Out Yonder mov

  • 2 days ago
"Out Yonder" explores the interconnectedness of the natural and human worlds, abstractly emphasizing that environmental changes influence our inner states. Climate change affects not only the physical aspects of our world but also has profound psychological impacts. The film’s portrayal of the sea’s depicted currents and their parallels to human emotions invites viewers to meditate on how environmental degradation and climate instability contribute to a collective sense of anxiety and unease—a world where change is the only constant.

This theme resonates deeply with the principles of abstract expressionism. Abstract expressionism often seeks to convey complex emotions and ideas through non-representational forms, creating a space where viewers can connect with the work on an emotional and psychological level. Similarly, "Out Yonder" uses the metaphor of these depicted ocean currents to represent the fluidity and turbulence of human emotions in the face of environmental changes. Just as abstract expressionism invites interpretation and introspection, the abstract representation of the sea's movements becomes a visual language to express the often intangible and overwhelming feelings associated with living in an era of environmental uncertainty.

Note about the Filmmaker:
Christoph Runné is a Vancouver-based experimental film, video, and installation artist. His work explores the unhidden yet seemingly invisible world around us. He creates visual tone poems with a humanitarian heartbeat whose minimalist and impressionistic methodology contradicts the complex human conditions with which Runné engages.
