• 6 years ago
From real estate mogul to reality TV star to, ultimately, a two-time U.S. president, this is the story of Donald Trump.


00:00May never be excited again about a crowd after going to India
00:14They have trending you always put me trending they'll give you 25 things that I've done over my life
00:20They make it negative always negative trending
00:55Went to a great school business school the Wharton School of Finance a great school
01:00one of the really great schools
01:20We grew up in a very racist family
01:24My grandfather was both was racist and a semitic and was and a misogynist so that was fun
01:32so Donald grew up with these things being second nature and
01:37I often heard
01:41Racial slurs anti-semitic slurs bandied about you know very casually in my family
02:04Good we eat our pizza the wrong way crust first
03:13Maybe in fact it is time for a businessman to be president
04:19Why doesn't he show the birth certificate and why is he spending
04:23Millions of dollars in legal fees to get away from this issue and let me tell you
04:28He doesn't like Donald Trump and the last guy in the world that he wants to run against is Donald Trump
04:42No one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest to ban the Donald
04:50And that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter like
04:57Did we fake the moon landing?
05:03What really happened in Roswell and where are Biggie and Tupac
05:23They're bringing drugs they're bringing crime they're rapists and some I assume are good people
05:57This political stuff is nasty and it's tough so I want to thank my family very much
06:43His name is familiar
06:45Familiar to every person on the planet
06:55Up the bar
06:57Trump's our car
07:01We in India
07:04Have connected well with President Trump
07:30If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm gonna do I will never speak to you again, you'll never see
07:43Mala you're fired
