FTS 12:30 23-10: Death toll in Israeli shelling’s against Palestine rose to 5,182

  • last year
FTS 12.30
*Second round of presidential elections in Argentina
*Fighting between govt. forces and rebel groups disrupts tranquility in North Kivu again


00:00 In Argentina, presidential candidate Sergio Maza heads the elections and will compete
00:14 in a second round against Javier Pele.
00:19 In Palestine, the Israeli siege against the Palestinian people continues.
00:22 In the last 24 hours, the occupying forces shelled and killed more than 400 civilians
00:26 in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
00:31 In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, violent fighting broke out over the weekend between
00:35 M23 rebels and pro-government soldiers and armed groups.
00:44 Hello welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Adresu Studios in Havana,
00:48 Cuba.
00:49 Let's begin with the news.
01:02 In Argentina, with 98.51% of the votes counted, presidential candidate Sergio Maza leads the
01:08 elections and will compete in a runoff against Javier Pele.
01:12 In his last report, the electoral chamber announced that the candidate of Union for
01:15 the Homeland, Sergio Maza, obtained 36.68% of the votes.
01:19 In second place is the ultra-right wing Javier Mele from Liberty Advances, who got 29.98%
01:26 of the votes, and is ahead of Patricia Bulrich from Together for Change, who reached 23.83%.
01:31 It is worth mentioning that the electoral authority registered 77.67% of voter turnout.
01:38 After seeing the results, Sergio Maza called on the different Argentinian political forces
01:43 for a government of national unity.
01:50 Candidate Sergio Maza thanked the Argentinian people who went to the polls.
01:56 I want to thank the more than 25 million Argentines who went to vote.
02:01 Vote for who will vote, because 40 years after the birth of our new democratic era, somehow
02:07 Argentines manifest embrace this system as a system to elect those who govern.
02:15 In Argentina, presidential candidate Javier Mele said to the Argentines that this is the
02:19 most important election that they are facing and he will embrace again the ideas of freedom
02:23 that made Argentina great in the 19th century.
02:27 But above all, I want you to realize that today we are facing the most important election
02:35 of the last 100 years, a choice that will pass us if we want to continue with this model
02:41 that keeps unison defense, or if we want to embrace again the ideas of freedom that are
02:47 what made Argentina great in the 19th century, and that are countries that embrace the ideas
02:53 of freedom progress.
02:58 In Argentina, the presidential candidate for Change, Patricia Bulrich, recognized her electoral
03:03 defeat after the announcement of the second round for next November 19th.
03:11 On this night where we have not achieved the objectives we wanted for our Argentina, for
03:17 the Argentines, we came to ratify with all force the values of our cause.
03:24 Our cause goes beyond an electoral moment and goes beyond a moment of defeat as we accepted
03:31 it today.
03:34 We are now joined by Guillermo Cain, deputy of the Workers Left Front in Buenos Aires
03:38 province and member of the Workers Party, to go deeper on what these results represent.
03:42 Hello, Guillermo.
03:43 Welcome to From the South.
03:44 Hi, how are you doing?
03:45 Thank you for the invitation.
03:46 It's our pleasure to have you with us here in From the South.
03:53 Guillermo, let's begin by analyzing the results to give our viewers context of what they represent,
03:58 especially taking into consideration Mazars rebound in relation to the primaries where
04:04 Millet was the most voted candidate.
04:06 What do these numbers mean and what do they represent?
04:09 Well, yeah, last night's results were quite surprising because though the Peronist coalition,
04:18 which is currently governing nationally and in the province of Buenos Aires, is seen as
04:23 having a great responsibility in the economic downturn, the devaluation of the peso, inflation
04:31 and bordering on hyperinflation, which is already over 120% annually and a very big
04:38 increase in poverty.
04:40 And they have been carrying out austerity measures agreed with the International Monetary
04:45 Fund, of which Sergio Mazar, their current presidential candidate and finance minister,
04:51 is the member of the Peronist coalition that is closest to the authorities of the IMF.
04:59 Nonetheless, the fear of the advance of the ultra right pseudo fascist candidate, Javier
05:08 Millet, who had come in first in the primaries in August, was the fuel for a big shift in
05:18 the election, which the Peronists were able to channel.
05:23 So there's a contradictory situation where they had done a very poor election in the
05:28 primaries and this had been read by all as a result of the social and economic effects
05:37 of their current government.
05:39 But evidently the contrast with the rising ultra right opposition, which they had even
05:48 done some tactical support for because the Peronists had channeled funds and candidates
05:57 and the legal party for Javier Millet to present as a way to divide the votes of the more traditional
06:06 right wing opposition, which was the main loser of last night's election.
06:14 And well, evidently this maneuver has worked out for them.
06:19 Mazar's reaction has been to show his more conservative face and is inviting members
06:28 of the traditional conservative right wing of the radical party and even members of Mauricio
06:35 Macri's pro to form a coalition of national unity, which evidently will not be a good
06:46 thing for workers because what they are trying to discuss is what the conditions of a stable
06:54 government to carry out austerity policies against the workers will be.
06:59 The left front, which I am a member of, the left workers' unity front, in a difficult
07:04 situation has had about 700,000 or 800,000 votes nationally.
07:11 We are getting a new national congress member from the province of Buenos Aires and a new
07:17 member of the legislature of the city of Buenos Aires as per the election results last night.
07:25 Guillermo, the November 19 runoff between Mazar and Millet are a fact.
07:29 What happens now is the question.
07:30 What can we expect both candidates to do to bring voters in, especially those that voted
07:35 for Patricia Borges, who was third in the first round, to ensure a victory in that November
07:40 runoff?
07:41 Yes, well, I think what we are seeing about Mazar calling for a government of national
07:47 unity and proposing right wing Peronists and radicals and maybe even members of Mauricio
07:56 Macri's pro as possible future cabinet members has to do with courting those votes and also
08:04 courting the support of many sectors of the economic establishment of the local bourgeoisie
08:13 and even the United States bourgeoisie and European bourgeoisie, which are of course
08:18 very important and dominate economic life in Argentina, to support him in the sense
08:24 that Javier Millet is seen by even many of the capitalists who are governments of his
08:31 would support as being an adventurer and an unstable person, both personally and in the
08:38 sense that he does not have an organized party, a mass base, but is basically a lone ranger,
08:46 so to speak.
08:47 And in that sense, a government of his is seen as an unstable promise.
08:53 Today markets reacted positively to Mazar's surprising turnaround.
09:02 He's got over 14 points over what he personally had received as a candidate in the primaries.
09:09 And in particular, in the province of Buenos Aires, Peronism made a great comeback with
09:15 Kicillof, the current governor, being reelected with over 45% of the votes and winning back
09:22 many cities that were in the hands of their local governments, in the hands of the more
09:27 traditional conservative right-wing Petro.
09:30 Guillermo, you were referring to the elections for governors that were held in several provinces
09:37 and also Argentina's border for lawmakers and senators.
09:39 You also mentioned the victory of Axel Kicillof in the province of Buenos Aires.
09:44 How can we analyze these results and their importance for the future government of Argentina?
09:50 Well, we're still going through the results, which came in late last night.
10:01 The landscape is very fragmented.
10:04 For example, the traditional right-wing, which lost many seats in Congress, nonetheless had
10:12 won many of the provincial elections which had been held previously, because many governors
10:19 did not want to tie their political fate, particularly Peronist governments, to what
10:26 they perceived as a downfall of Peronism.
10:29 And contradictorily, this helped the right-wing opposition win many of those provinces in
10:35 places where last night Peronism wasn't actually being victorious.
10:40 So it has been a very tumultuous electoral process.
10:45 And these three-thirds between the ultra-right libertarians, so-called libertarians, the
10:53 more traditional right-wing opposition and Peronism, have a very split presence in Congress,
11:01 in both chambers.
11:03 So what we're going to see is how these two political polls that are going to face off
11:11 in the November runoff, headed by Massa and Millet, split the support.
11:17 And we are seeing a pressure which might crack the Junto por el Cambio traditional right-wing
11:24 opposition between those two polls.
11:27 So all eyes are currently on the Macri coalition and the Radicals, the traditional right-wing
11:35 party, which are probably going to split their support between Massa and Millet along lines
11:45 which the bourgeoisie internationally tends to split along the Biden and Trump lines.
11:53 One thing that we could comment on this, for example, is that the pro had divided support
11:59 in the recent elections in Brazil.
12:03 Macri and Patrícia Burrich favored Bolsonaro and will probably support Millet in the runoff.
12:09 And Larreta, who is at this moment head of the city of Buenos Aires government and also
12:16 a member of the pro, but more moderate pro-Biden wing, supported Lula-Albi.
12:22 So these supports in the neighboring election of Brazil could give some insight as to how
12:32 a possible split in the coalition will reorder itself in the coming runoff.
12:41 Thank you, Guillermo, for your time here from the South and for your important inputs.
12:47 Thank you for the opportunity to give our point of view.
12:50 It was a pleasure.
12:52 We were analyzing the outcome of the first round of Argentina's general elections with
12:56 Guillermo Cain, deputy of the Workers' Left Front in Buenos Aires province.
13:00 Let's now take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok @TelesurEnglish,
13:04 where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
13:09 Other stories coming up.
13:13 Stay with us.
13:16, Welcome back from the South.
13:45 Israel's siege against the Palestinian people continues.
13:48 In the last 24 hours, the occupying forces shelling killed more than 400 civilians in
13:52 the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
13:54 According to local media reports, a new bombardment of the Gaza Strip took place at dawn on Monday,
13:59 killing at least 45 people, 23 in the Khan Yunis area in the South and more than 10 in
14:04 the northern part of the Gaza Strip.
14:06 The Palestinian Health Ministry reported that 436 Palestinians have been killed during this
14:11 period, including 182 children.
14:15 The health agency also stated that so far there have been 5,182 deaths in the Gaza Strip
14:20 and the West Bank since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on October 7th.
14:30 We pulled the bodies of children martyrs.
14:35 Women also were martyred.
14:38 All these people were sitting in peace.
14:42 Only civilians.
14:43 It is a very painful reality.
14:46 These are crimes committed primarily against children.
14:50 We have nothing here.
14:52 All the dead were children.
14:53 We retrieved the body of one of a half-year-old.
14:57 Is this also a fighter?
14:58 He has nothing to do with war.
15:01 But this is what Jews want.
15:02 We have done nothing.
15:04 The ones who died are all children and women.
15:08 The state of alert continues among the southern border areas of Lebanon after the persistent
15:12 Israeli bombardment and the response of the Islamic resistance.
15:16 According to the national news, aggressive villages in the western sector from Ras al-Nakoura
15:21 to the town of Ramieh and the lands adjacent to the Blue Line endured a night under Israeli
15:26 flares and the overflight of reconnaissance planes.
15:29 The Lebanese Red Cross, in coordination with the United Nations Interim Forces and the
15:34 army, pulled three bodies after midnight from Ha'ata Heights in the south of the country.
15:39 On Sunday, Israeli forces shelled the Maroun plain and the outskirts of Eid Harun.
15:44 Israeli strikes targeted the Al-Marsh area in the vicinity of Hula town.
15:48 And we go back to Chile to the Santiago Pan American Games.
16:11 We go with journalist Eduardo Reconese, who is there in Chile Live, so that we can learn
16:16 of what is going on, on this day of Pan American Games.
16:19 Hello, good afternoon.
16:21 We are here live right outside the gymnastics stadium in the stadium of Santiago, the national
16:31 stadium of Santiago.
16:33 We just stepped out from the gymnastics center.
16:36 It's very, very exciting in there.
16:37 There's the men's all-around competition final happening right now.
16:41 So we are going to have a gold medal winner today, just in a couple of minutes actually.
16:46 We're going to go back in.
16:47 But right now, the final is taking place.
16:49 There's a lot of people.
16:50 The crowds came here in masses to see this event.
16:54 Speaking of other events that gave out medals, yesterday, it was the turn of BMX riding.
17:01 This BMX competition took place in the part of Santiago known as Peñalolén, a very beautiful
17:06 part of the city, right in the foothills of the Andes Mountains.
17:11 Our partner, Kike Guevara, was there, and he prepared the following story for you guys.
17:16 Let's check it out.
17:17 The BMX racing cycle left us on a spectacular day with a special touch for Colombia.
17:26 For the men, the gold medal went to the North American Cameron Larsen.
17:30 The silver medal went to his compatriot Cameron Wood.
17:34 And the bronze medal to the Colombian Carlos Ramirez, who won his first medal in the Pan
17:38 American Games.
17:39 And it was in Santiago, 2023.
17:43 The Colombian has two Olympic medals in his record, bronze in Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020.
17:52 For the women's division, it was the closing of the day where the joy prevailed, not only
17:57 for the result, but also for the final podium.
18:00 The favorite and triple Olympic medalist, Mariana Pajon, the queen of BMX, won the gold
18:06 medal.
18:07 The silver medal went to the Canadian Molly Simpson.
18:09 And the third place on the podium went to the also Colombian, Gabriela Boye.
18:14 You can't imagine it's something very special since the first one in 2011.
18:20 I am still here giving it with all my heart, giving it with all my will and will.
18:25 It was a complicated year for me, and then to come here and accomplish this is very beautiful.
18:30 It was a goal that I had for this year, and it was accomplished.
18:36 To all the Colombians who are watching me on TeleSUR, thank you very much for your support.
18:40 Thank you very much for believing in us, for dreaming with us, and be sure that we continue
18:44 fighting to lift Colombia on the top of those podiums.
18:47 This is how the BMX circuit was in its second final day on the Pan American Games in Santiago,
18:53 2023.
18:54 In the camera of Bastian Marino, reported for TeleSUR by Enrique "Kike" Guevara.
19:01 Even with the new sports today happening, tennis was the first sport in this morning.
19:08 Argentina got their first win in female tennis.
19:12 We will be giving you all the details of that later on.
19:15 And I want to highlight this.
19:18 Bolivia is having a very, very good participation in racquetball.
19:22 Racquetball is a sport that today, early this morning, we had the quarterfinals with two
19:26 representatives from Bolivia, making it to the semifinals.
19:31 Right now, Conrado Moscoso just defeated Eduardo Portillo from Mexico to go into the finals.
19:37 And another Bolivian, Carlos Keller, is defeating Rodrigo Montoya from Mexico.
19:43 This match is still going on.
19:44 So we might have an all-Bolivian final in racquetball, and giving Bolivia, of course,
19:50 the first gold medal.
19:51 They already have secured the silver medal, but they might go for the one-two, the gold
19:55 and silver medal in racquetball.
19:58 We are going to go back to the men's all-around finals so we can report to you guys, bring
20:03 you all the details of this very, very exciting match.
20:06 This match and all the other events are going to be happening today for the rest of the
20:11 day.
20:12 That is it for us.
20:14 That's it from us to you back in the studio.
20:19 Thank you, Eduardo, for the latest updates on what's going on at the Pan American Games
20:23 sale in Chile.
20:24 We have now a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
20:28 channel at TeleZool English.
20:29 There you'll be able to rewatch our interviews, top stories, special broadcastings, and more.
20:34 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
20:38 world's most recent events.
20:39 Final short break.
20:40 Don't go away.
20:41 [Music]
21:04 Welcome back from the South.
21:06 In Azerbaijan, a series of joint tactical exercises began with the military forces of
21:10 Turkey and Syria.
21:12 Both countries deploy up to 3,000 troops of different types as well as 130 armored vehicles
21:18 and 100 artillery pieces.
21:19 The Azeri Defense Department said that the maneuvers will be held in several locations,
21:24 including Baku, the autonomous republic of Nakhchivan, and the territories of Nagorno-Karabakh.
21:29 The agency also noted that the exercises will focus on improving the management of troops
21:34 in combat, exchanging experience, and raising the professionalism of personnel.
21:44 In China, the fourth Asian Paralympic Games in Hangzhou have already started.
21:48 Majid Rashid, president of the Asian Paralympic Committee, expressed his confidence in the
21:53 facilities and world-class transportation system for the athletes to reach their full
21:57 potential at the event.
21:59 The city has made an extra effort to use the Paralympic Games as an opportunity to improve
22:03 accessibility for people with disabilities or physical challenges.
22:07 The Olympic Committee official also applauded the country's important role in promoting
22:11 the participation of people with disabilities in sports.
22:20 This is about to be the best Asian Para Games ever.
22:25 The outstanding village, athlete village, the sports facilities, the transportation
22:31 system, everything, all the indicators.
22:35 And when you give me all these facilities, I will show you my ability, my performances,
22:43 so my dream will come true.
22:48 We have come to the end of this news brief, and you can find this.
22:50 Now, remember we're still saying goodbye.
22:52 We want to thank our Caribbean audience, especially the audience of Trinidad and Tobago.
22:56 We are pleased to share our new cast and contribute to provide an alternative news source of the
23:00 latest world events, tell you life stories of the people of the South and break the hegemonic
23:05 media dominance.
23:06 Now, you can find these and many other stories on our website at telesorienglish.net.
23:11 Also join us on social medias on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok for Telesorienglish
23:17 and Bizarre Bear Tomatoes.
23:18 Thank you for watching.
23:19 [Music]
