Will dry weather ring in the new year?

  • last year
Revelers heading outside for New Year's Eve celebrations will be looking to the sky to see confetti and fireworks, but will there also be raindrops and snowflakes?
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 And the countdown is on the last few days of 2023.
00:09 Hopefully your resolutions are ready for action.
00:12 I'm just saying, I still have to work on mine though.
00:14 So I suppose I can't talk,
00:16 but let's talk about the weather here on New Year's Eve.
00:18 And I have a lot of good news.
00:20 2023 has been a bit of a rough weather year for many,
00:23 but on the last day of the year,
00:25 things are looking a little calmer.
00:28 Pretty calm overall across the Southwest.
00:30 Although I will say the West Coast itself,
00:32 we do have some issues here
00:33 as we're watching low pressure move ashore.
00:35 More in the way of rainfall into the lowlands
00:37 and into the Cascade Mountains, a couple of snowflakes.
00:39 But I suppose the skiers and snowboarders
00:41 will be pretty happy in areas like,
00:43 let's say White Pass in Washington, for example.
00:45 Further to the East,
00:46 we're looking at relatively dry and seasonable weather
00:48 across the Tennessee Valley
00:50 and even the lower Ohio Valley as well.
00:52 Couple of lake effects, snow showers
00:53 around the Great Lakes, not out of the question,
00:55 but hey, I love a snowflake or two
00:57 around this time of year.
00:58 It makes it feel more festive.
00:59 At least that's my humble opinion.
01:01 Let's talk about New Year's Eve festivities.
01:03 Of course, the classic Times Square ball drop.
01:06 You know, I lived in New York for four years
01:07 and did not go to this one time.
01:10 Eventually, we'll get there.
01:11 41 degrees, that's what we're looking at
01:13 with an actual real field temperature.
01:15 Excuse me, 37 degrees.
01:17 Not too bad overall.
01:19 We end up mostly cloudy and I would say comfortable
01:21 for this time of year in New York City.
01:23 The crab drop in Easton, Maryland.
01:25 I love how creative cities get with these.
01:27 It's gonna be a low of 34 degrees.
01:29 Festivities starting up at 6 p.m.
01:31 And you're at the real field temperature of 33.
01:33 Look, I'm not calling that toasty,
01:34 but all things considered, I would say it could be worse.
01:37 It could be pouring, for example,
01:39 or it could be a little cloudier,
01:40 which is what we'll see in Nashville.
01:42 I have seen this for myself.
01:43 The Music Note drop, pretty cool event
01:45 on New Year's Eve in Music City, of course.
01:48 Gates open for the event at 4.30 p.m.,
01:50 but again, as temperatures drop overnight,
01:52 it is gonna be cold in the 30s.
01:53 So bundle up if you are heading out to Centennial Park.
01:56 Now let's talk about some more New Year's Eve drops here.
01:58 This one might be my favorite.
01:59 Never seen it, but I would certainly love to.
02:02 In Boise, Idaho, the Idaho potato drop.
02:04 That is just too fun.
02:05 It's gonna be a cold night, though.
02:07 31 degrees.
02:08 Not too shabby this time of year, I suppose.
02:10 It's all relative.
02:11 Key West looking good, though,
02:12 as the conch shell has dropped 60 degrees
02:14 as we head into the evening.
02:15 Even Traverse City not looking too bad
02:17 with the dropping cherry for New Year's Eve.
02:19 As for New Year's Day, we keep most of our calm weather
02:21 around aside from a little extra rain.
02:23 In the Southeast.
02:24 (crickets chirping)
