you're walking around
03:24and everyone is clawing at you. I mean you are the better version. I want to be you.
03:29Not with this guy. I mean honestly like I'm giving birth in March. You didn't
03:33know? Congratulations. So when you filmed the episodes and you got all crazy and
03:41like when you ate that hamburger you had literally sauce all over your face and I
03:48was worried for you. You're too beautiful and then I was like what is happening
03:52now? You shoved a hamburger that was the size of a Chevy into your mouth and it
03:57was one of the greatest scenes in American television history. What and
04:00you've got lockjaw from. What is next? Who comes up with these ideas? Lasky? You?
04:05People are writing in. I don't care about those people. They do not deserve to know you.
04:10No they're actually bets from people who exist in this world who want to see me
04:16you know get down with a burger. I'm predicting I'm predicting upwards of I'm
04:22gonna say 500 million people in the first three months will be addicted to
04:26the show. 500 million. Well that's the plan again. Shatter all television. We just want to have a lot of fun and I've done stuff like this in the past where you know I have I feel like a good sense of humor and I like to show it off and this kind of
04:39originally started where people were the hot dog eating challenge was something
04:44that I always wanted to do in every fourth of July and I was like I could eat a ton of hot dogs in ten minutes and you know people loved it and I was like you know what? Let's do more of this. Like I want to have fun with it.
04:55So you had so much fun with it but you said at times it with your career in
05:00golf and everything people were like abusing you online. Who's laughing now?
05:04Still those same people. I hate those people. I hate them all. The food has just changed. Before it was a hot dog and now it's a burger. I'm just stuffing it in my mouth. I hope they all get diarrhea.
