FTS: 16:30 14-10: Death toll from Israeli attacks in Gaza rose to 2215

  • last year
Ecuador deploys security plan for Sunday’s election day. //Death toll from Israeli attacks in Gaza rose to 2215. // Australians vote "no" in referendum in favor of first nations people. teleSUR


00:00 In Palestine, the health minister reported that 400 people have been killed and nearly
00:14 1,500 have been injured in the last 24 hours.
00:20 In Ecuador, the National Electoral Council completed the deployment of the security plan
00:25 to guarantee the holding of Sunday's presidential runoff.
00:31 In Australia, voters shut down the first attempt of constitutional change in 24 years, a move
00:37 that will inflate lasting damage on First Nations people and suspend any hopes of modernizing
00:42 the nation's founding document.
00:45 Hello, welcome to From the South.
00:49 I'm Anais Rosabal from the Television Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:53 We begin with the news.
01:05 In Palestine, local media reported that 400 people were killed in the ongoing Israeli
01:10 bombing of Gaza in the last 24 hours, in addition to the injury of over 1,500 people.
01:17 The latest figures reported by the Palestinian Ministry of Health read the total death toll
01:22 to 2,215, including 724 children and 458 women, and the injury of 8,714 other children and
01:33 women since the start of the Israeli aggression last Saturday.
01:36 Meanwhile, local sources in Gaza report that the Israeli army resumed artillery shelling
01:42 from gunships and tanks in the east and west of the Gaza Strip early Saturday morning.
01:47 They also denounced that Israel's friend and hospital summits the collapse of health services,
01:52 in addition to attacking Palestinians traveling south.
02:00 Palestinians continued to scramble to flee northern Gaza on Saturday after the Israeli
02:04 military ordered nearly half the population to evacuate south.
02:09 "We were displaced from the Fresud area yesterday after we received a leaflet asking us to move
02:15 from the Gaza border to the south, after the valley.
02:19 One hundred and fifty people lived in the house.
02:22 We left the house without food, without water and without clothes.
02:27 We left without taking anything with us.
02:29 We went to the UNRWA school in Nusrat.
02:32 Of course, life here is bad.
02:35 There are no bags of lunch and nothing.
02:37 Since we came to this yard, our family has not had any food, no water or anything yet."
02:46 "We left without clothes and without anything.
02:49 I want to return to my house.
02:51 I have nothing but my house.
02:53 Where should I go?
02:54 I want to return to my home.
02:55 I have no other place.
02:57 Do they want us to go to Egypt?
02:59 I don't want to go to Egypt.
03:00 I want to go back to my house."
03:03 In a list, many Palestinian civilians, including children, were massacred on Saturday when
03:08 Israeli airplanes bombed in Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza.
03:13 According to local media reports, Israeli fighters just launched an air strike on a
03:17 residential building in Al-Fakhoura in neighborhoods located west of Jabalia refugee camp.
03:23 According to information provided by the Minister of Health, more than 80 people were wounded
03:28 and rushed to the Indonesian hospital in the neighbor town of Beit Laiya.
03:40 In Palestine, Israeli forces continue to target civilians and shelters in the Gaza Strip.
03:46 Humanitarian organizations have denounced that Israeli troops are carrying out attacks
03:50 in humanitarian aid corridors in Gaza, with many people having been killed or injured.
03:56 The United States maintains its "Yedj" strategy as a mechanism to advance in Palestinian
04:01 territory.
04:02 Meanwhile, blackouts render freezers and marks useless, preventing citizens from giving their
04:08 relatives a decent burial.
04:15 Are we going now to Gaza, where our correspondent Noor Hassan is located to bring us the latest
04:20 updates in this crucial moment.
04:24 Here in the Gaza Strip, the situation is deteriorating.
04:28 We're talking about hundreds of thousands of people who left their homes in northern
04:33 Gaza and in central Gaza City, and they are now taking shelter in southern Gaza.
04:38 And even southern Gaza is not a safe place today.
04:42 While we are inside the Shuhada al-Aqsa Hospital, which is located in Deir el-Balah, one of
04:49 the cities in southern Gaza, we saw whole families of women and children arriving to
04:55 the hospital after an Israeli air strike targeted to their home.
04:59 The situation is unbearable, indescribable, a whole massacre.
05:05 So even here in southern Gaza, where the Israeli army asked the Palestinian people to evacuate
05:10 and take shelter, is not safe.
05:13 I am now inside the Shuhada al-Aqsa Hospital, and maybe you can see around me hundreds of
05:20 Palestinian families took this hospital as a shelter.
05:24 Also you can see tens of media crews, journalists who are supposed to be in a safe place in
05:37 all times.
05:38 However, even the media crews and the journalists were forced to evacuate Gaza City and northern
05:45 Gaza and start basically streaming from one of the cities in southern Gaza.
05:54 That's why we do not get a lot of footage from northern Gaza.
06:02 The situation, as I said, first it's deteriorating, the hospitals are running out of medicine
06:09 and medical supplies, running out of fuel that generates the intensive care units and
06:16 generates the premature babies units.
06:19 At the same time, the hospitals here said in a statement during the past days that they
06:25 will not be able to accept any injuries.
06:28 However, they are forced to cope with what they are facing.
06:32 We are seeing lots of injuries coming to the hospitals.
06:36 However, the doctors can only treat them by some stitches and bandages.
06:42 This is the situation here in the Gaza Strip for now.
06:46 It is not only Gaza's deadliest war with Israel, but also Gaza's worst humanitarian crisis
06:52 in years.
06:53 Nur Harazin, Telesour, Gaza.
06:57 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the delivery of humanitarian aid for the veterans
07:03 of the Israeli siege in the Gaza Strip.
07:06 In this regard, he urged the Israeli occupation government to facilitate the passage of humanitarian
07:11 aid through the Rafaj crossing.
07:13 At the same time, he denounced blockade implemented by the Israeli regime since it contradicts
07:18 basic human rights.
07:20 Erdogan also warned the possibility that a conflict could destabilize the region.
07:30 We are concerned about the possibility of tension escalating and spreading across the
07:34 region.
07:35 We say frankly that we have never and will never accept any attacks on mosques, hospitals
07:40 and civilian gatherings.
07:42 It is also clear that the blockade which aggravated the humanitarian situation in Gaza made the
07:47 region vulnerable to provocations and dragged it into a critical situation.
07:53 On Saturday, thousands of people rallied in central London for a pro-Palestinian protest
07:58 despite police warnings that anyone showing support for Hamas could face arrest.
08:03 Demonstrators displayed Palestinian flags and placards bearing slogans like "Freedom
08:07 for Palestine" and "Democracy and Sanctions for Israel", gathered near BBC News headquarters
08:13 and marched through the British capital ahead of an afternoon rally near Parliament and
08:18 Prime Minister Abishi's annexed Downing Street office and residence.
08:22 The rally comes as Israel anticipated the shelling of the Gaza Strip, killing hundreds
08:27 of children and women and worsening the humanitarian situation with the blockade of basic necessities.
08:38 And now, against gathering muscle in support of Palestinians amidst rallies and ongoing
08:43 air strike on Gaza, protesters denounced Israel's heavy bombardment of the besieged
08:48 Shein Klaif that has so far killed more than 2,200 people.
08:53 Tens of thousands of people have fled onto the streets around the world in support of
08:57 the Palestinians.
08:58 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at El Sori English where
09:10 you can find us in different formats, new updates and more.
09:14 Other studies coming up, stay with us.
09:36 Welcome back. Ecuador's National Electoral Council completed the deployment of the security
09:40 plan to guarantee the holdings on Sunday's presidential runoff.
09:44 Following the beginnings of the electorate silence on May 9th, this Friday, some 100,000
09:50 security forces were deployed throughout the country.
09:53 There were more than 53,700 police officers and 42,296 military personnel in charge of
10:01 protecting the public during the voting day.
10:05 As of Sunday, more than 9,000 officials of the Federal Minister's Network, the Race
10:09 Management Secretariat, and the Integrated Security Service will be active to respond
10:14 to any emergency.
10:19 In this context, the Electoral Council launched on Friday the home voting process as part
10:29 of the early presidential runoff.
10:31 The Electoral Council established 166 mobile voting stations through 122 established routes.
10:38 It is suspected that some 470,000 people with disabilities will vote on Sunday's election
10:45 day.
10:49 In Mexico, indigenous leaders have marched demanding the release of over 50 people kidnapped
10:54 by armed groups in the state of Chiapas.
10:57 A relative and inhabitants of more than 100 indigenous communities protested in the midst
11:02 of the violent stirs by organized crime in the municipality of Altamira.
11:07 Among those kidnapped are indigenous community leaders.
11:11 The kidnapping of a group of close to 100 people occurred last Tuesday, October 10,
11:16 as they returned from a meeting in the city of Tucla Gutierrez, the capital of Chiapas.
11:25 In Australia, voters have sent notes for proposals by the Prime Minister to give First Nations
11:30 people a voice in Parliament.
11:33 On Saturday, Australia held a referendum and initiative which foresaw the creation of a
11:37 body called Double Voice, which allowed members from different indigenous communities to provide
11:43 independent advice to the executive and the Parliament on issues relating to First Nations
11:47 people.
11:49 Prime Minister António Albanís regretted the results and said this is not the end of
11:53 the road and certainly not the end of this administration's efforts to bring people
11:57 together as he had promised in his electoral campaign.
12:02 The note got 58.4% of the votes, whereas 42% of the people voted yes.
12:12 In New Zealand, citizens elected a new Conservative government Saturday, with incumbent Prime
12:17 Minister Chris Hedges considering his central-left Labour Party's sit-in power won over.
12:23 Higgins, who replaced the term leader Hacinda Ardern in January, said he was not in a position
12:28 to form a government and had already congratulated Premier in waiting Christopher Luxen.
12:34 Higgins told Labour supporters that the result was not one that any of them wanted, but said
12:39 they should be proud of what they achieved over the last year.
12:43 The National Party and its coalition partner ATS were projected to win 61 seats with 97%
12:49 of the vote tallied, enough to secure a majority in New Zealand's 120-seat Parliament.
12:55 The election campaign has been dominated by an increasingly difficult economic situation
13:00 and a spike in the cost of living that New Zealanders heard.
13:10 Earlier this evening I called Christopher Luxen to congratulate him on National's results.
13:16 While its MMP and the numbers are likely to move around a little bit before the final
13:20 count, as it stands, Labour is not in a position to form another government.
13:25 I gave it my all to turn the tide of history, but alas, that was not enough.
13:32 The leader of New Zealand's National Party and Premier in waiting, Christopher Luxen,
13:36 reacts after his party's success in the general election.
13:40 This Government will deliver for every New Zealander.
13:47 Because we will rebuild the economy and deliver tax relief.
13:52 We will bring down the cost of living.
13:56 We will restore law and order.
14:01 We will deliver better health care.
14:05 And we will educate our children so that they can grow up to live the lives that they dream
14:10 of.
14:26 In Ghana, a dam overflowing has caused flooding and displacement in the southern part of the
14:31 country.
14:32 The overflowing of the Asokombo Dam has resulted in at least seven people being injured and
14:37 houses and plantations near the Baltar River being swept away.
14:42 The Ghanaian Government reports water and electricity supply failures.
14:45 Meanwhile, Baltar River Management and the MPAS authorities have evacuated over 4,000
14:50 people from the area as a precautionary measure.
14:58 The United Nations is considering an expansion of funds to help those affected by the deadly
15:03 earthquake in western Afghanistan.
15:05 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees launched a US$14.4 million humanitarian appeal
15:12 to provide shelters, heaters and warm clothing to survivors camping outdoors.
15:17 The agency is also seeking funding to repair schools and health care facilities and provide
15:22 psychosocial and mental health support to children and families.
15:27 Afghanistan was struck by two massive earthquakes last Saturday, followed by serious aftershocks,
15:33 including a major one on Wednesday that flattened several houses that were swerved from the
15:37 initial quake.
15:44 We have a second show break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
15:48 channel at Tolstoy English, where you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
15:53 special broadcastings and more.
15:55 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
15:59 world's most recent events.
16:01 Financial break, don't go away.
16:10 Welcome back.
16:11 Sudan's brutal war continues after six months inflicting unmeasurable suffering and danger
16:17 on lives, displacing millions from their homes and causing deaths even in areas far from
16:22 the frontlines.
16:23 With more than 9,000 deaths, 5.6 million displaced people and refugees, cholera and
16:29 de-industrialization, the war that broke out between General Al-Burhani and Mohamed Amdan
16:34 Daglu has brought Sudan to its knees and ravaged its capital Khartoum.
16:39 Across the country, the fragile health system is struggling, emergency rooms are overcrowded
16:44 and many hospitals have closed completely.
16:47 With no end to the war, inside, NGOs are calling for a substantial increase in efforts to provide
16:53 humanitarian aid and for the people of Sudan to be allowed and hindered access to medical
16:58 assistance.
17:03 The Egyptian opposition politician, Amey al-Tandawi, said he will withdraw from the presidential
17:09 race.
17:10 The decision comes after weeks of accusation of harassment and arrest by the authorities.
17:16 Despite garnering significant support after announcing his intention to challenge the
17:20 current president, Adel Fadal Sisi Tantawi managed to secure only 14,000 endorsements,
17:27 falling short of the required 25,000 endorsements necessary to officially register his candidacy.
17:33 To be eligible for the presidential race, each candidate must submit endorsements from
17:38 either 20 lawmakers or 25,000 citizens by October 15.
17:43 The presidential elections are scheduled to be held from December 10 to 12 this year.
17:52 In the United States, the head of the Southern Command, Laura Richelson, discredited the
17:57 work of the media of Latin America and the world.
17:59 Among them, an informant of the multiplatform TeleSur.
18:02 During the conference, Richelson admitted that Washington is in a conflict over the
18:07 dominance of information, while blaming media like TeleSur, Sputnik and Russia Today for
18:12 allegedly not practicing verification journalism, in addition to spreading disinformation and
18:18 undermining democracy through the hemisphere.
18:21 Richelson is the current commander of the United States Southern Command, one of the
18:26 Pentagon's six geographic commands operating contingency plans in Central America, South
18:31 America and the Caribbean entity.
18:33 Entity that maintains various military bases in the region and has been behind multiple
18:37 invasions and acts of interference in the continent.
18:44 The president of a multiplatform, Patricia Villegas, rejected recent statements of the
18:49 head of the U.S. Southern Command against TeleSur, unassured that the platform will
18:54 continue to be the voice of the people of the global South.
18:58 Patricia Villegas wrote on X two days ago in Latin American-China Challenges, a conversation
19:04 with South Commander General Lara Richelson referred among other issues to the information
19:09 battle and regrets the impact of Sputnik, Russia Today and TeleSur.
19:15 In another post, the president of a multiplatform stated, "Mr. Richelson described what is
19:20 not her competence and openly shows her position on media outlets, which in the case of TeleSur,
19:26 have an agenda that will never depend on her office."
19:29 In turn, Villegas stated the media she mentions, and particularly TeleSur, have great global
19:35 and regional recognition for being the voice of a community increasingly interested in
19:39 its own history and in understanding the context of reality.
19:43 Agriere proposed the interference of the aforementioned command.
19:47 Finally, the president of TeleSur added that "no attempt to discredit us will distance
19:53 TeleSur from the path and commitment to the construction of a region that has become a
19:57 large homeland with a world with a privileged space for the South.
20:02 This world that is being born is plural, with a symphony of voices.
20:06 We are working on it without rest or pause."
20:14 Venezuelan Foreign Minister Ivan Gil denounced the recent threats of the head of the U.S.
20:18 Southland Command against our TeleSur information multiplatform.
20:22 On ex-Venezuelan foreign minister wrote, "There were threats to TeleSur from the head of the
20:26 Southland Command, Laura Richardson.
20:29 They tried to intimidate the free information of the people.
20:32 It is simply unacceptable.
20:34 Our solidarity embraced the TeleSur workers.
20:36 They have not been able to silence our voice."
20:46 Also through the social network X, the Minister of Communications of Venezuela, Fredy Náñez,
20:50 said the statements of the head of the Southland Command against the TeleSur, Russia Today
20:54 and Sputnik are false and represent a threat to freedom and instruction on the U.S. side
20:59 of independent journalism in Latin America.
21:08 TeleSur received statements from the head of the United States Southland Command, Laura
21:12 Richardson, as a threat that, far from intimidating a multiplatform, reaffirms our commitment
21:17 to continue seeking and transmitting the message of those who have been silenced in their attempt
21:23 to promote the process of vindication and transformation in favor of a true democracy
21:28 of people.
21:29 To this effect, our users and followers in social networks have reacted in accordance
21:35 with our objective and against the attacks of the ex-postwoman of the powers that be
21:39 based in the Pentagon and the White House.
21:42 So we invite you to continue sharing your comments using the hashtag #IamTeleSur.
21:48 For now, we have come to the end of this brief.
21:51 You can find these and many other stories on our website, www.telesurenglish.net.
21:56 And join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
22:01 For TeleSur English, I'm Ana Rosabal.
22:03 Thank you for watching.
22:04 [music]
