Hurto y sacrificio de ganado en el oriente de Cuba. Denuncias campesinas

  • last year
Hurto y sacrificio de ganado en el oriente de Cuba. Denuncias campesinas
Campesinos cubanos residentes en el oriente del país denuncian constantes actos delincuenciales en la zona. Los entrevistados afirman que no tienen ningún tipo de protección ante esta situación.


00:00 You have to live with the animals, almost inside your house,
00:04 because if you don't, they take the male, they take the chicken.
00:07 Well, the government, I don't know what it's going to do with the crime.
00:13 So you think that the first option that should be taken to improve food production
00:19 is to take action against crime?
00:21 Against crime, because you plant a bush and they take it.
00:25 Right now here in Costa Rica, they have killed all the yuccas.
00:31 And who are they?
00:32 They are the criminals who don't work, who are watching.
00:37 When you leave the field, they come in.
00:41 And that way you can't deliver food?
00:44 Yes, they come in, but not much, because the crime ends.
00:50 If you make a piece of yucca, you have to tear it off, because you have to take it.
00:56 The government has to take action against this crime.
01:03 The animals, you have to be with the animals, above them.
01:07 Because if you leave them there, and they go there, they are not there anymore.
01:11 They are just taken.
01:13 How is the incidence of the last sacrifice here?
01:16 Too much. They are finishing.
01:18 Here they are finishing. The animals are finishing.
01:22 And is there any concern for the authorities, in this case the police,
01:27 the government, that they are concerned about these last sacrifices?
01:30 The police, as I was talking to a boy, the police here, they catch you.
01:36 You are stealing, an animal caught you, took you there.
01:40 But that police, when they leave you in El Salvador,
01:43 and the police has nothing to do with you,
01:45 a bail, 10,000, 15,000 pesos, you are released.
01:48 Then you come, another animal is stolen and you kill it, and you pay, and that's it.
01:53 And people say, "No, the police don't want to work."
01:56 No, the police, it's there when it gets there.
01:59 Because you get there, the police here took you there.
02:02 When you get there, the police here has nothing to do with you.
02:07 It's the people there.
02:09 You are released.
02:10 Look, they killed a mare, they took the mare and killed her.
02:14 The boy walks around, they didn't even pay me for the mare,
02:17 I couldn't take it and rip off its head.
02:20 Because it's blackmail.
02:21 An animal that was in a farm.
02:23 It passes by, laughing.
02:26 It passes by, laughing.
02:27 I caught the guy and I shot him in the head for that.
02:30 And they are killing animals, they don't let you reflect.
02:34 You have to be with the animals 24 hours a day, above them, there, there, there.
02:39 Because they don't let you reflect.
02:41 And they kill here, they kill there, they kill everywhere, they are killing you there.
02:46 The same thing I was explaining to you just now.
02:48 The youth has been in that system.
02:50 If they take a horse, they already have a thousand pesos to drink a beer at the party.
02:55 And a ox, and the same thing.
02:59 And I say, look, they did it the other day.
03:03 They say that here in Costa Rica they took one there,
03:06 and the bandit, because I'm going to tell you, the bandit put a machete on the police.
03:11 They don't know what to do with that case, because,
03:13 as the same man who came and told me that I can catch him,
03:16 he came talking about that issue,
03:18 that the police have to take a measure, because right now,
03:20 I catch you with this horse, and I want you to do it at midnight in my yard.
03:24 I have to use seven witnesses so that you,
03:27 so that they can testify that I caught you with this horse.
03:30 So if I go out to complain,
03:33 you give me a bad blow, you kill me, and that's it.
03:36 And the state, not so much the state, because it's the police.
03:39 Don't take a measure because I'm going to catch you with the horse.
03:42 I call you, they come here, they take you to El Salvador.
03:44 When you come, I don't get home when you're behind my back,
03:47 already carrying the neighbor's car.
03:49 And everything stays there, and everything stays there, I don't know, and I don't see...
03:53 And they keep killing.
03:54 And they keep killing in the case of criminals.
03:57 There, that's almost like what they say, daily.
04:01 That's not less.
04:02 And they take you today, and you start to get angry, and they calm down.
04:07 But next week they come back again, and they kill you.
04:11 And it's not easy, nothing.
04:12 And right now, this time, look how the horse is.
04:16 It's been two months, and it's almost gone.
04:18 They're going to kill me.
04:20 And you can't live like that.
04:23 On the roads, there,
04:24 now comes the party on November 30, and a lot of things up there.
04:26 And up there, a good beast.
04:29 Right there, in that plain, after the four roads ahead,
04:32 they almost get caught to take the jeep.
04:34 But they left it in the machete and people stopped.
04:36 And then,
04:38 they repeat it again and again, but the police, at least here in the East,
04:41 like we say, they have to take measures like that.
04:44 The head of the sector of the Lechero,
04:46 is under Marco Sánchez. I don't know if you know where Marco Sánchez is.
04:49 It's a big agency.
04:51 But here, in those little areas,
04:54 a sector head should be under the authority.
04:57 Why? Because, I'm not going to tell you,
04:59 up there they've already sold it,
05:02 almost to the face.
05:04 And no one has taken measures with that.
05:06 I don't know, I don't know what to say.
05:08 My friend took me on a bike, and they took me to Yegua.
05:11 The transport helps me work.
05:14 I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say.
05:16 And what was the process, the authorities, what did they do?
05:18 How was everything?
05:20 Absolutely nothing.
05:23 If they had worked, they would have caught the thief.
05:26 But you know who they are, they're good people.
05:29 That's why they did it.
05:30 So what, do you think that the authorities
05:33 are implementing a good policy for this?
05:36 It's better not to talk about it.
05:38 It's better not to talk about it.
05:40 So, the peasant is suffering the last sacrifice for this area?
05:45 Every day.
05:47 I'm going to take it to Yegua.
05:48 It's with what I went up to work.
05:54 It's not easy.
05:56 And now, you're going to change for a bike?
05:59 It never appears.
06:01 It never appears.
06:05 [The End]
