Neraca Dagang di Oktober Melambat Yoy

  • last year
Badan Pusat Statistik mencatat, nilai ekspor Indonesia pada Oktober 2023 turun 10,43% secara tahunan. Tidak hanya itu surplus perdagangan Oktober juga tercatat menyusut, dibandingkan periode yang sama di tahun lalu.


00:00 The Indonesian export value in October 2023 fell 10.43% annually.
00:07 Not only that, the October trading surplus also declined compared to the same period last year.
00:13 The Indonesian export value in October 2023 fell 22.15 billion USD
00:25 or increased 6.76% compared to the September period in 2023.
00:30 The export value in October 2023 fell 10.43% compared to the October period in 2022,
00:37 which reached 24.73 billion USD.
00:40 There was an increase in export inflation in October 2023 compared to the previous month
00:47 driven by the increase in non-MEGAS exports,
00:49 especially the mineral fuels, which rose 24.61%,
00:53 noble and jewelry or jewellery rose 43.1%,
00:57 and footwear rose 39.55%.
01:00 The export contraction was driven by the decline in non-MEGAS exports
01:04 and continued the trend that occurred since the beginning of the year,
01:07 especially due to the high commodity prices in the global market,
01:10 which were relatively lower than last year.
01:13 In the middle of the export delay, the Statistics Center noted
01:16 that the Indonesian goods trade surplus in October 2023 was 3.48 billion USD.
01:23 This is a surplus for 42 consecutive months since 2020.
01:28 The October trade surplus was recorded to rise slightly
01:31 compared to September 2023, which was 3.41 billion USD.
01:36 However, this surplus declined compared to the same period last year,
01:40 which was 5.59 billion USD.
01:43 From Jakarta Raharjo Padmo, IDX Channel.
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