Bandecchi: "Un uomo normale guarda il c... di una donna" - Video

  • 8 months ago
(Adnkronos) - E' bufera per le parole che Stefano Bandecchi, sindaco di Terni, pronuncia in consiglio comunale. "Gli italiani maschi normali, sani di mente, mi hanno capito. E le femmine normali mi hanno capito", dice il primo cittadino. "Rivendico le mie parole: un uomo normale guarda il bel culo di una donna. Se ci riesce, se la tromba. Se non ci riesce, torna a casa. Offendetevi quanto volete, questa è la mia idea", ripete Bandecchi nella seduta in cui si discute un provvedimento presentato dalle opposizioni sulla violenza di genere.


00:00 I think that you have to decide if you are doing something against me,
00:07 if you are doing something against me,
00:09 write down specifically what I said,
00:13 and I will answer you why I said it,
00:15 even if I know that all the Italians, the males, understood me,
00:19 at least the normal ones,
00:21 by normal I mean sane,
00:23 and all the normal women understood me.
00:26 Having said that, it is true that Italy is full of idiots,
00:30 so I understand that for some people it is a problem to understand my words,
00:34 that I revenge all of them one by one.
00:37 A normal man looks at the beautiful ass of another woman and maybe he will find it too.
00:42 Then, if he succeeds, he will find it too.
00:45 If he doesn't succeed, instead he comes back home.
00:49 Now you can offend each other as much as you want,
00:52 but this is my idea.
00:54 Closed with my idea, you can do whatever you want with it.
00:59 Now you have to decide if you want to vote for a amendment on gender violence or not.
01:06 We don't have to be here to make the indications on what a man thinks and what a woman thinks.
01:14 I think what I think.
01:16 I have never killed a woman,
01:19 I have never beaten a woman,
01:21 and I don't think I have ever been denounced by a woman.
01:25 Having said that, if you want to do something about gender violence, well.
01:30 If the popular alternative is free to choose what it wants to vote,
01:35 I will vote against this amendment,
01:37 because you don't have to teach me anything,
01:41 neither right nor left.
01:43 And I repeat what I said.
01:45 Normal people understood what I meant.
