Madeline Madeline S02 E009 Madeline and the Big Cheese

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
00:49Musique douce
01:06Dans une vieille maison à Paris couverte de vignes,
01:10vivaient 12 petites filles en deux lignes.
01:16La plus petite était Madeleine.
01:20En deux lignes, leur grâce a été annoncée
01:23lorsqu'elles ont cassé leur pain de matinée.
01:25Nous aimons notre pain, nous aimons notre pâte,
01:29mais le plus important, nous aimons l'un l'autre.
01:33Un jour, quand les filles étaient assises,
01:36ils ont reçu une visite de Lord Cuckoo-Face.
01:39Pardonnez l'interruption, mademoiselle,
01:41mais aujourd'hui, je vous ai apporté pas un, mais deux surprises.
01:46Pas un, mais deux!
01:48Oh là là!
01:51Lord Cuckoo-Face avait apporté un déjeuner,
01:53quelque chose pour les filles à manger.
01:55La première surprise est énorme, délicieuse,
02:00délicieuse à la bouche.
02:02Gâteau au chocolat!
02:04Prize winning!
02:09Chocolat bonbon!
02:16Fromage de la grande vache.
02:18The only one of its kind in all of Paris.
02:28Lord Cuckoo-Face could see it in their eyes.
02:31The girls were not thrilled with this surprise.
02:34What is the matter with you?
02:36Do you not like cheese?
02:38Oui, monsieur, I like cheese,
02:40if it is bright orange and wrapped in paper.
02:44Miss Clavel, have you not taught these young ladies
02:47the importance of cheese to the cuisine of France?
02:50Oh, dear!
02:51This country is famous for its cheese.
02:54People all over the world flock to buy the cheeses of France.
02:58Cheese made France, what it is today!
03:06It's not every day you find a country such as France
03:10With her famous opera and with her famous dance
03:14Heart and good couture, soldiers' victories
03:17But what made France so very great, it's cheese, cheese, cheese
03:21What made France so very great, it's cheese, cheese, cheese
03:25Cheese made France, what it is today!
03:27Now make some super peas
03:29Cheese made France, what it is today!
03:31A big hurray for cheese!
03:33There's camembert and brie, chevreux and porceloute
03:37And for a crumbly roquefort, there is no substitute
03:41With fruit or with baguettes, in two recipes
03:45What made France so very great, it's cheese, cheese, cheese
03:49What made France so very great, it's cheese, cheese, cheese
03:53Cheese made France, what it is today!
03:55Now make some super peas
03:57Cheese made France, what it is today!
03:59A big hurray for cheese!
04:01What made France, what it is today!
04:03A big hurray for cheese!
04:05Cheese made France, what it is today!
04:07Now make some super peas
04:09Cheese made France, what it is today!
04:11A big hurray for cheese!
04:18So, perhaps now you appreciate my surprise
04:22Well, it is very large and very smelly
04:27And perfect for making my favorite dish, cheese fondue
04:34He wanted the girls to try something new
04:36To make a perfect cheese fondue
04:39Oh, we would be pleased to make fondue for your dinner tonight
04:42Wouldn't we, mes enfants?
04:44Oui, Mesclamels
04:49Excusez-moi, Lord Cuckoo-Face, but did you not say you have two surprises?
04:54Ah, yes, I almost forgot to show you
04:57But first, will you do me the honor of taking the cheese to the kitchen, Mrs. Murphy?
05:06They left the room in two straight lines and left the glorious cheese behind
05:11The second surprise was not very far
05:16It was a shiny, brand new car
05:21It is an automobile
05:24A shiny automobile
05:26Not just any automobile, a brand new touring car
05:31Have you ever seen anything like it?
05:33It is a very handsome automobile, Lord Cuckoo-Face
05:37I am glad you like it, Mesclamels, because I am going to teach you to drive this car
05:44Drive? Oh no, not I
05:47When you learn to drive, you can take these young ladies on health outings to the country
05:56But I am not at all sure
05:58The little girls let out a squeal, imagining Mesclamels behind the wheel
06:04Take a closer look, Madeline
06:08The seats are so soft
06:10And the engine is so powerful
06:14What was that?
06:17Ay caramba, I dropped my lucky coin
06:20I will help you look
06:23Come, come, Mesclamels, you have nothing to worry about
06:26Mrs. Murphy will look after the girls while I teach you to drive
06:30Well, if you are sure
06:36While the children searched below the seat, Mesclamels drove down the street
06:41And pedestrians made a quick retreat
06:45Turn right, no, no, no, left
06:48Turn, turn
06:53Mesclamels, tournez
06:58Turn, turn
07:03Turn, Mesclamels, turn
07:10Turn right, no, left
07:14Children, what are you doing here?
07:16Learning how to drive
07:20While Mesclamels braked and steered into the kitchen the young girls feared
07:27It is time to prepare the fondue for Lord Cuckoo Face
07:31They found the cheese had disappeared
07:34Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
07:40The girls could not believe their eyes
07:42There was no more cheese that had won the prize
07:45They are back
07:47Who will explain this to Lord Cuckoo Face?
07:50That cheese meant so much to him
07:52No cheese fondue, he will be so disappointed
07:57And he is always so generous to us
08:01Oh, dear!
08:04A glass of water, s'il vous plait
08:07What is wrong, Mesclamels?
08:09Did something terrible happen?
08:11Something unthinkable, ma petite
08:16I passed Lord Cuckoo Face's test
08:19Mes amis, did you hear the good news?
08:22Did you hear the bad news?
08:24The cheese has disappeared
08:27And the girls do not want to disappoint Lord Cuckoo Face
08:32Oh, dear!
08:40A catastrophe!
08:42We will have to distract him
08:44The loss of the cheese made the girls quite alert
08:47They feared that Lord Cuckoo Face would feel very hurt
08:50So they came up with a plan to divert
08:53Well, young ladies, have you heard the news?
08:57Mesclamels has learned to drive
08:59Oui, Lord Cuckoo Face
09:01And to celebrate
09:03We want to put on a play for you
09:06A play?
09:07Oh, very well
09:08If it is short, I am somewhat weary
09:11The girls put on a silly play
09:13To keep Lord Cuckoo Face away
09:16All hail to the Queen!
09:20Daniel, you be the Queen
09:22Who, me?
09:23Queen who?
09:30Voilà! Queen Loveshade!
09:33Fine! And you be Princess Drapery
09:36Princess Drapery?
09:41This is the worst play I have ever seen
09:44But look!
09:53Oh, Lord Cuckoo Face will never forgive us
09:57He is asleep
09:59We can go get another cheese just like it
10:01Before he wakes up
10:03But which cheese shop? Where did he get it?
10:06The chairman of the board of trustees let out a snore
10:09And then a wheeze
10:11And answered questions about cheese
10:13Lord Cuckoo Face
10:15Where did you get that cheese?
10:18The cheese?
10:22Cheese shop
10:25Which one?
10:27It is called...
10:33This is not working
10:35Shop de fleuvel
10:40But that is on the other side of town
10:42We cannot get there and back before he wakes up
10:45Yes, we can, Miss Clevel
10:47If you drive
10:57So driving for her was something quite new
11:04Miss Clevel was determined to make cheese fondue
11:14And Pepito and Madeline went along too
11:20Oh, no! A shortcut!
11:25This must be the place
11:27Every kind of cheese was there
11:30In the shop of Monsieur Camembert
11:32Bonjour, Monsieur et Mademoiselle
11:34What kind of cheese do you want today?
11:38Monsieur, we are looking for something very special
11:44We have Roquefort, Brie, Charalais, Camembert, Rigaud
11:48Il avait du fromage et du fromage avec des trous
11:51Du fromage qui grignote, du fromage qui roule
11:54Du fromage qui est bleu, du fromage qui est vert
11:57Mais le fromage de Monsieur Cuckoo Face n'était pas à voir
12:00Monsieur, nous aimerions le même fromage que celui de Monsieur Cuckoo Face, s'il vous plaît
12:04Fromage de la Grande Vache
12:07Fromage de la Grande Vache?
12:09Je regrette, je suis vendu
12:12Mais peut-être qu'il y a quelqu'un à la ferme d'Henri
12:15C'est à 10 kilomètres de Paris
12:17Très bien!
12:19You can drive us there, Miss Clavel
12:22Quelle horreur!
12:26We will be there in no time
12:28And Lord Cuckoo Face will never know what happened
12:32And though the driving had improved somehow
12:35There was an unexpected
12:48Something is not right
12:54Oh no! It is a flat tyre
12:57Now we will never get our cheese
13:00The journey stopped when the tyre went flat
13:05There would be no cheese
13:07And that was that
13:18Merci beaucoup, Monsieur
13:20We cannot thank you enough
13:22De rien, Mademoiselle
13:26There is still hope
13:30It is a beautiful day, no?
13:33Oui, Miss Clavel
13:35But it is getting a little foggy
13:38But just when things were looking good
13:41A cloud of steam came from the hood
13:48Oh no!
13:50Ay caramba! The car has overheated
13:53I am sorry, mes enfants
13:55I do not know what to do
13:58Look! There is a farmhouse
14:00We could walk up there and get help
14:06The children walked not very far
14:09To get some help for the touring car
14:14What you children need is some water
14:16Merci beaucoup
14:17But what we really need is some cheese
14:20Cheese! We have plenty of that on this farm
14:24Let me show you how we make our cheese
14:29First we heat the milk
14:35We separate the curds from the whey
14:37Then we salt it
14:42Press it
14:47And let it age
14:50But do you have the cheese little Cuckoo Face needs for the fondue?
14:54Perhaps we have what you need
14:56My husband has collected cheese from all over France
15:00Madame Chevre wanted to please
15:02So she had them sample each kind of cheese
15:05From Chevrotin to Creamy Breeze
15:09Too salty
15:13Too smelly
15:17Too cheesy
15:19I am sorry you missed Henri
15:21Did you say Henri?
15:24Oui, he just left to take more of his prize winning cheese to Paris
15:29Fromage de la Grand Vache
15:31That is the one
15:39Back home while the mice groaned and digested
15:43Lord Cuckoo Face kept his eyes closed and rested
15:49He is waking up
15:55We have to keep him sleeping
16:07How many kinds of cheese did we taste?
16:10How many kinds of cheese did we taste?
16:12I lost count at 27
16:18This should solve the problem
16:20But we must hurry
16:22If we want to find Henri and get the cheese before Lord Cuckoo Face wakes up
16:32Miss Clavel should be back with the cheese by now
16:35Something is not right
16:40Something is not right
16:42We should have caught up with Monsieur Henri's cart by now
16:45I could go a little faster
16:53This is more like it
16:57The car made good progress until...alas
17:01I believe mes enfants, we have run out of gas
17:06The search for the cheese was at an impasse
17:09Things looked hopeless, at least for a minute
17:13Until a cart appeared
17:16With a farmer in it
17:18Do you need gasoline?
17:20Oui, Monsieur, and we also need cheese
17:24Cheese? Well, I may be able to help you
17:28Allow me to introduce myself
17:30I am Henri, the farmer
17:33Back to Paris came the car
17:35With a cheese that was spectacular
17:38A prize-winning cheese, oh such a coup
17:41Guaranteed to make a fine fondue
17:43Tombez-vous, tombez-vous
17:47What will we do?
17:49We cannot sleep forever
17:51Someone will have to help us
17:53We must find the cheese
17:55We must find the cheese
17:57We must find the cheese
17:59We cannot sleep forever
18:02Someone is coming
18:13I will never drive again
18:15But Miss Lavelle, you are a very good driver
18:18Someday, I hope to drive as well as you
18:22Quick, take the cheese to the back door, Pepito
18:30And so fondue was served that night
18:33They all enjoyed the dish, all right
18:37Here, mademoiselle
18:39Just dip the bread into the melted cheese
18:42That is fondue
18:45Though two had lost their appetite
18:48I do not care if I ever see cheese again in my entire life
18:54But I am sure that the little mice will enjoy it
19:02This is the best fondue that I have ever eaten
19:06In fact, it was such a delicious meal
19:09That I have another surprise for you
19:11But Lord Cuckoo-Face, you have already done so much
19:18Miss Lavelle, I insist
19:21From this moment, the touring car is yours
19:25For me?
19:28Miss Lavelle was quite surprised
19:31When of the gift she was advised
19:34But by the time she went to bed
19:36She looked forward to the trips ahead
19:39Tomorrow, mes enfants, we will drive to the country for a picnic
19:43And may we bring cheese sandwiches?
19:46Mais oui, Chloé
19:48Mais oui, Chloé
19:54And though her tummy still felt queasy
19:57At the thought of something cheesy
20:00Madeline rested easy
20:02Merci, Madeline
20:04Because of you, we will have many healthy outings
20:07Miss Lavelle hugged her
20:12Then closed the door
20:15And that's all there is
20:17There isn't anymore
