• 2 weeks ago
Today's GAME TIP is the beautiful video game Kena: Bridge of Spirits, which is only on sale on Xbox for 24 hours direct here: https://www.xbox.com/games/store/kena-bridge-of-spirits/9NDNM3HX77R0

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a story-driven action-adventure in a beautiful setting with lots of opportunities for discovery and fast-paced combat.
Players assemble a team of small, ghostly companions, the so-called “Red”. They develop new abilities and new ways to change their environment.
Kena is a young spirit expert. She travels to an abandoned village in search of the sacred mountain shrine.
She struggles to unlock the secrets of this forgotten community hidden in an overgrown forest. The wandering spirits are trapped inside.

Find the red
Fearful and enigmatic spirits scattered throughout the forest.
They keep the balance by decomposing dead and rotten ingredients.

Important features
- Build your own team: Find and collect red to gain powerful abilities, make discoveries and change the environment.
- Discovery: A forgotten village and a strange curse. By harnessing the power of the spirit realm, you can recreate this once majestic world.
- Quick battles: Some ghosts have become corrupt. They are trapped and can go no further. Kena has to face them again and again.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is also out on Steam, Playstation and Epic Games.

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Note: The #KenaBridgeofSpirits #Trailer is courtesy of Ember Labs. All Rights Reserved. The https://amzo.in are with a purchase nothing changes for you, but you support our work. #XboxViewTV publishes game news and about Xbox and PC games and hardware.
00:20Sensed suffering here spirit. Do you need help?
00:23Death and corruption are all that remain here. Turn back.
00:45My father was a spirit guide. He helped many pass from this life to the next.
00:52So you know what happens to spirits unable to move on.
01:01Ground yourself. Feel the energy of the mountain.
01:15The land has begun to heal. Is this your doing?
01:20You carry the same energy that flows through these roots.
01:27What are you hiding?
01:51Why are you here?
01:53You pretend to care for these spirits, but here you only serve yourself.
