NFL Draft Week Buzz: Trades, Picks & Media Tactics

  • 5 months ago
00:00with a week to go. And of course, the draft is one week from tonight in Detroit. You're
00:08going to get all the this team really likes this guy. You started seeing it today, right?
00:12The Patriot scouting guy who I guess is in charge of their draft. Now that Belichick
00:16is gone, it's like we're open for business. We're willing to trade the three. We're willing
00:20to do this. You've got the Washington GM saying we have a really good idea of who we like
00:25at number two. We're not trading. You'll start to get out last year. If you remember
00:29the stories, all the Texans don't like CJ Stroud. They're not taking CJ Stroud at number
00:34two. They took CJ Stroud at number two. The next week, Gabe, is like a lot of smoke that
00:39you got to try to get out of the way. Well, and I don't want to throw the media on the
00:43bus, but I will throw a lot of this, this NFL stuff. It's all meaningless, bro. It all
00:51means absolutely nothing. Nobody knows anything. People can pretend that they know what you
00:58think the NFL GMs are telling people, the media, what they're going to do. Right. And
01:04last year, a good example, like you said, last year, CJ Stroud was getting ripped. Oh,
01:08he's not that good. And he's not smart. He didn't feel it. He didn't do well on his test
01:12and a ton of negativity. Boom. He goes second overall. No one liked the pick. And now everybody
01:18CJ Stroud, CJ Stroud. I actually remember what people say about players before, from
01:23years ago. I mean, your photogenic memory and I'm like, you all ripped them. And now, oh,
01:28now he's the, now he's the man. But did anyone last year tell us, Carver, before the draft
01:33that the Texans were going to trade up and get the top two picks? No. Right. No, we didn't
01:39know. No one knows. Right. Like a lot of times the teams don't know, but I actually do get
01:45bothered by it. The unnamed, you know, a unnamed scout. I saw like a takedown piece
01:52of Adonai Mitchell today of the Texan, the Texas Longhorn. Oh, he's a, he's a good kid,
01:59but he doesn't take care of his diabetes. He has emotional outbursts. He's very immature.
02:05It was this like long profile about like all about, not about like, well, his route running
02:11Carver wasn't about, it was about, he doesn't handle his diabetes well, and he has an attitude
02:18problem and that he can be confrontational. And I'm thinking for a scout that doesn't
02:24like him, you seem to put a lot of work into this, bro. Like you seem like, you know what
02:28I mean? Like, so why don't you put your name on it? You know what I mean, Mike? That's
02:32my whole thing. So why don't you say this is my name. I'm a professional football scout
02:36and this guy has an attitude problem. No, no. How come you wait days before the draft
02:40and now you start saying this unnamed wise, the other one with Caleb Williams, right?
02:46Like the same thing. Wow. You know, there's, there's some questions about this and that
02:49and NFL scouts have their, their doubts that goes back to, well, we don't, you know, he
02:55hugged his mother and he cried after they lost once. It's like, yeah, I'm sure that's
02:59what they're sitting around talking about. Like there's so much smoke and just garbage.
03:03Like you know what I mean? Yeah, there is so much smoke and garbage. You could almost
03:08make a case that sometimes the bad stuff that gets put out about guys, it's being put
03:13out by the teams that like those players to fall into their, you know, they want to make
03:18sure that they get the funny story, put the bad stories out.
