FTS 20:30 6-12: Venezuelan national assembly passes bill on Essequibo

  • last year

18 Palestinians dead in Israeli shelling on Rafah homes. // Venezuelan national assembly passes bill on Essequibo. // President Putin meets with crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. teleSUR
00:00 The National Assembly of Venezuela approved in first discussion the bill presented by
00:14 the President Nicolás Maduro in defense of the Ezequiel territory.
00:20 Thousands of civilians were killed by Israel-led shelling in the southern Gaza Strip town of
00:25 Rafa on the 61st day of the total Assad against the Palestinian population.
00:32 Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman held
00:37 bilateral talks with their delegations in Saudi capital Riyadh.
00:42 Hello, welcome to From the South, I'm Ana Marrero from the TeleSol headquarters in Caracas,
00:51 Venezuela.
00:52 This is Moving With The News, stay with us.
01:09 The National Assembly of Venezuela approved in first discussion the bill presented by
01:14 the President Nicolás Maduro in defense of the Ezequiel territory.
01:18 In this Wednesday ordinary session, the plenary of the legislature discussed the draft organic
01:23 law for the protection of the Guyana Ezequiel.
01:25 The legal text for the defense of the sovereignty of the Ezequiel territory was presented by
01:30 the deputy director, Diosdado Cabello, who pointed out the importance of the initiative
01:35 formulated by the population consultation on December 3rd in Venezuela.
01:40 Cabello assured that what follows after the people's vote "yes" is the enforcement
01:45 of the mandate to defend national sovereignty.
01:50 Six, the new map of Venezuela should be published and disseminated in all schools, high schools
02:02 and universities in the country.
02:04 What a beautiful map.
02:05 Because the Guyana Ezequiel belongs to Venezuela.
02:27 There is no doubt.
02:28 Here it is.
02:29 In a session at the National Assembly of Venezuela, deputy Diosdado Cabello clarified that the
02:35 results of the consultative referendum are the binding.
02:40 The first thing that came to their minds, as they have no way to challenge the numbers,
02:44 the first thing that came to their minds was to say that it was non-binding.
02:48 Non-binding.
02:49 That was the argument they were using.
02:55 Let me read Article 70 of our Constitution.
02:59 These are means of participation and protagonism by the people in the exercise of their sovereignty,
03:08 in the political sphere, the election of public officers, the referendum, the popular consultation,
03:15 the revocation of mandates, the legislative constitutional and constituent initiatives,
03:24 the open town hall and citizens' assemblies whose decisions shall be of a binding nature.
03:34 The Venezuelan attorney general's office has dismantled the criminal network finance by
03:38 the US transnational company ExxonMobil, which sought to sabotage the consultative referendum
03:43 of December 3rd.
03:44 And on Wednesday, in a statement to the press, the attorney general of the Republic of Venezuela,
03:50 William Saab, points out that these finances were found through cryptoassets by US citizens
03:56 Damian Merlo, a former telecommunications businessman and former foreign policy advisor
04:01 linked to former President Donald Trump and advisor to President of El Salvador Nayib
04:05 Bukele.
04:06 Saab said that as part of an investigation into the international conspiracy against
04:11 Venezuela, it has been determinated that both Venezuelan foreign citizens are involved in
04:15 these actions.
04:16 After several investigations, it was possible to identify a series of fundings coming from
04:34 the laundering of assets of international organizations and foreign companies such as
04:38 ExxonMobil, which obviously conspired, as I said in the introduction, against the development
04:49 of a consultative referendum for the Guyana Esequiba.
04:57 This was felt and clearly seen when the people took to the streets in large numbers to vote
05:01 yes to the five questions, obviously dealing a severe blow to those who led this deplorable
05:11 campaign, among other people.
05:15 Colombia and Brazilian security forces have joined Liris Mantel's 19 illegal gold mining
05:20 sites in the Amazon rainforest.
05:23 According to a police statement, the multinational operation represents a milestone in the fight
05:29 against the illegal exploitation of mining deposits and the contamination of a mega-diverse
05:36 region.
05:37 Environmental authorities, Interpol, air force and police from both countries were there
05:42 for three days in the operation, which was called Madoka Grande.
05:47 Let's take a very short break, but remember you can now join us on our TikTok account
05:56 @CelestinEnglish where you'll be able to see news in different formats, news updates and
06:00 more.
06:01 Stay tuned for more news.
06:01 [Music]
06:16 Welcome back to From the South.
06:35 Dozens of civilians were killed by Israeli shelling in the southern Gaza Strip town of
06:40 Rafa on the 61st day of the total attack against the Palestinian population.
06:44 On Wednesday, 18 people were killed after an Israeli bombing targeted a house of the
06:49 Hobe family of the Shabura camp.
06:52 Dozens of wounded, including several children, were rushed to the collapsed QAT hospital
06:58 in Rafa.
06:59 The genocide perpetrated by Israel in the Besaid Palestinian enclave has claimed the
07:04 lives of some 16,250 people in Gaza, most of them women and children, while 32,000 have
07:12 been wounded.
07:19 The Gaza Health Ministry has confirmed that the north of the Gaza Strip has been left
07:23 without health care services due to the side by the Israeli forces and the lack of fuel
07:28 for hospitals.
07:29 The ministry confirmed that the Kamala Adam Hospital ran out of fuel in the middle of
07:34 the site.
07:35 The medical authorities claim that in addition to the patients and the wounded, there are
07:40 also refugees in the facility, most of them women and children.
07:43 Outside, hundreds of corpses are discomposing and Israeli night birds are shooting and everything
07:49 that moves inside a building.
07:57 In Palestine, 22 members of the family of al-Jazeera correspondent were killed by Israeli
08:02 occupation forces.
08:03 The nefews, partners, siblings, and brothers and sister-in-law of the Qatari media network
08:09 correspondent Mohamed Al-Sharif were killed during a strike on the refugee camp north
08:16 of the Palestinian city of Gaza.
08:18 Palestinian civil defense teams were reportedly unable to gain access to the bodies.
08:23 In the statement, al-Jazeera announced the Israeli attack and said it will take all legal
08:28 steps to persecute all those responsible for this crime.
08:43 United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres in a Vogue article on the 9th of the 100 of
08:49 the United Nations Over the World in Gaza, which states that the Secretary General may
08:54 not give the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion might threaten
08:59 the maintenance of international peace and security.
09:02 UN spokesperson Stephen Huarey told reporters this was the first time Guterres has invoked
09:08 the article since he took office in 2017.
09:14 Given the scale of the loss of human life in Gaza and in Israel in such a short amount
09:20 of time, the Secretary General has today delivered a letter to the President of the Security
09:25 Council invoking Article 99 of the Charter of the United Nations.
09:30 This is the first time that Antonio Guterres has done this since he became Secretary General
09:35 in 2017.
09:37 Article 99 states, and I quote, that the Secretary General may bring to the attention of the
09:42 Security Council any matter in his opinion that may threaten the maintenance of international
09:47 peace and security.
09:49 In the letter, which has been shared with you, the Secretary General urges the members
09:54 of the Security Council to press to avert a humanitarian catastrophe and he appeals
10:00 for a humanitarian ceasefire to be declared.
10:03 South Gaza residents tell first-person accounts of the relentless bomberman against civilians.
10:09 We were sleeping peacefully at night and the house was mostly packed with children and
10:16 women.
10:17 Then a strike hit and debris fell on us.
10:20 Good Samaritans helped us and we sustained some injuries, varying from bone fracture
10:25 to injuries that needed stitching.
10:28 At around 20.30 I left the office where I work for the civil defense and headed home
10:33 to eat and asked my wife to prepare some food, only to be hit by a strike as I was changing
10:39 my clothes.
10:40 Without prior warning or instructions to evacuate, fire was all over the place and I tried to
10:46 cover myself with a blanket.
10:48 I woke up later at the hospital.
10:50 Let's go over some key facts to better understand the devastating impact of the Assad on Gaza
10:57 to this day.
10:58 Since October 7th, at least 16,248 Palestinians have been killed in the strip.
11:05 This includes at least 7,112 children and 4,885 women.
11:11 Also, over 43,600 Palestinians have been injured and over 7,600 are missing or under the rubble.
11:19 After over 60 days of almost revolution and over 50% of Gaza's homes have been damaged
11:26 or destroyed, there is over 300,000 residential units.
11:30 According to the UN, this has caused 1.9 million Palestinians to be displaced from their homes.
11:37 This Monday, December 4th, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega addressed a letter to his Palestinian
11:49 counterpart, Mohamed Abbas, in which he reinforced his country's solidarity with the Palestinian
11:54 people.
11:55 In his letter, Ortega stressed that their people will always have been together and will continue
12:00 together, uniting all the battles for the national liberation which have involved us
12:06 and which it hopes us to continue fighting, sharing in the knowledge that so much self-denial,
12:12 self-sacrifice and commitment to the conviction of the rights and defense of the scattered
12:17 Palestinian nation will come to the fruits of this new world that is already awakening
12:23 and making its path.
12:25 In this sense, the Nicaraguan President stressed that a human family, the whole human family,
12:30 shares your struggles and your determination for justice and peace.
12:34 Finally, in his message of support, Ortega added that God continues to give us strength
12:39 and for you to continue lighting the way of this world towards the great victories that
12:44 your people and all the combative peoples of Gaza's concessions deserve.
12:50 A diplomatic delegation of the government of Nicaragua arrived in the West Bank to express
13:00 its support to the Palestinian people.
13:02 This delegation is led by the foreign minister Denis Moncada, the minister Orlando Rendencilla
13:09 and the deputy Wilfredo Navarro, president of the Friendship Group with Palestinians.
13:14 The Nicaraguan officials were received by the premier Mohamed Seyed, who thanked them
13:20 for Nicaragua's support and review of the situation of the Israeli occupation in the
13:25 West Bank territory.
13:26 Denis Moncada conveyed the fraternal greetings of President Daniel Ortega and Vice President
13:32 Rosario Murillo as he expressed solidarity with the families of the martyrs.
13:42 Let's take our last break, but before we invite you to join us on our website community
13:48 for our English speaking audience, you can scan the QR code on the screen to join directly
13:53 and share the link to reach more people.
13:55 Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean as well as the rest of the world.
13:59 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
14:00 One final short break, don't go away.
14:10 Welcome back.
14:12 Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have
14:17 bilateral talks with their delegations in the Saudi capital Riyadh.
14:21 The meeting comes after a fall in oil prices despite a pledge by APEC+ which groups the
14:28 organizations of the petroleum exporting countries and allies led by Russia to further cut output.
14:34 In a Hindu's introductory remarks shown off Russian television put a thanks at the Crown
14:40 Prince for his invitation saying he had originally expected the Saudi leader to visit Moscow,
14:46 but there were changes to plans.
14:48 We have stable and very good ties in the field of political interaction, in the economic
14:58 sphere and in the humanitarian fields.
15:03 We have been expecting you in Moscow.
15:05 I know that circumstances have caused adjustment to these plans, but as I said,
15:13 nothing can prevent the development of our friendly relations.
15:22 On the other hand, Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reaffirms the solid bilateral
15:29 relations between his country and Russia and its positive results during the past seven years.
15:35 We share common interests and work together on many issues, on many topics, in the interest
15:41 of Russia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as the Middle East and the world.
15:46 During the past seven years, we have achieved a lot in our bilateral cooperation.
15:59 The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission denounced on Wednesday that more than 50 civilians were
16:04 killed in attacks in Ethiopia since November.
16:07 These statements come two weeks after negotiations between the government and the Oromo Liberation
16:13 Army ended without agreement.
16:16 Classified as a terrorist organization by the Hadith Ababa, the ULA has been fighting
16:21 the Ethiopian authorities since it split with the historic Oromo Liberation Front in 2018
16:27 when they renounced armed struggle that year when current Premier Abiy Ahmed came to power.
16:35 According to the EHRC's East Statutory Independence Public Institution,
16:44 OLF fighters killed 17 people and burned villages in Benishangloun Gamos, northwest Ethiopia.
16:56 Britain and Rwanda signed a new treaty on Tuesday to innovate through a controversial
17:09 proposal by London to transfer migrants to today's African country that was blocked by
17:13 the UK court.
17:14 The UK government said that under the new treaty, Rwanda would be banned by international
17:20 law not to return people to a country where their life or freedom would be endangered.
17:25 The agreement, which the UK Premier rejected in access, is crucial to achieve his pledge
17:30 of solid and regular migration before a general election expected next year while signing Kigali.
17:37 We have come to the end of this brief but before saying goodbye we want to thank our
17:48 Caribbean audience, especially the audience of Trinidad and Tobago.
17:52 We are pleased to share our newcast and contribute to provide an alternative news source of the
17:56 latest awards events.
17:58 You can find this and many other stories on our website at telesudyinglish.net and also
18:02 join us on our socials, we are on Facebook, Onix and on Instagram as well.
18:06 For Telesudyinglish, I'm from the south, I'm Ana Marrero.
18:09 Thank you for watching.
