Saints vs. Texans: Key Takeaways and Surprising Game Results

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:03 We got New Orleans and Houston up next here, Mark.
00:06 This was a good one with the Texans winning 20 to 13.
00:10 They do so as the two point home underdog, that is 42 being the total.
00:16 Another game that stays under and
00:17 we saw the home underdog barking here in Houston, Texas.
00:22 What'd you take away from Saints and Texans today, Mark?
00:26 >> One of the things that got right was that I gave out CJ Stratford throw his
00:29 first interception of the year, and he did.
00:32 The Saints are now either tied for first or first in interceptions.
00:38 And Stratford has thrown one last week against the Falcons, didn't, threw one.
00:42 Here's the interesting part about this.
00:43 Threw an interception, I think on his second or third drive of the game.
00:46 And somehow during the return, the Saints fumbled it, gave it back to the Texans.
00:51 And the Texans went down the field and scored a touchdown for it.
00:54 So it didn't even hurt them.
00:56 The Saints defense, I guess did their job.
01:01 Their offense is pathetic.
01:03 It's really bad.
01:04 I can't figure it out.
01:06 And by the way, this was a game that I had targeted for
01:08 the first half under, which was at 20 and a half.
01:11 They scored a combined 27, and then proceeded to only score six points the rest
01:14 of the game.
01:15 So there you go.
01:16 Sometimes better to play the full game than the first half.
01:20 >> Mark, last year's NFL draft quarterback, CJ Stroud, projecting out.
01:25 You think he's gonna be the best when it's all said and done?
01:28 >> Too early to say, but he looks like he's the best this year.
01:31 I mean, that's enough.
01:34 I mean, he clearly has a great command of an offense.
01:36 And he's got all the tools he needs, and he's smart with the football.
01:39 And Texans got a good one.
01:42 They may be set up here in the future.
01:44 [MUSIC]
