How will the benching of Russell Wilson affect the Broncos?

  • last year
00:00 Cam, what do you think of this game?
00:03 I like the Chargers at 5.5, better than 3.5, I can tell you that, Marenci.
00:07 But, to Joe's point, I find it very interesting that Russell Wilson's getting benched, yet
00:11 he came out today and said, "I want to be a Denver Bronco."
00:14 So I guess maybe learning experience or, you know, it's kind of interesting.
00:17 You think after that, you kind of want to say F off and, you know, I'm going to do my
00:20 own thing.
00:21 But Gabe, you've talked about how he's playing the PR game.
00:25 He's playing the PR game right now.
00:27 Yeah.
00:28 What's he going to do?
00:29 Yeah, yeah, he's, he's, he's, what he did today with that stuff, he threw them under
00:34 the bus in a major way.
00:36 Like the fact that he told them, yeah, yeah, like he told them everything.
00:40 That's the type of stuff that Schefter gets paid to find out.
00:42 And he just stood there and told everybody, "Oh, yeah, the NFLPA got involved and it's
00:46 been a big battle over the last month."
00:48 And like, hey, he threw the Broncos under the bus and he sees that, you know, they're
00:53 sending a message.
00:54 He did that and the Broncos can't do anything about it because it's true.
00:57 And it sends a message to everyone else.
01:00 Don't sign here.
01:01 They treat you like crap.
01:02 They'll screw you and blame you.
